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Everything posted by inthedoghouse

  1. Ha ha, I was just about to search for that one when I saw you'd already posted it πŸ™‚ There are a few great music-less vids out there πŸ™‚
  2. I've got an old Volvo V70 - absolutely tons of space and so reliable
  3. Love a sunbrust - just classic πŸ™‚
  4. I was in a band where the guitarist had a Kemper and most weeks spent probably over half the rehearsal time fiddling with it to the point where the rest of us would wander off to make a brew. It never sounded much different or 'better' for all his hours of fiddling. All he ever needed was an overdriven valve amp (which I would have gladly lent him) and a guitar with humbuckers, for the sound we needed. Things were a little better at the two gigs I did with that band but he still spent time between songs tapping on switches on the controller. I left the band having had enough of all the time wasting. I never want to see another Kemper!
  5. Gorgeous! I used to have a friend with one of these. I wish I had the money right now! GLWTS
  6. Sounds all too familiar to me 😞 The (what should/could have been a) very decent originals band I was in folded just before the last lockdown due to the completely shite drummer and we were unable to find a decent replacement. Fast forward to last week when I found a local-ish guy on FB who wants to form a band, who is a very good player and singer - even has his own PA. Guess what we can't find? Yep, a decent drummer who isn't already in about 20 bands. Sometimes I really feel like calling it a day too 😞
  7. Very shoddy work - the finishes aren't even close to matching!
  8. Here's the guy from Liverpool who has 347 ads on JMB. I don't think I'll be applying. https://www.facebook.com/stormwizard/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ5u8CIOXMbQ0ixuqgWBgjg/videos
  9. I usually find Bandmix very frustrating for how few people bother to write a proper (or any) profile or include any photos or music. And even more annoyingly, many, if not most, don't even bother to edit out the instruments they're not looking for. Hence ads often read: Seeking: Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Background Singer, Bagpipes, Banjo, Bass Guitar, Cello, Clarinet, DJ, Dobro, Drums, Electronic Music, Fiddle, Flute, Harmonica, Harp, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Mandolin, Other, Other Percussion, Piano, Rhythm Guitar, Saxophone, Steel guitar, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Upright bass, Violin, Vocalist, Vocalist - Alto, Vocalist - Baritone, Vocalist - Bass, Vocalist - Soprano, Vocalist - Tenor.
  10. This one made me smile recently. https://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/rainbow-tribute-band-t1294045.html He really knows how to sell himself. Who could resist his closing lines: IF U EMAIL ON HERE I WONT SEE IT AS I NEVER LOOK COZ ITS JUST TOO SLOW AN A REAL FAFF LOGGIN IN AN IME JUST TOO LAZY
  11. Yeah, the same ad for years. I always thought if he was as amazing as he makes out he would have been snapped up years ago. He's posted 346 ads so far!
  12. Post on your local FB muso/band pages
  13. I'm not sure which bass it's going on until it arrives, but this is the listing https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/vegan-guitar-strap-/165027902163?nma=true&si=0qubUKKHPdZBIUrwU7enbUmvOZI%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  14. No problem here with keeping them attached in hard cases. I just scored another RightOn! off eBay today.
  15. Followers of Jainism certainly wouldn't disagree with you there. I'm the guy who rescues a drowning fly from the water butt and goes back to check on it later πŸ™‚
  16. I would tend to agree to a certain extent and am certainly not a preachy type (42 years veggie, latterly vegan). But if it comes up in conversation I might just add 'but the animals don't have the choice to die or not'.
  17. I'd certainly buy another from the Mojo series from RIghtOn! They're very comfortable, as you say, and seem to be hard wearing. Mine are the 'Red Roses' straps. The Couch straps are very well made, if a little expensive (imho). I especially like them because all their straps are mostly made from recycled materials and contain no animal products I've bought a couple from them direct, several off eBay, and one off here on BC. https://www.couchguitarstraps.com/guitar-straps
  18. +1 I've got a couple of RightOn! Mojo straps and a few Couch. It's a shame the shipping is so costly from the USA with Couch though.
  19. Make your own with Van Damme cable and Neutrik plugs. I've been using them for years. Great quality and not too expensive, readily available on eBay. https://www.van-damme.com/
  20. Last year we were looking for a drummer for an originals band with two albums of good material written and pro recorded. There was a 'drummer' in situ when I joined but it was soon painfully obvious we would never have gigged with him, so off he went. We advertised and auditioned the only two people who replied, both of who were equally unsuitable. It seems the decent players around here only want to play in cover bands and not originals. We abandoned the project, which was a real shame.
  21. For me it's old gear (including amps), especially Strats and to a lesser extent Les Pauls and Teles. All that is way out of reach financially for me though, and if I'm being honset, I don't GAS over stuff the way I used to and am probably at the point where I won't be buying anything else unless I win the Lottery.
  22. Pretty much this is me too. I don't have any problems with gear around the house and under the beds full of guitar cases. If she sees me looking at something on eBay - not something I do often these days as I have no intention or need (or money) for more of anything - she'll often say "are you going to buy it?" I'm very happy for her to have her stuff around, many antique sewing machines (which I probably bought anyway), lots of wool and unfinished knitting/sewing projects and her general crafting stuff. Yep, it all seems to work well and after 40ish years together I doubt it will change πŸ™‚
  23. I had a Strat body and neck - no complaints at all and good service.
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