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Everything posted by deksawyer

  1. All this talk is very interesting, but I'd like to know why you were charged £150 for the small amount of work you had done. Not saying it isn't top spec work, but that just sounds like an awful lot of/or expensive workshop hours.... Glad you're happy though, and it's a great looking bass as well. D.
  2. My lefty is 20 years less old, and it has a nicer flamed neck, but that is gorgeous and I'd imagine a very difficult thing to put a value on. If I was loaded I'd haggle a decent price for it......
  3. A few weeks in with the Eich 15s and they're still the best sounding cabs I've had from Thomas over the years. Couldn't be happier. Playing over the neck results in massive bottom and the normal bridge/mid position gives off the superb high end from the 4" hi frequently driver. Never had anything like it. Lightweight too. D.
  4. ....and the question most unasked - why did you not put a TKS badge on it? PS - I was gonna say Barefaced, but I designed that logo years ago and I understand it's not for everyone. I don't mind it, but I'd do it differently now, esp for the more vintage looking cabs. Alex, give me a shout if you want a retro design badge. Same cost as last ones, i.e. nowt. D.
  5. [quote name='pepe1001' timestamp='1460402439' post='3025473'] Hi D! Thanks for opening this thread! Peter Paul [/quote] No worries!
  6. Some very interesting gear there. Damn you!! D.
  7. My ar(ray) from last nights show - the first outing of the Mesa head and the Eich cabs. This is the best bass rig I've ever had, no question. The 4" hi freq drivers are just amazing.
  8. Cheers Owen, but I already have one of those - it was a lighter Hoscox I was after... D.
  9. I wouldn't call it flimsy - it more than supports the weight of the cab. Not sure I'll ever use the tilt feature though.. D.
  10. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1458851470' post='3011634'] They look great. What is that overflow pipe sticking out of the rear port? [/quote] C'mon! That's the excess bass overflow pipe for boomy stages - it has a very small diameter to keep as much bass goodness in as possible: it drips away as required. It isn't, it's the pole for the tilt-back, or did you not read my brief write up? D.
  11. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1458733940' post='3010254'] I like the handles! They look like petrol caps from a car! [/quote] Yeah, that's where you top up with bass if it gets a bit low!
  12. Well, what can I say.....these cabs are great. They are loud, very loud - with the help from the Mesa Subway D-800. Let's start at the bottom: Plenty bottom end without being boomy at all, tight and well balanced. They're not the fattest sounding cabs I've heard but what I heard tonight was to my preference. Mid and top though is, in my opinion, where these cabs come into their own. With the filter on the D-800 set at 10 o'clock, bass flat, low mid 1 o'clock. hi mid 2 o'clock, treble 1 o'clock and both 4" drivers set to full, it was a very pleasing growly sound from the fretless Ray. I don't know what the crossover freq for the 4" drivers are, but what a difference to your normal horn tweeter. Less clanky (by a huge amount) and with a nice useable hi end. If you require a bit of hi end bite, then I don't know why most other manufacturers aren't using something similar - but I know a few are. Very nice cabs - they're probably at the top end of what I'd like weight wise - according to the specs they're 14 odd kg's. Less weight would be better, but with the nice handle on top, they're easily lifted together. There's a tilt back system as well - a stainless steel pole is clipped to the bottom of each cab, and there's a bracket on the rear to enable the cabs to easily tilt back if required - unclip the pole, stick it in the bracket and you have tilt back. There's also metal plates on the top of each cab (I opted not to have mine fitted, but do have them) so if you added small magnets to the base of your amp (if it's lightweight - and the Eich heads come fitted with them) then the amp can safely sit at an angle on the tilted cab. Highly recommended and worth adding to your GAS list. And get this (I've just realised) I've had 3 generations of Thomas's cabs - started with 2 Tech Soundsystems XS112 cabs, a Tecamp M212, and now the Eich 115Xs cabs. All of them were excellent, but the XS112 cabs were only 9kg's each as I added some lighter B&C drivers in them!! Now that was an easy lift. D. Some random phone pics:
  13. A wee bit late, but you can blame the Brits for that...here are 2 Eich 115 XS cabs - they're a lot smaller than they look. Will try them tomorrow night at volume...
  14. My Eich 115XS cabs should be here on Fri. Let the party commence!! D.
  15. [quote name='CletePurcel' timestamp='1456957069' post='2994104'] Hmmm. The 500 is only £75 more than the 200. [/quote] Decision made then!! When the time comes to be loud enough to be heard with a band, you'll appreciate spending those 75 notes more than anything you've ever done before. Trust me. If you don't spend it now, you'll spend it further down the line when you realise you have to upgrade. And I'll always spend the required amount when I could rather than arse about at a later date, but I am from Fife! Much tighter than a Yorkshireman!! D.
  16. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' timestamp='1456858708' post='2992985'] I'm looking forward to you receiving those Eich cabs as well cos I wanna know what you think of them! By the way, how will the Eichs differ from the TecAmp 15s? Do they have a tweeter or 4" paper cone? And how many pennies? [/quote] I sure will let you know! Having sold my Tecamp M212 a few weeks ago to the very nice Derek from Edinburgh, I'm having to use my rehearsal cabs for a gig there this coming Friday - 2 heavy-ish Yamaha BBT210 cabs and a Mesa D-800. Not looking forward to lifting those cabs unless some miracle delivery arrives by the end of the week from Germany. D.
  17. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1456863828' post='2993075'] I feel another amp/cab get together coming on.... [/quote] Oooooh. Great idea. We'll have pizza this time too... D.
  18. No room for 18's here, move along now!! D.
  19. With trepidation, and a touch of inspiration from Mr wallbassist, I've ordered 2 new Eich 115XS cabs, which are virtually identical to those Tecamp cabs. Should be here in 2-3 weeks....... I say trepidation, because I have it in my mind (somewhat unwarranted I know) that 15" speakers are big, slow and old fashioned sounding (whatever the hell that is!). But I really know this isn't the case and I'm so looking forward to receiving the Eich cabs. D.
  20. This is a BARGAIN! Someone BUY IT!!! D.
  21. I seem to remember that when I needed to change the jack on my Ray, the cable had 4 wires - so instead of f***ing around I went for an identical replacement.......... ......but I could be wrong! D.
  22. Aye! I would have bought these if I hadn't ordered 2 Eich 115XS cabs at the end of last week. Timing all round sucks!! These cabs are pretty much all you could ask for and I've played through these actual cabs. Very, very nice and also light. Best of luck with the sale. D.
  23. Stephen, I might ask to borrow that Carbine sometime if that's OK? D.
  24. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1456248303' post='2987060'] Given how you feel, can I suggest it might have been wise to give a thread called '[i]Reasons for [b]not[/b] going micro?[/i]' a fairly wide berth..? [/quote] Ah, but - the thread title ends in a question mark. Here's my general pounds worth: Everyone is different, but for me, lifting my gear (no one else does) it has to be as light as sensibly possible. I've never had a valve bass amp and I don't think I ever will. That's my opinion though.....and it might change. I've had a few traditional solid state amps, and they've never been outrageously heavy. I've had few digital amps and they've all been good, even the Ashdown Superfly and the Subway D-800 is the pinnacle so far for me. That might change sometime as well.... If weight isn't a problem, then buy whatever you fancy. D. PS - and heft is a good word!
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