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Everything posted by sirmuppet

  1. Seems decent. I Do have some sort of zoom thing I used for practicing with my headphones on. B1N maybe?
  2. Never heard of this but I'll take a look. Thanks.
  3. I told Ernie Ball I post up this thread and they asked what they could do to make it right. So I told them I had it with Cobalts, I'd just rather have regular strings. Which they've now said they will send me. I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking it was a bad idea. I would never have done it as it didn't sound right, just wondered if anyone else had tried or been told to do it. At least they've sorted me now.
  4. Well this was Ernie Ball UK sayign this to me. I would never do it but it seems the consensus is that it's not a good idea which is what I thought. Eventually Ernie Ball relented and offered me a set of strings to which I said just regualr ones rather than Cobalts. Thanks for the opinions. It was exactly what I thought 🙂
  5. The B3N looks decent. That perhaps along with a Sansamp could hit the spot actually.
  6. That's pretty much my thoughts on multi effects. I'm not sold on the sound or ease of use. It's sort of a clean, semi driven and full driven. Even then a chorus is probably only going to be used on 2 songs and I reckon I could get away without it. I'm sort of trying to talk myself out of it as I've never been an effects guy. It's sort of a box that does everything in pedal form which is why I'm drawn to it. I did have a Sansamp deluxe and used that instead of the preamp to my head. So I never really classed it as a pedal. Even then I still hated having to take an extra item along with me, even if it did save me when my amp wouldn't work, lol. Yeah, it was a deluxe I originally thought about but just being in a covers band I'm on the fence about getting the effects to have the sound. Again, do I really need to? I had the POD HD500 before and it wasn't for me. I have been watrching your VT deluxe and trying to decide if I want to go for it. I had a VT before but I can't remember why I got rid of it. Maybe just as I had the BDDI deluxe with the extra channels.
  7. Cool. With the fly rig 2 I know there's an octave/fuzz effect. Can you just have the fuzz alone on that? Thanks.
  8. Ha ha. I'll need to use that as and excuse to go to KFC!
  9. Thanks. These strings have had only about 3 hours use in total. The black spots appeared even before I really used them. It was the same bass that had cobalts on for about 2 years prior and the ones I took off looked newer than the ones that had just been put on. After 3 hours use they look even worse! Yeah, I rub my strings down after use to. Not going at far as to use what you do. I mean Cobalts aren't cheap or as easy to find so I want them to last as long as they can. I've replied to Ernie Ball. Will see what they say.
  10. Thanks guys. Didn't want to add it until I had a couple of replies but this was Ernie Ball themselves advising I do this with a set of Cobalts. They went on my bass which was stored in it's case. It came out 2 weeks later with black spots on the strings. Now no other basses have this, and it's stored inside in a dry condition. After less than 3 hours play the G turned very dark and the spots got worse. This is the thread email:
  11. So I just auditioned and got into a new covers band. They've been playing for years and I'm quickly having to learn their set. Having gone through it I think I'm gonna need to invest in some effects of some sort. My last band I was able to get away with using my bass heads clean and drive channels. I've since gone to a lighter single channel head. The songs have varied bass tones like you'd expect. I've been looking for a little while and I can decide what to go for. Do I go for a multi effects (Something I've never gelled with but it's been years since I used any), single pedals along with something like a Sansamp deluxe or the Bass Fly Rig V2? Am needing a clean, semi driven and full driven tones along with probably a chorus though I could maybe get away without that. I like things as simple as possible but don't want anything sub-par if that makes sense? Would love a light 3 channel bass head but I don't think one exists, lol. Any advice?
  12. Has any one tried using steel wool to clean their bass strings? Just wondering as it's been suggested to me to do this and it doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
  13. Perfect. I had a 62 reissue and ended up drilling out an angle so I could get a screw driver in there (Tip of Geddy Lees tech I saw). Now have a 60 reissue and might need a setup when I change strings. With this, I won't even need to take the neck off! £14 once would pay for itself as hate taking the neck off. Thanks for sending me the link. Much appreciated. 😊
  14. That's an awesome pic. 😍 Do you have a link to that heel adjustment tool? I just had a look and couldn't find it.
  15. I dunno why they didn't stick with that.
  16. @KiOgon has done a 3 looms for me. 2 where there was a master volume, blend and tone (For a Jazz Bass). Easy to install and pretty much foolproof to use. Plus he never got angry at me for asking a huge amount of questions. Top guy. The loom should be killer.
