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Everything posted by inthedoghouse

  1. Nothing at all! I can't believe it :-)
  2. I couldn't watch any more of it ... :-(
  3. Great instruments! I've got a '93 Fortress One and '95 Fortress Masterman - love them! :-)
  4. [quote name='bassmachine2112' timestamp='1434367413' post='2798904'] Hiho,Wizard thumper is a good choice but seeing that the Wizard has retired hot rod would be the way to go. If they are the same as the originals then they will be good. Andy at Wizard was making pick ups for bare knuckles at one time but that,s another story. [/quote]+ 1 for Wizard Thumper, if you can find one
  5. Each of my basses has its own dedicated strap
  6. Warwick Corvette - I absolutely love mine :-)
  7. Oh dear .... light the blue touchpaper and stand well back! :-)
  8. My big bass and guitar cabs live in the garage. I've got a few guitar combos around the house which cause no concern to Ms Doghouse at all. I don't mind her knitting and sewing things at all so she doesn't mind my gear, not to mention the guitars hanging on the walls around the house and basses in cases under the bed. In one of the spare bedrooms there is a silverface Pro Reverb on one side of the bed and and old Peavey 112E cab on the other side as bedside tables :-) There's another Fender combo in the hallway which gets used mainly for putting the post on and her handbag. In our bedroom I have an old Peavey C30 combo for a bedside table. Oh yes, I forgot about the old AC30 and Marshall combo in the pantry and bass practice amp in the back room. I think I'm very lucky :-)
  9. I occasionally look at the fingerboard just to check, especially if I've got a slightly more complicated part coming up. None of us want to find ourselves a semitone out for the sake of having a glance at the neck now and then. But generally I tend to look out into the audience, which hopefully helps make a connection between you and them. More often than not there will be one or two people who make eye contact and smile, which is always good to see :-)
  10. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1431245886' post='2769059'] [attachment=191702:Hercules.jpg] Hercules. I've used them for years. You lower your bass into the spring-loaded clip and it closes around the neck. [/quote] +1
  11. http://www.studybass.com/gear/bass-amps/how-to-hook-up-heads-and-cabinets/
  12. I used JoinMyBand after a couple of years away from being in a band. It worked really well for me and I'm with a band I'm happy with. It did take a while of frustration though, trawling through ads that weren't 'me'. Good luck!
  13. The OP also asked about posting cover versions on YouTube. Somehow YouTube automatically recognises uploads as being copyrighted material. As you can see, the uploader doesn't need to do anything but acknowledge that it is it copyright.
  14. Here's a nice one too. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Second-Hand-1970s-Antoria-Sunburst-Jazz-Bass-/271854660246?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3f4bccea96 I had a sunburst one back in the '70s as my first bass. The fingerboard came unglued and fell off. Maybe I was just unlucky.
  15. No, you're not alone with that one - we refresh the tracker like excited children at Christmas :-)
  16. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1430074792' post='2757768'] I stop YouTube vids the moment the dreaded thumb comes out. [/quote] Yes, sometimes it looks like it's all going well .... then it starts :-/
  17. I've given up watching bass demonstrations/reviews on YouTube because invariably it's slap slap slap and more bleedin' slap - drives me mad! :-/
  18. Great gig for Infamy! at The Railway (bar) in Stoke :-) It's clearly a football fans' pub so I didn't know what to expect when we were setting up at about 7ish. As the evening progressed towards the time when we were due on the place had filled with rock fans. We have a brill evening despite being a little cramped for performance space. We played well and included a couple of new covers. An appreciative audience and the landlord actually asked us to turn it [u]up[/u]. We were already booked to play there again later this year but the landlord wanted to book us again for two dates before then. Very pleased :-)
  19. I used to use a thick layer of foam between the amp and cab, but that wasn't with a light amp.
  20. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1429875246' post='2755829'] Three decent looking girls in little black dresses and you think the camera would be on the [i]bass player[/i]? Well done on the gig though. [/quote] Ha ha, good point! :-) Well done getting on TV :-)
  21. Yep, I'm uneasy with compliments too, although it's nice to hear. I'll often say something like 'Thanks, I've been doing it a long time' and 'Glad you enjoyed the night, we had a great time too'
  22. BTW, a very cool sounding band you have there :-)
  23. Friday bumpo :-)
  24. Excellent straps - I have a few too and wouldn't use anything else :-)
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