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Captain Codpiece

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Posts posted by Captain Codpiece

  1. i have side LEDs on my buzzard 2, and fretfx (old model) on my jag bass.

    the fretfx are really easy to do and look ok, they are visible up close, if you are looking for the strip but if you don't have them on people cant tell they are there from the stage.

    obviously the status is inbuilt and people freak out the first time they see them :)

  2. i bought a box of those daneletro batteries about 6 years ago :) didnt last long :) (i think i kept one as it looks cool)
    they sounded great in my phaser (behringer big muff case clone).

    i tend to get EverReady or duracells for my actives, especially my B2 which uses 3 of them (18v + LEDs).

    i had a rechargable back in the 90s and it exploded in my bass, no word of a lie the plastic case covering the cells exploded, little bits of shattered plasti and what looked like watch batteries in my cavity (ooh er mrs) luckily it was a cheap n nasty bass.

  3. yeah, just like the tele ones i have those wilkinson jazz pickups have the paper/fiber bobbins and cloth wound wires :)

    tapered poles too so you dont rip the tips of your fingers and knuckles if you play/slap hard

  4. hmm all i am getting from these warwick tv things is their new slogan...... "warwick the sound of fretbuzz"

    the guy is a great technical player, but the recording is pathetic. have they just used the cameras built in mic pointed at the strings????

    still though i would love to have a go of a star bass (single or double cut). they are really great looking basses

  5. [quote name='Cygnus x-1' timestamp='1361230259' post='1983347']
    Do the £48 a set one's come in any off the shelf basses and are these about the best you'll get for fifty quid a pair for a Vintage (brand) jazz? EDIT: Squier classic vibe jazz pair are about £40, do hese compare to the premium wilkinsons?

    from my experience with the wilkinson gear squires duncan designed gear is about on par with the cheaper versions.

    £48 a set is not bad. i think i payed about £30-35 for my telecaster set a few years back. proper chrome neck with cloth wound wires (may have been paper/fiber bobbin too but i cant remember) and the bridge has a proper brass plate like old teles and again the cloth wires. they were also wax potted (you could see the wax on the cloth windings where they meet the pickup)

  6. is it the active BBN5 or the passive?

    i have 2 BBG5a and the pickups were great but the preamp was just ok...... one of them is the said frankenstein above (PMM5 with basslines eq) and the other is in bits awaiting a new pre :) i will get around to it at some point....... only been that way for 4 years though i may see if i can make a housing for a set of lane poor jazz i have, im sure they are a 5 string set (they are in a cheap ebay job at the mo).

  7. i have a P5 in one of my frankensteins, its paired with a basslines MM5.

    output is pretty well matched between the two, and it has the tone you would expect from the type of pickup it is (mine is flipped and slanted, think larry graham moon bass but a P). i have a tele set in my old affinity squire (when they were well made LOL mine is like a tank) they are great.

    i have no problems with the entire brand, as long as you understand that they are not the top dog and dont expect top dog quality at every step. their tuners i have used on a strat (not mine) and they held tune fine and were smooth as silk when winding (they were the higher end of the line) and their trem systems are fine too (same guitar) on the one i played the saddles were really chunky and easy to intonate.

  8. my status B2, wanted a buzzard for years, sadly status stopped making the B1 (thanks hans pieter wilfer :(). i was expecting a really nice easy to play bass that would nail the JE tone easily.

    oh wow, it did that and then some. even unplugged it has the bite and agrression that John was famous for (yes i know its the fingers too), but every time i play it its like its calling me to play like John :)

    and my sandberg just asks to be played every time i pass it.

  9. ooohhh thats a beauty you have there :) i love those new knobs :) and the guys have their relic system down to an art!

    it really does amaze me at times, and i have only had it with sandbergs. sometimes you dont even notice its a 5 when you first look at it (unless you see the head).

  10. i have a PM5 (now called VM5), amazing bass, it really is.

    as for added tones, the bucker adds a stronger tone than a typical J style , its like a cross between a MM and a J, as the MM and P sweet spots physically cross over, the MM in the PM5 is set back a bit more, giving a more honky response rather than typical fat MM tone. the combo of MM and just a tiny bit of P is very MM like. if you want the best of three worlds get the delano hybrid set installed (sandberg offer it as an option) as it is a MM/J combo allowing splitting of the J part so you can have P J/P MM, P,MM or J if you want.

    some people are not keen on the sandberg eq, it is actually a glokenklang made for sandberg. and i think its quite transparent and subtle in its variance (bass and treble manipulation is not as OTT as my simillarly equipped frankenstein with SDBasslines pickups and 3 band EQ)

    also if you go 5 string and rosewood board, you can get a 35" scale neck :) mine is 34" only (not an issue) as i have maple board.

  11. i am decided :)

    im gonna get the 550 115 combo and a 410 cab :D

    i never really thought of taking the 4 screws out and removing the head of the combo :yarr: now i know i can chop and change i am set.

    thanks for the input guys :D

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