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Everything posted by sirmuppet

  1. I decided to hold off for the moment on getting the 4x10 and have ordered an ob1 head to replace my orange terror head. Will get a chance soon hopefully to try the head and 15 along with a 410 and make my decision on the cab.
  2. Hey man. Can't answer all of them for you but I have a 2 band eq stingray and can tell you it's a boost. I think the actual official term is it starts at a slight cut and boosts from there. But it's. as I ally a boost unlike the 3 band which is cut and boost with centre indent. Only reason I know is I asked the exact same question a week ago, lol.
  3. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1478902507' post='3172659'] Retrovibe sell very well regarded replacement for fifty quid on eBay... [/quote] I've seen this one pop up. Would having one of those on over the stock preamp not hurt the resale value?
  4. Awesome man. Thanks.
  5. Hi All. I have a Stingray which I've been told needs a new preamp board. Where can I get a replacement from? I had a look online and could drum anything up. I'm not looking to replace it with something else, just a like for like. So looking for an original 2 band eq board for a 2009 Stingray. New or used is fine as long as it's working, so if you know where I can locate them then please let me know . Cheers for any help.
  6. Thanks for the reply guys. Have just been offered an OBC410 and I currently have the OBC15. Which is why I want to check. I feel adding another cab would help with projection in the mix, I hope any way. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1478783970' post='3171609'] This is one of those cases where the drivers used is known, so you can make valid comparisons. The 115 uses the Eminence Kappa 115. It displaces 343cc. The 410 uses Beta 10s. They displace 102cc each, for a total of 408cc. The Kappa 15 does have a lower frequency range than the Beta 10, but when you go lower in frequency the displacement requirement for equal output increases. If the 115 was going to be a good match with the 410 it would need considerably more displacement, not less. A 115 along with a 210 would make far more sense. As to the Beta 10 and Kappa 15 specifically, both are low end drivers, frankly not worthy of being used in cabs in the price range of Orange. There are many cabs with better drivers that sell for less. Not that I doubt your experience, but it would be the exception to the rule, as the average 115 has less displacement and lower sensitivity than the average 410. The Orange example is hardly an isolated example. . [/quote] It was certainly more prominent in the mix by a fair bit. Going close up to the speakers it did seem louder. Maybe it was due to it being the bottom cab? Anyway you mention they are lower end speakers. What would you recommend? I do like the OBC115 a lot, just for a bit more top end I thought the OBC410 would be a good match.
  7. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1478712403' post='3171140'] Have you thought about a Darkglass M900? That would allow you to get rid of the Sansamp and the Orange, and will probably take care of any distortion requirements. [/quote] I have actually. Only issue is I would never gig without a backup DI preamp. My current rig allows me to do that. So even though everything is in one package with the M900, if something went wrong with the head I'm left up a certain stinky creek without a paddle, lol. That would include power amp, preamp and overdrive all gone if one thing goes. So I'd still need a backup. I have to say though that the M900 sounds amazing. Just not for me. Unless... ...I get two M900's?
  8. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1478711477' post='3171125'] You're welcome: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBylHJUqv7s"]https://www.youtube....h?v=eBylHJUqv7s[/url] Si [/quote] Ah, that's pretty cool.
  9. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1478710676' post='3171122'] Would [url="http://www.hotroxuk.com/dan-electro-free-speech-talk-box-dtb1.html?utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=organic&gclid=CjwKEAiAr4vBBRCG36e415-_l1wSJAAatjJZYbU-NEu6dO2kVgWA85Q7pHunaH16UOB6SxGtv8rWtRoCLVvw_wcB"]this[/url] do? pretty sure that its 9v center negative. And they say its in stock. [/quote] That's the one I was thinking of just couldn't find one for sale. Cheers man
  10. Hi all. Anyone have any experience running both together? I'm aware of the issues that some say about running different drivers etc... but I'm curious as I've seen a few people run this combo and even Orange has recommended running the 1x15 and 4x10. I have in the past ran an Ashdown 4x10 and 1x15, this sounded good but obviously I had the issue of the 1x15 being louder. Thanks for any feedback on this.
  11. I guess it would. I mean a vocoder would do the same thing. There's something about playing a talk box though that gets the crowd going, lol. I'd prefer it but not essential. I found one talk box at 9v but they no longer make it.
