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Everything posted by skydivepaul

  1. yep point taken, we are just a hobby band, practicing and playing the odd gig so I can pretty much go for anything.
  2. yes will do some more searching ebaygumtree for these. the old stuff is heavy but like you say built like a tank. good thing with the old stuff is you can fix it if it breaks. I service and repair CCTV and access controls sytsems so can weild a soldering iron and test meter. the new PCB's with surface mount technology can only be repaired by nano bots !! i am used to heavy stuff - my new (to me ) old bass is a peavy t40 that weighs about as much as a tree!
  3. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1367157533' post='2061859'] The TC does have DI socket so you can hook it up to the PA if you need more juice Not sure if it has line out but if so then just hook it up to another combo hah! I've got two trace Elliot combos and I chain them together... Makes you huff and sweat though when I'm humping 70kg worth of amp around... Kinda worth it though for the sound it pumps out... Still curious about the TC though for at home... [/quote] what trace elliot combos do you have? found this on gum tree http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/trace-elliot-series-6-gp12-bass-head/1015757144 Looks like another option for me
  4. the TC has all the features I want but not sure if it will be down on power and you cant plug an extension speaker in. I dont think i would try to change the tone print mid gig, that sounds like a recipe for disaster! The peavey will have plenty of power and you can always jack another speaker in. The two things i dont like about it are - it doesnt have an aux or jack in for ipod (i like to practice along with the songs at home) (Although my ashdown doesnt so i have a120W behringer for home practice) The kickback enclosue will be awkward to fit castors on if i wanted to
  5. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1367107430' post='2061443'] Yeah! I saw the demo too.. Not sure how it works completely but it definitely separates it from the rest!! Hah! If you want a workout try getting some trace Elliot gear!! That'll give you a run for your money!! And drown out your guitarist too!! [/quote] Funny enough trace elliot is also on my list of potential amps! JapanAxe, on 27 April 2013 - 10:49 PM, said: It's been widely commented on already in this forum and elsewhere, but TC's model numbers do not relate directly to the output power when measured conventionally. I've heard that this is also true of Peavey's current combos yes the ashdown i have at the moment is rated at 307 watts, i dont beleive it is anywhere near that (maybe with an extension cab) one of our guitarists has a marshall valvestate 80 watt combo and that is loud. if he is on volume 4 - 5 I have to crank the ashdwon up to 8 - 9 to keep up
  6. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1367102112' post='2061403'] The BG250 is only 16kg The TNT 115 is 33kg I like peavey but prefer TC !!! It's got that cool toneprint thing on it which I am very interested in... [/quote] yes I like Peavey and TC!! weight doesn't bother me, they keep me fit lugging them around the toneprint thing looks interesting, I watched a youtube vid showing how to upload them to the amp by holding your phone next to the pickup on the guitar and via the app it sends a sound to the amp that changes the tone print!
  7. I am looking to change my ashdown 300 210 for a similar amp ( i dont get on with the ashdown tone - it will be for sale soon) whilst browsing the net for a new amp I have shortlisted two for now that meet my budget 1: TC electronic BG250 - looks like a good amp, has plenty of features and I like the tone of the TC gear [url="http://www.tcelectronic.com/bg250/"]http://www.tcelectronic.com/bg250/[/url] 2: Peavey tour TNT115 - I like peavey gear and this class D amp seems really good value for money - either 400W or 600W would be great [url="http://www.peavey.com/products/index.cfm/item/811/116915/Tour%26nbsp%3BTNT%26reg%3B%26nbsp%3B115"]http://www.peavey.co...3B%26nbsp%3B115[/url] or go for an old school peavey MKVI head with seperate cab? does anyone know how a tc BG250 would compare with the ashdown mag 300 in terms of power (i know the BG250 is 50 watts shy on paper, but in the real world is there much difference) Anyone have any experience of the Peavey TNT115? many thanks Paul
  8. yes the behringer is a tilt back bx120 and its ok. I think you are right that #2 reply is the answer when i check my zoom settings i have it on the hartke amp and cab simulator with a few other slight effects thrown in. I was hoping that someone would give me the magic set up to dial in for a great tone......................maybe they will
  9. I got myself an Ashdown mag300 210 combo last year on the recommendation of a friend. Hardly used it as I have 120w practice amp I use at home. However I want to start using it more with my new bass (peavey t40 bought from a member on here - the bass is awesome btw :-)) For some reason I just cannot get the tone / sound want from the amp I have played around with settings but can't settle on a good sounds I prefer a rock / metal sound but also like to dial in a thick deep funk sound for the odd song I play I can achieve this on my 120 watt amp (behringer) with a zoom b2 effects pedal, but I would rather just have a good loud amp and not have to rely on amp and pedal Any recommendations for settings or should I' be looking for a new amp? An old school peavey mark vi with separate cabs? I tried the guitar through a tc electronic 450 with tc cabs and it sounds amazing through this set up. I can't really afford / justify this set up at the moment Thanks Paul
  10. Will, many thanks. The T40 bass is awesome. I just need to improve my playing skills to do this guitar justice! Thanks for the hospitality, cheers Paul
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