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Everything posted by Lasermonkey

  1. I have a '75 Silverface Twin Reverb which I've had since '92. I can't see me ever wanting to part with it. I had to replace the filter caps a few years ago, but other than that, it's been very reliable. It's insanely loud too!
  2. Done. Having played there once, it would be rude not to!
  3. I built myself a 2 channel 1176 clone and that sounds amazing for bass. Otherwise, the ART Dual Levelar (2-channel valve compressor/limiter) can be had for cheap and sounds surprisingly good for a very simple unit. Other rack units which people seem to like are the MXR Dual Limiter and the Symetrix 501.
  4. The old MXR graphic eqs sound lovely and can be had for cheap. I bought my 2x15 band for £49 off eBay. :-)
  5. Jody Stephens (Big Star) Budgie (Banshees) John Lever (The Chameleons)
  6. In no particular order- Colin Greenwood Andy Hummel Simon Gallup Mike Mills Paul McCartney Simon Raymonde Peter Hook Lemmy from his time with Hawkwind Geezer Butler Dean Garcia
  7. Can't say I have ever found anything to fault on my '73 4001. The action is great, intonation spot-on, it's comfortable to play (I do have it slung pretty low) and I find it very versatile, tone wise. I never found the pickup surround at all sharp, though I ended up re-fitting the cover as I actually find it quite useful as a hand rest! I wouldn't swap it for anything else.
  8. My '73 4001, which is 40 this month. I bought it at the Drum and Guitar Centre, Cambridge! back in 1990 for £299.
  9. Lasermonkey


    Just put this together. I bought it as a project off eBay. The body is allegedly Fender, and again, allegedly 60s or 70s. It had been refinished in Daphne Blue, which is what attracted me to it, in all honesty! It came with a maple board Mighty Mite neck, which i swapped for a rosewood one. Pickups are Fender Custom Shop '60s, tuners and bridge are Wilkinson. I'm still playing around with the setup, but for a numpty, I think it's playing pretty well.
  10. I bought an RBF10 flanger off eBay a few years back for £16! It is very similar to the BF-2 (my favourite pedal flanger) but even nicer. Still looking for an RPH-10 to complement it.
  11. Amazing Disgrace by the Posies.
  12. For me, the clear winner is Tomorrow's Harvest by Boards of Canada. Absolutely love it to bits,
  13. Ooh, that's lovely!
  14. My '73 Rickenbacker 4001. I love it to bits!
  15. Really hankering for Fender Jazz with blocks and binding. That's in addition to a Squier VI and Jaguar. And a Coronado bass!
  16. Even though I bought a PS VI, I'll still be getting one of these. I'll use one as a baritone and one as a bass, with different string gauges.
  17. Our singer decided that his voice sounded better two semitones up on one particular song, and as i was using an open, drone note, i tried a Kyser capo and it worked perfectly!
  18. All the best! It was 17 years between gigs for me, and on different instruments! I just practiced, practiced, practiced and in the end, it went fine. I was still bloody nervous though. Last month I did the first proper gig with my new band, in a pub that was positively rammed. Because we had practiced hard, and I was feeling confident in myself and especially my bandmates, the nerves disappeared, to be replaced by the sort of excitement I used to get as a kid at Christmas!
  19. Got the tort scratchplate today and fitted it immediately, along with some aged white pup covers. The covers that were on there are the brightest white I've seen! Before, along with siblings: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/lasermonkey/image_zpsb91337a4.jpg[/IMG] And after: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/lasermonkey/image_zpsd70e29a9.jpg[/IMG] That's more like it!
  20. DV247 have been consistently useless when I've tried them: charging me for goods they don't have in stock (having said they were in stock) and then taking months to fulfil the order was the last straw. There have been plenty of similar threads over at Music Radar, so I guess I'm not alone!
  21. In the player at the moment is Amazing Disgrace. By the Posies. There's a whole load more in the cd holder, including Teenage Fanclub, Radiohead, Big Star, Leaves, Massive Attack, etc.
  22. I was originally going to import the JM from Wildwood Guitars, but then the exchange rate went pear-shaped. A little while later one turned up in eBay UK at a price lower than the then current import price. I couldn't resist! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/lasermonkey/image_zpsbb307aef.jpg[/IMG] It's a wonderful guitar. I only know one other thin skin JM in the UK, a Fiesta Red one in Glasgow (belonging to a fellow Teenage Fanclub fan :-) ) The '86 has 'proper' JM pups in it and from what I can tell, the first MIJ Jazzmasters used up Fender USA's left-overs. The red CIJ's pickups certainly don't sound as fat and sweet as the others, so they'll definitely be replaced.
  23. Three spring to mind: there's the Posies' cover of Chris Bell's "I Am The Cosmos", Rain Parade's "A Broken Horse' and REM's "Floweres Of Guatemala ". All are simple, but fit the mood of the song perfectly. Generally, I'm not a fan of guitar solos though.
  24. The JM trem system is the only one I really get on with, although I do make my own trem arms. Mine are shorter and taller, puts my hand in my natural playing position. My other JMs are an Olympic White MIJ from "86 and an AVRI 'thin skin' in Daphne Blue.
  25. Re the Verbzilla vs RV600: I've had both and I actually ditched the Verbzilla as it has a distortion issue (which I understand Line 6 knows about but hasn't bothered to do anything about) whereas the RV600 doesn't. Not everyone hears it, but I found it to be very annoying. Once you do hear it, you can't ignore it!
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