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Everything posted by inthedoghouse

  1. I saw him with the JM Trio too and was very very impressed by his playing. I met him afterwards too (and got an autograph), what a really nice guy he is :-)
  2. Another vote for the old Wizard Thumper here. Had it for years and love it :-)
  3. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1443895636' post='2878601'] Personally I really liked the way that he managed to avoid choosing any notes whatsoever that fit in with the song in any way shape or form whilst simultaneously keeping each and every note played completely out of time as well. As if that wasn't enough he then managed to maintain all that whilst playing whole sections where his left hand and right hand weren't even sycronised with each other. Surely it takes some special kind of talent to play soooo many notes and to still not to play a single right one even by mistake! Quite simply... Genius! [/quote]Love it - spot on!
  4. When I'm learning a song or refreshing my memory for an older one I often visualise myself playing it, seeing and feeling where the notes are etc. Sometimes it's as useful when learning a song as actually playing. But that's just me ... :-)
  5. Horrible ... just horrible!
  6. [quote name='simwells' timestamp='1443555976' post='2875809'] Haha might just be cm's yes... [/quote]
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1443552057' post='2875778'] That's very,very small, even for Sheffield. Cms, perhaps..? [/quote]A Spinal Tap moment, perhaps :-)
  8. Can you give me the dimensions of the 4x10 please?
  9. I don't use wireless myself but the Line 6 G30 seems popular around here :-)
  10. Like many others here, I rarely listen to music at home these days, more of a Radio 4 listener - unlike when I was younger and couldn't get enough music. But as others have said, I'll spend hours learning new songs for the band, a lot of which I've never heard before.
  11. Deffo take it as a positive :-) At our last gig I had someone (another player) say I played it 'as sweet as a nut' - I took that as a good thing :-)
  12. Deal with Steve in confidence that you're working with a 100% grey guy :-)
  13. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1442007608' post='2863849'] Sure can if its friends and family so there's no charges or fees. [/quote]Great - PM me your PP address pls :-)
  14. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1442000378' post='2863778'] Upon advice, £11 with free delivery it is then! [/quote]Do you take PayPal?
  15. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1441051659' post='2855741'] Curved Air...Air Cut, the black sheep of the family with no Darryl Way on board, but 17 year old prodigy Eddie Jobson providing the Violin and the melodrama, this album is a hard rocking hippytastic crossover. I absolutely love it! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11cRJedrR0Q&list=PL501844DB90713215[/media] [/quote]Great call! :-)
  16. Perhaps I'm in a minority here, but I can't watch this clip enough times :-)
  17. Nothing that comes to mind .... for once!
  18. Ozzy: Bark at the Moon I Don't Know
  19. When I saw the title of the thread I immediately thought of "The Good Old Days" that used to be on TV :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mCPNSR1f24
  20. I got bored after approx 20 seconds and skimmed through some of the others. Those I saw were just as boring imho. I know it's very popular but all this slapping and tapping etc just leads non players to think that slapping is the begining and end of playing bass. I've lost count of the number of times I've chatted to non-players who seemingly think I should be impressed with (insert name of famous slapper) only to look quite surprised when I says I've never heard of them or I'm not interested in that style of playing. It's the same as people who automatically think I'm interested in motorcycle sport (I'm not) just because I ride a bike or that because I'm veggie I should be into folk music and be a pacifist. Arrghhh .... strerotypes! Rant over :-)
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1441453559' post='2858998'] Vintage: Proper hefty bass sound with bass played as it should be, as part of a rhythm section. Rugged and manly. Hi-Fi: Widdly-widdly twangy cutlery-drawer-down-the-stairs in your face inappropriate slappy solo nipple-rub for gaylords. I await the backlash with pleasure. [/quote]Praise be - thou speaketh the truth :-)
  22. My lovely Fortress family :-) Not shown in this photo, my Corvette Standard :-)
  23. My first P back in the mid 70s was a real one, early 70s model. Lovely white with tort guard - beautiful :-) So why oh why do we sell these treasures for no good reason other than fancying something else (I can't remember what) and spend the rest of our lives regretting it? Anyway, my current P I've had for quite a few years is a MIJ '96 PB62 ... yep, white with a tort guard. I've upgraded the pickup and tuners and it's a lovely instrument, but I often wonder how she would compare to that old P I had back all those years ago. Having said that, I'm perfectly happy with my current P and don't feel any need for another one :-)
  24. I didn't actually own this amp, but I did borrow a Fal amp for a gig about a million years ago - completely awful! I was glad to have my Wem ER100 back ... ahhhh, those were the days :-)
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