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Everything posted by deksawyer

  1. I've tried the guitar amps but not the bass. Nice and cheap, but there's really nothing else to say about them. D.
  2. Think budget Peavey and you're there.... D.
  3. [quote name='Bassassin' post='115724' date='Jan 7 2008, 07:52 PM']Shame - but needs must, I guess. Any idea who bought it? there are some serious/completist Ibanez collectors from Germany who post on the ICW forum - a southpaw 2389B would be right up their street! J.[/quote] It was Arni from leftybass.com. I got £350 for it plus shipping which was probably a bit less than I could have got, but anyway........... D.
  4. RIP. Mine will be winging its way to Germany later this week. I said I'd never sell it, but my Wal soon sorted that out. It was fun while it lasted. D.
  5. Need to get a more up to date pic; D.
  6. If you could do the 2x10 for £130 posted, I'll more than likely take it.......... D.
  7. [quote name='mikeh' post='108801' date='Dec 24 2007, 09:11 AM']Cant you just send it back to where you get it??[/quote] Would you swap for a Genz Benz Neo-Pak 3.5? Check out my thread further down the page. D.
  8. [quote]Is it a full on modern sound? Can it do that sweet deep low, but with a sparkly top end?[/quote] Well it's supposed to by all accounts, and I'm going to give it one more shot at our next practice. It's a wonderful piece of kit and I'd like to keep it if I can find my sound. D.
  9. It is capable, but it hasn't been modded to do so. Genz are sending me the required upgraded parts to officially enable it to drive a 2ohm load. I have a friend who is an aerospace electronic design engineer who is going to carry out the mod for me. Having said that, it's loud enough at 4ohm if that's what your cab(s) are rated at. D.
  10. Maybe a swap on the cards, but I'll give it a bump anyway... D.
  11. I'm very interested, but need to sell my Neo-Pak first! D.
  12. I just bought this of BB2000, but it doesn't seem to work well with my cabs compared to my NA650. It has a nice bright, modern sound - very fast and sharp. I like the sound actually, but it doesn't sit well in my current band. 350w @ 4ohm, valve preamp and a great EQ. Plenty loud enough. Nice and light as well; just under 4kg. Pretty much A1 condition, with a couple of very faint marks on the top. Front panel is A1. I paid £300 for it, but I'm including a brand new Genz padded shoulder bag and a rack ear kit worth around £60 (EDIT - rack ears haven't shown up so may well not be available). EDIT - NEW PRICE; (£340) [b]£320[/b] inc P&P without rack ears (which didn't show up). D.
  13. Just to give the wee GB a wee bump! I bought a used Neo-Pak from John a few weeks ago and it was first class service all the way. Amp was perfect and despite my initial thoughts, it's a sound I can warm to - it's very tight and modern sounding and will show up every flaw in your playing. They're also very, very well made and extremely light. Mine does 350w @4 ohm, and even at that it's pretty damn loud. Buy it - it's a very good price. D.
  14. Hi John any update as to the transfer/shipping..?? thanks Derek.
  15. I'll take the Genz Benz, as long as it's in perfect working and cosmetic condition. Where in Scotland are you? email me if you like: deksawyer at lineone dot net cheers D.
  16. I did this around a year ago with a 'no-name' Jazz, which turned out to be a Jim Deacon, which is made by SX. It's complicated. Anyway, bought it new from ebay for £100, fitted a Gotoh bridge and persuaded the missus to buy me an Audere pre for last Christmas. Not wanting to use the stock pickups, I also fitted a pair of split coil Barts at the same time. I screened the cavity as well. Plays very well and gigs very well too. No complaints from me - the neck is wonderful. Actually, the only thing that bothers me is the slight misalignment of the scratchplate on the lower horn. I'm going to be fitting a set of GHS Brite Flats as soon as they come in. D.
  17. [quote name='mr pablo' post='72107' date='Oct 10 2007, 12:31 PM']I saw a Wal in the kirkcaldy one fro £600 a few years back[/quote] Yes, and I know who has it!! It's an early Wal Pro. They also sold someone an Ibanez Jem (the dear one) for £800 although it was a fake. Made the local paper....... D.
  18. Westside only picked up Elixir a few months ago..........I'l try and find out what's happening. D.
  19. That's a belter!! V.nice. D.
  20. John was very kind to loan me a J-retro a few weeks ago (which I'll post back to you this week!!). I currently have a jazz with an Audere fited. They're very different in terms of operation and sound. The Audere has more tonal variation, sounds a bit more open and is slightly noisier (but we're not talking hiss city). The battery strength indicaor is nice, but it would have been nice to have a passive switch as well. The Z controls are very good, going from a very deep dubby sound (neck p'up) to a very good stingray sound (bridge p'up) at the flick of a switch. The J-retro sounds just like how you'd expect an active jazz to sound, in that it just makes the instrument more 'beefy' for want of a better word. Less tonal variation, a bit more mellow and silent in operation. Passive switch is good. Overall, a bit more subtle. Both are built very well, but the J-reto [i]just[/i] pips the Audere. I think the J-retro is a wee bit better looking as well. I'm quite happy with the Audere, and currently have no plans to change it. If I bough another Jazz, i'd fit a J-retro, just to have some different tones (but I think the Wal could take care of everything I'll need). D.
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