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Everything posted by inthedoghouse

  1. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1492362940' post='3279697'] They look interesting, do you have to order direct from the States though? [/quote]Unfortunately you have to order directly. Sometimes I've been taxed for import and sometimes I haven't. They occasionally come up on eBay, but not very often.
  2. I've been using Couch vinyl straps for years - I've got a few of them now and really like them. I don't use the recycled seatbelt ones though because they're too slippery. [url="https://www.couchguitarstraps.com/"]https://www.couchguitarstraps.com/[/url] Edit: I just measured mine (strap) and it's only two inches wide.
  3. I only use/d one or two pedals so space wasn't an issue on my board. I simpy made my own patch leads from VanDamme cable and angled Neutrik plugs.
  4. Lovely! I had one in the 70s, and of course now wish I still had it. Enjoy
  5. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1492129757' post='3278216'] They're Eminence SO2012's. There's an appreciable roll off of the high end, which is what I was looking for, and a pretty shy low end, either from the speakers or more likely the small, sealed cab design, but again, that's what I was after. Four of them ain't cheap, but the notable limitations of the cab as a system fit with what I was aiming for pretty well, that being a fairly 70's rock bass sound. Worth noting that I added extra bracing and wadding to the cab, too. Edit: ...as mentioned by chevy-stu while I was typing! [/quote] Many thanks for going into such detail - pretty much all I needed to know. I would expect the low end drop off, but the sound you describe is somthing I'd like to try out (again) too. I do wonder though if it might be cheaper just to buy a used Marshall bass cab, because as you say, those speakers aren't cheap. But space becomes a consideration then. Hmmmmm ..... Thanks again
  6. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1491473115' post='3273267'] Not a VBC, or even a Marshall actually, but I have a guitar 4x12 with bass drivers in it. [/quote]I was thinking of trying the same in my old Marshall 4x12 guitar cab. What speakers have you got in yours?
  7. I've always been a Swing Bass 66 user simply because that's what I've always used and like the sound of. I thought I'd try something different a few years ago and bought some LaBella Hard Rockin' Steel, and I loved those too. I'll stick with Rotosound for my main strings though, if nothing else to support a British company.
  8. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1492077991' post='3277699'] They were never in a band together... [/quote]I actually did lol to that one
  9. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1492081406' post='3277748'] There is huge value in learning songs note for note for any musician. Even if the band decides that a particular song won't work after you've all learnt it, you will still have gained something as a musician by going through that learning process and even by recognising that it won't work for your band. Imagine if every band member put the work in and learnt and practised songs until they knew them inside out. Then they came together and played them. Why does that seem like a fantasy?! [/quote]Absolutely!
  10. I think you're totally right wanting to learn the songs as you say. I have always done my homework regardless of how long it takes or how frustrating certain parts might prove to be, and so been 100% ready with the agreed songs for the next rehearsal. And between gigs I've always brushed up on parts I think I could play better or that I know I might forget the arrangement of. The last band I was in all worked the same way so we were lucky in that respect that nobody was waiting for anybody else to get up to speed. But like many people here have probably experienced I've been in bands where one or more of the other members have clearly done little or nothing at home and use the valuable rehearal time learning - very frustrating.
  11. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1492013624' post='3277212'] ...and did you look like Blakey back then too Heeheehee [/quote] Quite possibly Perhaps that's why I never had any luck with the clippies
  12. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1491990080' post='3276950'] This is almost totally a subject that interests the non-pro world. The only things that interest a pro band. . . . how well you get on with the band and how well you play. [/quote] I couldn't agree more, Chris. I sometimes come across photos of that bass and wish I still had it. Now I've got a few Warwicks and a vintage 4001 but my favourite is a 90s Jap PB62 (with a good old Wizard Thumper fitted) and I couldn't be happier with it. It does have a real F logo on it though, ha ha But if I ever get around to building a bitsa it certainly won't be wearing that famous logo.
  13. Misplaced vanity - as if anybody cares I gigged for a while with a pro band in the 80s using a nice Squier and nobody said a word or gave me a funny look
  14. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1491927719' post='3276568'] I must say to the 59 year olds that you do wake up on the morning of your 60th birthday feeling like the wisdom of the ancients has descended upon you overnight. You just wait and see... [/quote] Thanks - I'll remember that when it comes to my birthday next year (totally dreading it!) I doubt I will ever feel any such surge of wisdom though I'll never forget many years ago having a laugh with a dear friend at work about wisdom. She was a just few years older than me and didn't have any wisdom teeth (and I did). I said to her that it was obvious wisdom doesn't come with age, to which she replied, "and it doesn't come with teeth either" Nice story about your ad in the local shop. Shame it took so long though. I'll keep looking for a band - I really miss it and am getting fed up with constantly looking in vain
  15. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1491922158' post='3276501'] Posting a vid or tracks online would go a long way to helping prospective applicants to make a decision. This would be much better than just an ad [/quote] +1 to this. I wish more would post vids of their band when posting an ad online. Then at least you get an idea of the image, type of music, age range and standard of playing. As Blue and others have said about themselves, it wouldn't be worth me even applying for an audition for some bands because I just wouldn't look the part and could be too old.
