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4 candles

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Everything posted by 4 candles

  1. Howdy Im listening too michel camilo "one more once" live album- get some of this down also Dorinda clark cole live album- very gospel, check out "so many times" that will keep the fingers busy!!! Maceo Parker live "shake everything U got" is good for keeping things solid. stevie wonder gig "live at last" 02 araean - good version of spain, unusual key ( band are sh*te, with the exception of the drummer and stevie) but a god tune to have a bass workout too/ changes etc. (you can even practice improvising a better bass solo than (big watts) who's solo is absoloutly dreadful. Regards Mark
  2. avoid women singers they are a f**king neusence!
  3. why does every slap bass soloist man or woman one want too sound like marcus miller!!!
  4. you are "the ultimate gear slut"!!!! cant keep track of your purchases man regards Mark
  5. sometimes, i "dost venture south"!!! welcome my friend bass is a good choice Regards Mark
  6. Many thanks Stuart, an honest basschatter whom went above and beyond for me. I would certainly reccomend if you wish for a good/honest and easy transaction. All above board, diamond geezer All the best stuart Regards Mark
  7. why did you leave? tell us more, then we can advise
  8. I love your reccomendations, right up my street. dont know where you find all this funky goodness from though but keep it up
  9. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1246096' date='May 26 2011, 07:18 PM']This particular model has been learning to play now for about 4 months and is already a decent player. I help of course and she is av ery intelligent young lady and a karate black belt into the bargain. I have a goal to manage a band of girls who make music like Sonic Youth/Little Axe but look, well, [i]striking[/i]. That's all by the by for now as I'm selling or trading this bass [/quote] the 2 best things in life, women and bass god bless you and your photography skills!!
  10. this looks really cool and good fun,. I suppose it captures elements of both acoustic and electric bass, best of luck with the sale
  11. [quote name='wombatboter' post='1241234' date='May 23 2011, 09:30 AM']I don't feel insulted at all and I'm from Belgium...:-) Maybe not everybody's humour but I thought it was rather funny.. it referred a bit imo to "I'm from Barcelona". To be honest I have also received quite some puzzling posts from certain areas and I thought they were pushing the limit a bit but you learn how to deal with it.. If I'm correct I already bought a bass(wasn't it the mocha Fender ?) from the seller (bought a lot of stuff around here with very correct people).. Good luck with your sale ![/quote] Howdy, my attempt at humour obviously upset a few persons so i editted my post accordingly. Ive had nothing but really insulting offers from across europe which is why the comment was applied in the first instance. the bass has now sold so we can all now move on hope you are still enjoying the jazz mate Regards Mark
  12. point taken, post eddited accordingly
  13. bumpy bumpy bumpy
  14. Dont waste your time, stop in the warm of greece and enjoy some good food,sunshine and sea Ragards Mark
  15. think you need to get a delorian, drive it at 88mph and GO BACK IN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. [quote name='4 candles' post='1239803' date='May 21 2011, 11:25 PM']look at chrimuzz avatar for incentive on improving "left hand technique"[/quote] or "right hand technique"
  17. look at chrimuzz avatar for incentive on improving "left hand technique"
  18. shuker basses are by far the best crafted basses in terms of workmanship, ballance and attention to detail I have ever seen, owned and played, workmanship is second to none but resale value is very poor, I have sold all 3 of my custom made basses at a great loss. perhaps should have kept em, hindsight is a wonderfull thing. I have reservations with the customer service though, but my peers speak very highly in this respect, perhaps its me. City of steel is a nice place to viit, lots of natural beauity, countryside and..................... Regards Mark
  19. Welcome, is helsinki neer Torquay?
  20. regarding gas a fellow basschatter recentlty commented " you always end back where you started from. me thinks its true forgrt about the sei, overwater etc # enjoy the playing!!!!
  21. god gave him so much musical tallent, but in the othe hand took so much away (the lord moves in some funny ways) i love victors playing but I think he reherses his licks best bass player by far, wipes the floor with jaco,miller etc but to me its still its his hot licks
  22. [quote name='gub' post='1214265' date='Apr 28 2011, 09:58 PM']Sorry if its a stupid question ,but am a bit confused![/quote] nothing, its all in the figers!!!
  23. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='1213480' date='Apr 28 2011, 07:56 AM']Is it just me or does this body look HUGE?!? [url="http://allevacoppolo.com/accessories/alleva+coppolo+hippy+dippy+trippy+bass"]http://allevacoppolo.com/accessories/allev...ppy+trippy+bass[/url] [/quote] stop being a bitch, just because you cant afford one!!!!
  24. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='1212830' date='Apr 27 2011, 04:49 PM']Victor's playing at [url="http://www.hemnesjazz.no/"]http://www.hemnesjazz.no/[/url] tonight with no Fodera, thanks to an airline c*ck up. If there are any Norwegians with a nice bass, preferably a Fodera, can they come to Mr Wooten's rescue, pronto? Let me know![/quote] If Id spent 10k on a bass, Id put that on the seat next to me on the plane, and the wife in the cargo hold!!!!
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