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Everything posted by inthedoghouse

  1. Lovely insruments! I bought one off here a few months ago and love it - a real keeper πŸ™‚ I wish I could afford this one too, a lovely finish, GLWTS
  2. I bought two sets of strings from Dan for a great price. Excellent transaction - fast, friendly and great comms ... what's not to like πŸ™‚ Thank you πŸ™‚
  3. The Classic series are really nice instruments. I've had two of the 70s models for years and will never sell them. If I hadn't bought a couple of basses this year I would have snapped this up. GLWTS!
  4. Good amps - lots of them around back in the day
  5. What a credit to the forum Tim is. I bought a Couch guitar strap from him, which in itself shows what a cool guy he is, and it was a very enjoyable transaction. He even found my feedback page for me when I hadn't got a clue where it was. 100% credit to BC πŸ™‚
  6. I've got a few of these great straps. I wish there was an outlet for them over here or in Europe - we get hammered on postage and taxes getting them from the States. I'll take the beige (left) please.
  7. I think I lasted about 20 seconds before I turned it off - did nothing for me, sorry πŸ˜•
  8. In all my years I've never used flats until fairly recently so Fenders are the only flats I've played. Maybe I'll try another brand sometime.
  9. A real craftsman and great guy! http://wilkesguitars.co.uk/
  10. FWIW I've got Fender flats on one of my Ps and old 4001 - I really like the sound and feel of them.
  11. Our band needs a new drummer - the current one certainly doeesn't cut the mustard. Finding one is a different matter though. There used to be a localish rock band called 'Mustard' back in the day, but I doubt the OP is referring to them. I can't remember the drummer's name.
  12. Yep, pretty much suns me up too. I'd have a vintage P and an EB3 but I can't think of any other basses. Ah, maybe I'd have a Status Buzzard, just for the Ox factor.
  13. As someone who prefers older gear I've pretty much excluded myself from the fun on this one. Straight off I can't think of any new guitars or basses I'd buy. If I was pushed to choose amps I'd probably say an Orange AD200 head and cab or Marshall VBA400 and cab. We were talking about 'if I won the Lottery' today at work. Strangely, none of the people I work with mentioned a single piece of gear!
  14. I'd be very tempted to keep it to make up for the 'classic' P I wish I never sold back in the day. Or we might sell it and put it towards a house move.
  15. Go with the one you feel will be the best fit as a person - you're going to be spending a long time with them and working as a team. I think we're going to be auditioning for another drummer soon and I know personality and fit will be every bit as important as ability.
  16. Ha ha - which one? Who needs two Ps anyway? I should know better than to ask that on here, ha ha πŸ™‚ (One with flats and the other with rounds) I've got a pedal (not bass related) on eBay at the moment in an effort to raise funds for this. It's got 4 days leftt. If it sells for anything like the asking price and you still have the Dolphin I'll take it off your hands. I reallllly want it!
  17. As you're in Manchester, how about checking out Jaimie's great range of pickups at The Creamery? Tell him what you need and he'll build it for you.
  18. I know tone and sound are subjective, but having said that I use one of the old Thumpers from the days when they were made in Wales. I assume the newer ones are made to the same specs. I started using (Fender) flats on the P with the Thumper into either a Trace combo (rehearsal studio gear) or my Ashdown ABM500 head into TE cabs, often through a Sansamp BDDI. Speaking personally I love the sound of the Thumper with flats, I think I get plenty of definition and certainly don't get lost in a booming sea of mud imho. I play in an originals band and use a tone somewhere between (an approximation of) SVT and a slightly more modern rock tone, but leaning more towards the SVT sound. I doubt you'll be disappointed. If it's not for you I'm sure it would sell pretty quickly on here.
  19. I used to dream of gear from Bell's catalogue πŸ™‚ The first electric guitar I ever touched was a Watkins Rapier 33. Knowing what the owner was like for hanging onto gear I wouldn't be at all surprised if he still has it.
  20. I wish someone would buy this asap and put me out of my misery of trying to think how I can scrape the money together! If I hadn't built a lovely lockdown project P this Dolphin would have been gone as soon as I saw it!
  21. That's a real shame there's no interest for such a great amp 😞 If I had the money it would have been be gone as soon as I saw it. Hopefully it will go to your local buyer then, in your lovely corner of the world.
  22. It was my absolute favourite to play when I was in a decent cover band a few years ago. Fun to take my time learning and great fun to play πŸ™‚
  23. Bonnie Raitt, the Wilson sisters from Heart - wonderful! Oops, I just read the OP again - mine choices deffo aren't metal. I'll get my coat ....
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