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Everything posted by inthedoghouse

  1. I've got so many - some are in cases under the bed, some are hanging up and some are standing up in wardrobes but not in cases. I'd love to have them all out but there just isn't the space. I've always got one ready to hand for when the mood/need to learn something comes to me.
  2. I had a AH 500 into my TE cabs and loved the sound. But when my AH became unrepairabe I was unsure aboout buying another so bought an ABM 500 which I'm very pleased with into the Trace cabs. I've still got an old AH 150 if I want the Trace sound.
  3. Right now I'm listening to an owl hooting somewhere in the distance ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. I've got an early '73 4001 (had it over 30 years) that has the most lovely slim neck and plays beautifully. I haven't played later models so I can't comment on those, but thankfully it looks like others here can. Good luck! ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. What a beauty! I think I'd better get saving for one ๐Ÿ™‚ The black looks cool and very 70s but I really love the tort. Great bass which I'm sure you'll love - congrats! ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Beautiful! Identical to the one I had in the mid 80s - what a lovely bass it was. I PX it for an old 4001 and while I certainly don't regret buying the Rick (I still have it) I wish I could have afforded to have both. And now I wish I had the money to buy this beauty. GLWTS ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. I'm staying away from album tracks or I'll be trying to decide 10 all night, and then change my mind over and over. So here are 10 singles that made the most impact on me when I was just 'discovering' music. It was hearing Voodoo Child on the radio in 1970 that made me want to pick up a guitar in the first place. Voodoo Child (Slight Return) - Jimi Hendrix Experience Black Night - Deep Purple Paranoid - Black Sabbath Back Street Luv - Curved Air 25 or 6 to 4 - Chicago Devil's Answer - Atomic Rooster Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who In My Own Time - Family Lady Eleanor - Lindisfarne My Sweet Lord - George Harrison
  8. Ha ha, brilliant - I never thought I'd see her mentioned on here ๐Ÿ™‚ And let's not forget her pianist, Cosme McMoon ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. That's an amazingly low price for such a nice amp. If I didn't already have one I'd snatch your hand off! GLWTS.
  10. Lovely instrument. Mine's a '96 too, but ocean blue. I'm mainly a P kinda guy but the Corvette is my sencond fave. GLWTS ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. I love sitar music so bought one a few years ago. There is lots on Youtube with lessons but it's just so different, as is the Indian musical notation - it's like trying to learn another language. I pick it up now and then but I know I'll never get to grips with it in any meaningful way. I can add to this that I struggle with mandolin and harmonica. I'd really like to play keyboards and drums but I know I'd be a disaster, so best stick to what I know ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. I'm certainly in no way opposed to lightweight gear but I can't afford it and I'm happy with the sound of my old heavy Trace cabs. Admission time - I bought a trolley though. I remember back in the day a guitarist I played had a Simms Watts 4x12 that we nicknaked 'the concrete factory' because of its weight. The old PA bass bins we had were lighter than that thing!
  13. Maybe it's one of those things where it sounded less than great on stage but good out front? I never heard what an audience heard but I never had any negative comments on my sound. Mind you, it wasn't loud enough either in the days before everything went through the PA and all the backline was on 10. Ahhhh, those were the days, ha ha ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. Hands up here admitting to owning a Stingray - truly awful! What's worse is that I traded a Marshall (I think) head in for it because .... I don't know why. I still use heavy cabs - I've never known anything else and don't mind the weight too much.
  15. This is the last decent band I was in And this is the brill originals band I joined the week before the lockdown - can't wait to get back at it! (audio link) https://rattlesnakesister.bandcamp.com/
  16. I had a Wem ER100 head into a couple of Leech 4x12s for a few years as my first proper bass gear. Before that I had an AC30 head (I could dry that I ever sold it but I didn't know better at the time) into a cab made by the local music shop with a 12 and 15 in it. I think I eventually progressed to a Marshall head with a 4x12.
  17. 5 Strats: 1 x 62 AVRI, 1 x USA Hwy 1, 2 x Mex, 1 x partscaster Gibson SG Standard '81 Gibson Flying V Telecaster (USA) '79 335 '73 Les Paul Custom '64 Melody Maker Tokai Firebird Martin D28 Vintage (the make) resonator old Eko acoustic Fender F55 12 string acoustic German parlour guitar from the 1800s
  18. Arrrrghhhh, get thee behind me, temptation ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
  19. Thanks. There's no doubt at all it's a great sounding amp, I fell in love with it instantly. I agree no amp is truly bulletproof and I would have gladly paid a decent amount to have it repaired, but now I know there are possible big issues around repair I think I'll stick with Ashdown for a good while because of their seemingly excellent customer service, unless one comes up very, very cheap or I happen across an Acoustic 370 at a silly low price ๐Ÿ™‚ I see someone else has just mentioned they are selling a AH500 ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. I had a AH500 for a few years until two years ago when it failed and wasn't able to be repaied by Gee Electronics because the particular spares it needed are no longer available. It was a great amp and I loved the sound through my old TE 4x10 & 2x10 cabs. When I needed some dirt I used the Sansamp BDDI in front of it with great success (I play rock). I've got an ancient AH150 which seems to go on forever that I use as a spare. I still miss it and sometimes (like now) I think about getting another but have been put off in a big way by my supposedly mega-reliable amp failing and I'm now wary of the same thing happening if I were to shell out for another. As a replacement I bought a used Ashdown ABM EVO 500, which I'm very happy with. When the guys at Gee told me the Trace wasn't repairable I asked a few questions about servicability and customer service of other makes and Ashdown seemed to come out on top. It sounds absolutely fine through the old TE cabs and sometimes the BDDI. I use a variety of basses, mainly a P, but also Warwicks and .... an ancient 4001.
  21. Ha ha, what a power trio that was - Geoffrey, Zippy and Bungle ๐Ÿ˜
  22. 'The Complete Raunch 'n Roll, Live' by Black Oak Arkansas. I saw them supporting Black Sabbath when Sabbath were touring Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, one of the bext value for money gigs I've ever been to - awesome! I saw them a few times afterwards too and still love the music. To this day I think Pat Doherty (bass) and Tommy Aldridge (drums) worked so well together. In the car I've had Jimi at the Fillmore East - Band of Gypsies on for weeks, if not months. Apart from that I'm listneing to and learning the songs by the originals band I joined the week before lockdown. Another shameless plug here ๐Ÿ˜ https://rattlesnakesister.bandcamp.com/
  23. Good luck with the number counting song ๐Ÿ˜ When I was at school I used to impress some of the kids in my class by playing the theme tune to Rainbow on guitar ๐Ÿ˜€
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