  12. Ok, I've never been one for pedals on my bass setup. I prefer to plug right into an amp and that's it. That said my current band requires that I have different sounds and over time I've come to realise that I need to change things a little. Current setup is. Bass (P-bass, J-bass, Thunderbird, Stingray) - Smoothound Wireless - Korg Pitchblack Custom - Sansamp Bass Driver Deluxe - Orange Bass Terror's effects return (Thus bypassing the preamp of the Orange) - Orange OBC115. I also run the direct out of the sansamp to a rocktron banshee. I personally don't like the sound of my Orange Terror head. This isn't an issue as I really just use it as a power amp now and it does that just fine. In a pinch I'd use it as a head but not long term. So on to the pedal board. Am toying with the idea of removing the wireless. I like the freedom and not having to worry about pulling leads out which I used to do a lot. It's not 100% required. Korg pitchblack custom is perfect, I have no need to remove or change this. The Sansamp Bass Driver deluxe. I use one tone on it as my main and another for a drive. Since I'm looking at getting dedicated drive pedals this makes it 1 channel out of 6 that I use. It's big and good but I'd like to change it up. I've seen the V2 version with the mid control which looks cool and I also like the idea of the Darkglass vintage deluxe or Ultra (to get a slightly gainy tone). I'd be running direct into the PA as well as direct into the return on my Orange so how do Darkglass stack up as DI and preamp pedals as most of the videos I've seen they are running them into amps? Then comes a dedicated drive and maybe a fuzz pedal. I've posted about this before and recently again. The two that caught my eye that were suggested were Darkglass Duality and the Soruce Audio Aftershock. The Duality would be a great fuzz but it won't do the drive sound which flicks me back to the Aftershock. The thing that puts me off that is the fact it runs from an amp and I kinda want it to be future proof and not rely on tech that might be hard to get in 10 years time just to be able to edit it. The drive tone is sort of a song 2, ace of spades type drive, so a classic drive. And finally the talk box. Don't ask but I do use it on the bass, lol. The one I have is great but I need to find a 9v one if possible that runs on the same supply as the above pedals (I know the Smoothound doesn't but that may go or I can get a +/- switch cable, in fact I have one direct from Smoothound). One of the above pedals needs to have a second out for going to the talkbox. I notice a slight drop in volume when engaging it. Doesn't matter what pedal or if it's a stereo or even a dry out, just as long as one pedal has a second out. Ok, so I hope I managed to explain my issues and my needs somewhat. From the above what would you guys suggest?
  13. Thanks. I had an M80 but can't remember ever trying the distortion side for some reason.
  14. [quote name='Tonci' timestamp='1478380473' post='3168790'] Lot's of detailed pics as usual... :-) Btw, nice bass...GLWYS [/quote] Thanks man
  15. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1478472203' post='3169329'] Ask someone else, I've tried neither! [/quote] Lol, no worries. Cheers for putting me onto it though, wouldn't really have looked at MXR otherwise.
  16. That sounds nice. I think I'd probably have to add in a Fuzz too but that's no problem. How would you rate the MXR distortion to the distortion side of the MXR M80?
  17. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1478464009' post='3169238'] The Aftershock is way more versatile, but it is a pain to program. If you put the time into it though you could end up with a bunch of presets for different tracks - Motorhead sounds pretty different to Muse for example! You can get some decent fuzz sounds from blending for example a Muff and Darkglass model in parallel. If it's definitely a heavy fuzz you seek the Duality could work but forget trying to coax overdrive sounds from it - it desperately needs a gain control! [/quote] I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head with what my issues looking at these pedals are. I was worried that if I dialled back the fuzz on the duality that I'd get a sort of farty sound. While the aftershock looks great, the options on it look mind boggling on the app, and in 10 years time will I still be able to get the app to program it? I mean I'm relying on an outside piece of tech to program it. Any other pedals you could suggest? The only reason I was thinking of the two about were when I asked the question about drive pedals a while ago people suggested a few and these were the two that stuck out as being the best. The only other fuzz pedal I have seen that I really liked was the ZVEX Wooly Mammoth but that's expensive!
  18. I would think so as it has a DI and a line out. So as long as either the desk/PA and monitor had the opposite input to each other (as in one took a DI and the other a jack) then you'd be ok. The only issue with a monitor taking that is it would need to be powered and have an onboard volume otherwise you'd have to control the volume via the BDI21. The BDI21 runs similar to my Tech 21 Bass Driver and I've looked into this too.
  19. Hi all. Pretty much as the title suggests. Looking to get a dedicated drive pedal rather than using a channel on my Sansamp. Have narrowed it down to the Darkglass Duality or the Source Audio Aftershock. Has anyone used both? Opinions? I've watched videos and read threads but I'd like some input as to opinions between the two. I play mostly in a covers band and the songs I'd use this on are by bands like Muse, Blur, Motorhead, The Black Keys etc... The Darkglass for me sounds amazing but perhaps only one sound. The Source Audio is great too and will have a better range of tones but I can't hear anything as good on the fuzz side as the Darkglass. I'm also a little against having to rely on software to program it. So with all that, what do you say?
  20. I have a few basses and they all feel very different so hard to tell. The action is certainly higher on a couple but I also use different string makes and material on different basses along with different gauges. I guess I like it that way as each bass has it's own character more so than if they were all setup the same. As my moods change so does the bass I play as my main one.
  21. So an update to a point. I'm taking the bass in to get repaired/checked fully. The seller has said to do this and bill him, he says he'll give me the money back that it costs, but I'll get a cost before going ahead and will check with him. He also insists on providing a new case for the cracked one. So fair play to him, he's been great to deal with. I'll let you all know what the problem turns out to be.
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1478105470' post='3166802'] I wonder if the phono jack is faulty/dirty or needs the tangs bending back which is stopping the preamp cutting in fully? Looks all standard so that is a good start. [/quote] Am just about to email the seller back. He's been really good about getting back etc... He was 100% right that it is the stock preamp but it certainly doesn't work as it should and my tech confirmed that. I may ask him if it's ok to have it put in and checked/priced for repair, will mention what you said about the jack. He offered to replace the case which is cracked free of charge but I'd rather have the bass repaired than the case replaced. Will keep you all posted as to what happens. Thanks for all the advice so far
  23. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1478097279' post='3166726'] Hmm, no obvious signs of having been molested. Circuit diagram and wiring schematic below in case that's of any use. [/quote] Thanks man. I had a look online and it looks like the newer 2009 board according to the site I found, looked identical. The tech I had the bass into said it wasn't behaving properly and agreed that the pots seemed to be fully on or off, no gradual increase etc... He could say more without test it properly but I was on t lunch and pressed for time.
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