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Everything posted by inthedoghouse

  1. I was worried I had the same issue yesterday with my MiM P neck, Turns out my allen key wasn't quite long enough so I borrowed one from a bass playing friend across the road (wiped down and handed over with social responsibility). His fitted perfectly, so phewwwwww!!!!! While I was in panic mode I looked up what might be done and came across this interesting video. Good luck with yours!
  2. Some of the Warwick Buzzards have a 'beak' instead of the usual Warwick head, but it isn't as large as the Status Warwick head. I had a Warwick Stryker with the same 'beak' head.
  3. Seeing as you borught up my personal guitar hero, here he is jamming with Johnny Winter at The Scene club in 1968
  4. I'm FB friends with Craig from Who's Next. He's had that Buzzard for a while but it's not a real one - not sure if it isn't a Chinese one. Certainly looks the part though. I think perhaps I'm the only one here who likes those Buzzards 🙂 Crag was selling one a while back
  5. If you have more classically music minded visitors this ought to do the trick 🙂 Or for something more orchestral 🙂
  6. Ha ha ha ha , that would surely drive away even the hardiest of potiential well-wishers! 🙂 🙂 When I first saw the title 'Machine Gun' I naturally immediately think of The Band of Gypsies, but then I remembered this single I had a very long time ago, and I think I might still have. I wonder did anyone else here have timeless classic this back in the day?
  7. Cliff Richard Christmas music often ensures my dour sister in law's visit is shorter than it might otherwise be, come the festive time of goodwill to all 🙂 Sometimes she is forewarned if I say 'Happy Cliffmas' when she arrives 🙂
  8. Will it work with my Dunlop Power Brick?
  9. Don't forget covered in tattoos
  10. DLR borrowed heavily for his stage persona from Jim Dandy
  11. Nice post. Now that's what I like and appreciate - modesty and playing to fit the song rather than showing off.
  12. Blackmore - I absolutely love his playing but understand he seems to be rather less than wonderful as a person. Our drummer stayed in the same hotel as him after a Rainbow gig. He saw RB sitting by himself at the bar the following morning and very politely asked him for an autograph. RB obliged and then said 'now f*** off!'. Gerry McAvoy tells the story in his autobiography, Riding Shotgun, of RB being pushed into a swimming pool and his wig comig off 🙂
  13. I met John McLaughlin once. He was nice enough to me and happily gave me his autograph. But the guy behind me who innocently said 'the wrong thing' to him - oh dear!
  14. I don't count myself a vociferous anti-slapper but there isn't an ounce of envy in me against those who want to play slap. It's just not for me and I have never tried to, or will ever, try to play that style. It isn't in any of the styles of music I listen to and certainly isn't required in the originals band I'm in. The only thing I wish is that it wasn't so ubiquitous in bass demos and so often seen as the mark of a good bass player. Each to their own though.
  15. I'm sure Ted Nugent should be on this list. I never liked his music much anyway, but when I found out what he's like as a person ...
  16. I don't have anything against funk, it's just not my cup of tea. Slapping just grates on my ears though. Having said that, I do recognise that to master slapping to a high level no doubt takes a lot of skill - it's just not my cuppa though.. As others have said, slapping often seems to be the preferred option of demonstrating bass gear on YouTube - if it isn't there at the beginning it usually appears sooner or later, which is when I hit the 'back' button. As I said, I have absolutely nothing against funk, but that also seems to often be the preferred style of playing to demo gear. Each to their own and I'm sure many enjoy it very much. What I do find mildly frustrating though is that other people, especially non-musicians, are often of the view of that slapping is what bass playing is all about and is the mark of a good bass player. I don't know how many times friends have sent me links to 'look at this amazing bass player' only to find five minutes or so of tedious rattle and clank. Again, as others have said, to me it's often the equivalent of someone showing off shredding on a guitar - 'look at me'. It just does asolutely nothing for me. I really don't have anything against slapping per-se but I just wish it didn't seem to be so ubiquitus in the bass world when in fact it is just one more technique that can be used (sparingly?) in some styles of music. Each to their own, but the OP did ask.
  17. It's a steal at that price - excellent intruments!
  18. Thanks for that - I think 200 seems a bit high too. There's one on eBay for 200, which is why I asked. I'm not in a rush.
  19. So what do you think a reasonable price for a used genuine Mex P neck would be? I'll probably be looking for one in the fairly near future.
  20. I haven't bought anythng more than strings for probably the last two years and previous to that it was an amp to replace the one that died on me. I honestly thought I was cured of GAS until this lockdown, now I find myself thinking about it again but don't really have the funds to do anything about it, and I'm a bit stronger willed than I used to be 🙂 Hopefully we'll be able to have rehearsals again in the not tooooo distant future and that will take my mind of it. But as someone else said, it just takes one ad!
  21. I love my Fortress One and all the Fortress series. GLWTS! 🙂
  22. If I had the money I'd snap your hand off!
  23. A guitarist in a band I was in had a Kemper amp - it was one of the reasons I left!
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