  17. I eventually figured it out. I was muting the E with my thumb. It wasn't enough pressure to fret it but enough that the string vibration from playing the G made it vibrate and rattle. In all my time of playing I've never had this. Was really weird as one fret higher or lower and nothing, just that one note at that one position.
  18. I get why a store might not let you tweak the set up in store. If it were my store ans someone asked, I'd say no as I don't know that you know what you're doing but I would offer to do it on your behalf. Outright flat rufusing that and the offer to do it isn't on. Then saying if you buy it we'll charge you more, ha ha. Glad you walked out without it, their loss. My local store will offer a free setup providing the bass isn't the cheapest of the cheap. And even then if you say something specific about that setup they'll change that for you there and then or before you collect it free. I got a Fender 60th Jazz bass and the setup on that was pretty good. It wasn't ultra low or fast but decent enough that I didn't have to take the neck off the adjust it. I agree temperature, time, humidity etc... all play a part in how it arrives in store. I get why not every one is set up in a store either, I mean if you have 100 guitars and each takes on average 30 mins or so to setup that's a long time. That's also only for the ones you have up, replacing what you sell adds to that time. Don't get me wrong though, I do know Fender do miss on their QC. I had an Aerodyne where the fret edges wer super sharp. Could have been shrinkage (oo er). There was also a Nate bass that the neck plate seemed to have been put on when the paint wasn't fully dry as there were ripples like thick paint had squeezed out under preasure. I don;t think Fender are the only guilty party but they are certainly one of the most famous brands and as such will come under fire for this sort of thing.
  19. So like the title suggests I was playing a song last night that requires a little run. The last note of the first run is a D on the G string 7th fret. Every time I hit that note it buzzes. Have tried fingers and a pick but the same. I play the run up or down 1 fret and no buzz. So I swapped basses and the same thing (J & P basses). If I hit the note on it's own like I've just fretted it then it doesn't buzz. If I play the run and hit it maybe 3 or so times by the time I hit the 4th time it doesn't buzz. I'm thinking this has to be something in my technique but I'll be damned if I can figure it out. Tried fretting with the top of my finger and side to see if there's any difference. Playing standing up and sitting down (happens less when sitting down but still happens). I've Googled it but all I can come up with are people saying the E is sympatheically ringing. For me it's not the E, it's 100% the G on the 7th fret as I use my thumb to mute the E. For anyone wonder what the run is, it's the one below. Just the first part that's the issue which would be the part on the D (First bar), hope that makes sense? Have any of you had a similar issue?
  20. Here's a question for you. How does the Bass driver and VT bass on the fly rig V2 compare to the stand alone pedals? Exactly the same tone? I know from using the BDDI v1 & v2 that the v2 with the added mid control sounded very different and could be down to me not finding the right mid setting the v1 would have been defaulted to.
  21. Thought so. It would have been nice to have that option but in reality I used the bass driver deluxe for a long time and set the EQ the same on all channels and just changed the gain/volume on each. So it probably won't be an issue for me, would have been cool but likely you'd have to change the EQ between them and with a shared EQ it makes sense to not offer that option. Unless the V3 has basically a BD & VTB deluxe in it, lol. I really like what they have done with this pedal though.
  22. I'm very tempted by this. I was looking to get a Sansamp and couldn't decide between a VT Bass or the Bass Driver. Also need to get a chorus and I borrowed an octave pedal and while I liked it I couldn't justify buying one for just one song. So this looks to have it all and the demo sounds ace. Anyone know if the Sans amp can be switched between voicings via the pedal or is it you have either VT-bass or Bass Driver? I'm thinking it's one or the other from the demo like you can have a clean VT-Bass and then an over driver VT-Bass but can't have a clean VT-Bass then an overdriven Bass Driver.
  23. Hi D_G Long shot but have you still got this? Thanks.
  24. 100% sound like rounds. Bright and punchy as hell. I ended up going for the Stadium Elite Roundwounds as I'm thinking it might be them. Certainly from looking at a pick the colour scheme is the same. Got a decent deal on them too.
  25. Awesome. I knew about half rounds but didn't know the groundwound term. 😊 Have ordered a set so looking forward to A-B them against a set of Rotosounds that are on their way. Cheers again for the help and to Pow_22
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