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Total Watts

  1. Ah okay, Makes sence, I didn't have this problem with my Warwick because of the active preamp , I had a lot more range to dial in tones and balance things out So there isnt a peice of gear that could help me sort this out then?? I'm not to clued up on compression but my guitarest mentioned it would help even out the volume is that more related to exsisting tone and evening out the inconsistencies of my playing??
  2. So I just got a hold of my new Lakland Precision, Gigged it for the first time last night. I've been playing my Warwick Streamer for a good few years so it's a big change for me, bit I love this new bass. Anyway, My problem being we play mostly Reggae music, But also a little rock, Most of our tracks I'll keep the tone nob dialed completely down because I Like a very Bassy fat tone. For the rock I like to dial in some tops and add some punch to help it cut through the mix When I dial in the tone I notice a difference in volume, Which I assume is quite standard for P Basses. I didn't really have this trouble with he Warwick, probably because it has an active pre amp I had more scope to even things out I've heard about replacing electronics? (Grease bucket rings a bell??) to level out the volume Do I need a compression unit? I have free rack space at the moment or are pedals the way to go? I'm wondering which is the best way to fix this? Any help is much appreciated
  3. Awesome, Thanks for the replies guys!
  4. Just wondering which you guys would throw your cash at I've been back and forth considering Jazz and Precisions, I know for sure now that I want a P. Ive read great things about Laklands elsewhere, Just want to see what BassChat has to say Just had an offer for a Lakky at £570 is that a good price for one of these?
  5. Has this gone ? PM'D
  6. Has this gone ? PM'D
  7. Where are you based?
  8. Cool thanks for the help guys, I'm not one for DIY so I'll get a email sent to Trace and start a search for the other options aswell Are these the kinda things I need? (photo attached)[url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/19-RACKMOUNTING-EARS-RACK-MOUNT-BRACKETS-3U-PAIR-BRAND-NEW-/121178468486?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Rack_Cases_MJ&hash=item1c36ccb086"] Ebay[/url]
  9. Hey guys, just looking for a little help and advice. I'm getting rid of my SWR 350x, going back to my old trace head. The trace head measures 17inches, Just wondering if there is a standard procedure to rack it or any tips you could provide thanks in advance
  10. Thanks for the quick reply, I've had a quick search for both, but none of them seen to have the strap button under the top horn
  11. Hey guys and gals,old member from before the name change(was that really 5/6 years ago?!) Looking for a little help from your wealth of knowledge., Im trying to find the original details of this bass, any details would be amazing. I'm looking to refurb it e.g. New tuners, Nut, Pickups, Bridge My aunt brought this P Bass to ,my house after her husband had finished a house clearance I've attached some photos to help out ---- What I know[list] [*]Its heavy as hell [*]There is no decal on the Headstock [*]Truss rod plate is missing at the top [*]Says made in Japan on the back plate [*]It has holes drilled for a pickup cover, Bridge cover and finger rests, like the older fender basses had [*]The tuners are awful [/list] What I'd like to know[list] [*]The Make/manufacturer [*]What type of Pick up that is, and are there any similar ones i can replace it with today? [*]If i can fit a badass bridge [*]If i can fit a dropD tuner [/list] Thanks in advance
  12. Just what I'm after but pay day is two weeks away i bet its gone by then
  13. I have my 1998 Warwick Streamer ProM 4 Flamed Maple Wenge neck attached a few photos, Bought from this very site a few years back. Let me know if its of any interest I don't have any solo close ups of the bass at the moment so I'm ripping these from the band website(all with my ugly mug attached) I can have some close ups in no time if you need them though! Awesome bass, Amazing Action, Served me well but I've been craving my own precision for a while now! ...the one problem being..the photo with the KEY103 signs in the background...was supporting one direction at the MEN arena...if you can deal with owning a bass that shared a stage with them then thats awesome! if not...i don't blame you
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