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Everything posted by inthedoghouse

  1. Mel Schacher - one of my fave bass players ever! :-)
  2. One hell of an awesome song and bass line! We do a cover of it and it's such a great song to play - one of the best Who tracks ever! :-) I never get tired of hearing The Ox playing on different versions of it.
  3. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1411745726' post='2562509'] Who are you [/quote] I Can't Explain
  4. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1411745102' post='2562502'] I can't explain how poor that joke is...anyway, anyhow, anywhere I've Had Enough [/quote] So We Won't Get Fooled Again
  5. A great first rehearsal really makes the adrenalin flow and hopefully bodes well for the future. Rough out the songs and then start polishing them once you know how each other plays in a band situation. Good luck!
  6. You tell a common story, unfortunately. Just chalk it up to experience, frustrating and annoying as it might be. I hope you don't make the mistake I've made before now and stayed with a band that isn't up to scratch just because they are nice people. I've done that - it was really starting to bug me and was taking up a lot of my thoughts. I felt so much better once I'd left and found another band of really great people who definitely cut the mustard as people [i]and [/i]players.
  7. If you give us an idea of what sort of music you're playing I'm sure there a lot of people who will give you good advice. Personally, if I use any pedals at all (other than the tuner) it's a Tech 21 BDDI and that's it. Good luck!
  8. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1411424500' post='2559488'] This. This ends the debate for me. Well said mate. [/quote] Yep!
  9. Welcome to BC :-) I'm sure you'll find it interesting and spend a lot of time here :-)
  10. Lovely bass - GLWTS :-)
  11. I think all that I was going to say has already been said - if you're happy with it and the band are happy with the sounds and your playing ... who gives a sh*t what the Friday night drunks who wouldn't know a bass from a Strat think? As for other players who may be watching you - well, you're playing that night and they're not. I'd be surprised if you found many here who would put you down for your choice of instrument :-) I guess most of us who are 'old enough' started off gigging on cheap instruments and could only dream of affording something with an F on it. The cheaper instruments available these days are a world away in value and quality from then.
  12. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1411404865' post='2559201'] Agreed. Plus, the punters wont know (or care) about the price of your bass. [/quote] Another + 1 here
  13. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1411395018' post='2559059'] that's what I was thinking.. [/quote] Same thought here too
  14. [quote name='davehux' timestamp='1411336695' post='2558618'] He still wins the award for 'Most Obnoxious and Up Themselves Seller' on eBay What a surprise that most of his stuff gets relisted I think we all know what he is, don't we, boys & girls? [/quote] And a prize one at that!
  15. Yep, that's deffo not a 'C' (compact). I have two like the one for sale - they weigh a ton but sounds great and solid. Excellent value for money if you don't mind the weight.
  16. I have one just the same - a dream to play, great sound and a lovely colour :-)
  17. Very very nice - congrats! :-)
  18. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1411301879' post='2558221'] But he's acting like a kid throwing his toys out of the pram by making it collection only - whereabouts is Annan anyway?? He's doing his best NOT to sell this.. [/quote] Yep!
  19. Is any of it necessary? Yuk!
  20. They've finally taken action over the £320 postal charge fiasco and he's made it collection only. Maybe somebody does actually take notice when people report items. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WARWICK-Streamer-LX-4-string-electric-bass-guitar-Honey-Violin-finish-/390931392394?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item5b0553a78a
  21. I guess deep down it doesn't really matter if you can't make a stretch as long as you're overall sound isn't affected and you're playing the music to the standard you want. Look at what Django achieved with his disability :-)
  22. Wow, what a tough call that is - I'm torn between all of them and they all have a story If I realllllly had to decide I'd say my Warwick Corvette, but thankfully it will never come to that
  23. Welcome to BC - you'll spend a lot of time here, I'm sure :-)
  24. Welcome, whatever bass you play :-)
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