  16. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1491918403' post='3276459'] Thanks for the like, we 59 year olds have got to stick together! I get stick from the mere just-turned-50 types about being old, and sneered at by the over 60s for being too young to understand. We must be the forgotten year! [/quote] Yep - I'm right with you there :-)
  17. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1491917506' post='3276443'] Pretty much like my life, then, apart from the 'fit' bit, and that's down to bikes as well! I agree about JMB, around 99% dreamers and no-hopers. Though I found my regular band for the last 4 years through that, but true to form, the one who placed the 'bass player wanted' ad was a complete waste of space. Once I was integrated into the band it was my job to sack him! On my 5th large mug of tea today right now...and listening to a random selection from the 2500 odd Grateful Dead tracks on my computer. [/quote] Thanks, Finn - enjoy your tea and music :-) To be fair, I did find my last band on JMB but it really was a needle in a haystack after a year or so of looking. How crap that was, your job to sack the guy who advertised! I just gave your band's FB a 'like' Now then - the kettle ..... Cheers!
  18. A very fit 59 (aarrghh!!!) here and as fit as I was 30 years ago, despite a long-term health issue that doesn't stop me doing anything. I kinda slipped into semi-retirement/retirement since losing my professional job of 33 years a couple of years ago. No real prospect of another job, although I've tried a couple of part-time jobs that didn't turn out to as I'd hoped. Plus my work pension takes me slightly over the personal allowance threshold so I'd pay full tax on a small income from another job. Oh well ... I only miss the income from my job, not the going to work part at all. One day does tend to feel pretty much like the next, and the previous day now though. The (very good) rock covers band I was in folded unexpectedly last year and since then I've been going crazy trying to find another suitable gigging band. JMB seems a waste of time with almost no suitable ads - and timewasters/dreamers (plus one [i]complete [/i]idiot I came across recently) too. The local Facebook music pages aren't any help and I've never been part of a clique of players locally or fairly locally. I've had a couple of hopeful false starts answering ads, but not followed them up as far as meeting because I knew deep down they weren't 'me' and don't want to let anybody down or be a timewaster. Ha ha, I think I'm developing OCD checking online for bands several times a day. I'm getting so disheartened now that I often feel like giving up completely even though guitars and bands have been one of my mains loves since I was 12 and first 'discovered' guitars. Someone joked earlier 'get a motorbike' ... I've had big bikes since I was old enough, and still have. Sport - no interest whatsoever. Reading - sometimes, but I get bored and lose concentration. Wine .... yessss!!! On a sunny day like today it's lovely sitting around with our sleepy dogs and not doing much at all. Oh well, I think I'll put the kettle on again and then check to see if April the giraffe has had her baby yet. Then it will only be a couple of hours before 'the other half' gets home. Thus is my life now.
  19. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1491393752' post='3272651'] That sounds like someone hitting a spring with knitting needles.... [/quote] Ha ha, what a brilliant description!
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1491899756' post='3276187'] ... but do be careful not to stray into any of that awful "slapping" nonsense that the young people of today seem to be obsessed with. It's not big, and it's not clever. [/quote] A man after my own heart :-)
  21. [quote name='Yank' timestamp='1490523880' post='3265633'] With all the great music that has been created with a 4 string, I've never felt the desire for anything more. [/quote] +1
  22. I wish I had the money! Buy with confidence from Ash, he's a good guy
  23. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1490470226' post='3265394'] I am sorry but Whitney Huston's yodeling just makes me cringe. I can admire the skill involved but you are not required to put every vocal chop you know into every song. Less really is more, sometimes one note at the end of a word will do. Apologies but I had to get that off my chest. [/quote] I thought I might be the only one who thought like this
  24. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1489682805' post='3258975'] Leonard. Usually owners don't hire based on what music punters like, they hire based on what keeps cash flowing into the till. Also the goal in this scenario is to gig. If there is anything that are polar opposites it's gigs and playing what you want. Playing what you want usually means "no gigs" IMO. Blue [/quote] Absolutely this!
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