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Everything posted by ChickenKiev

  1. Okay mine is MZ6. So as I expected its a 2006-2007 model. I picked it up in the August so it must have only been about seven months old when I got it. D'awwe :3.
  2. [quote name='Nosmo' timestamp='1376162625' post='2170457'] pic [/quote] Much better. Looks like actual effort went into designing the body! I have a Washburn Taurus with a similar body shape. Curvalicious. Nice!
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1376145230' post='2170208'] Really? [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n249/BigRedX/DSC01837.jpg[/IMG] I guess it's all a matter of taste. So what do you like? [/quote] Hideous. Lovely purple colour though. It would look immense on anything but that sorry looking thing.. It has EMG pickups in a PJ configuration. I'm sure it sounds lovely, but that body shape.. To answer your question "What do you like?", I'm a fan of any body shape that doesn't look like it has melted in the sun . I studied Design Technology for my GCSEs about six years ago. One of my friends built a bass as his project and the body design was terrible..he was feeling pretty uninspired that day, but due to time constraints he was forced to put pen to paper. After about five minutes he came up with something that resembled a giant splodge. Looked pretty much like that Hartke bass.
  4. How do you date your MiM Jazz Basses? I have one and would like to know when it was made. I acquired it in about 2006, and it has the little 60th anniversary metal badge stamped on the back of the headstock. I'm only assuming it's a 2005-2006 but I'd just like to know out of interest. I understand there's some websites that offer a rough guide but is there any way to know just by looking? i.e, certain serial number digits indicate a certain year, etc.
  5. Or: http://www.espguitars.co.uk/bass-ltd-phoenix204.html Ltd Phoenix 204. Like a Thunderbird but shaped a little bit differently. Would be my choice for a 'Bird-type instrument. Schecter also do the Ultra Bass too, if you like Thunderbirds and Teles and want the looks of both in one.
  6. Makes me a little bit sad that some poor tree has been hacked down only to be made into one of these abominations..
  7. http://m.buzzillions.com/x/mobile.dox?modelId=81106 Hideous.
  8. Wait, Hartke do instruments? -Googles- Okay, as much as I love their amps and am a huge fan, a giant thumbs down to the look of their instruments.. They might sound divine, but there's no way you'd have me seen playing one! Yuck!
  9. Woah. That Coronado and Starcaster bass look immense. It's about time Fender gives us some hollow-bodied action. On a slightly seperate note I was checking the Fender website the other day and for the first time noticed the Fender Modern Player Dimension Bass. I like the idea of the triple bucker for sure. Gives me a kinda Precision meets Gibson kind of vibe. I'm just really not sure about the looks of the bass itself. The pickguard is just eh, and the body shape is kinda lazy in my opinion. Its like they nailed a diamond to a turd. They should have given us a Marauder Bass instead. It'd be sortof like a Jazz but with a few different lines, similar to how we have the Jaguar Bass. Not only that but the new Marauder Guitar has a triple bucker and I think they could have carried the idea over and given us the bass equivalent. I love what Fender are doing at the minute with their Modern Player and Pawn Shop series'. New/old body styles from the past that have been brought kicking and screaming into the 21st century and new and quirky takes on the classic Strat, Tele, Jag, Precision and Jazz designs. Keep it up Fender!
  10. I'm the other way around when it comes to basses; the simpler the better. Spending countless pennies on these 'perfect' iterations of Jazz and Precision basses is totally not my thing. Why do we need 24 frets? How often have you really all said to yourself "Gee, I really wish I could have that note on the 24th fret of the G-string"? Hm? I dunno, maybe it's just me being a young heathen that's grown up on a healthy diet of punk, hardcore and metal. Maybe I can't appreciate the finer instruments. Giving me a boutique instrument would be like feeding strawberries to a donkey. Billy Sheehan. Hate that guy. Sure, he sounds like a really nice guy in interviews and stuff, but I honestly cannot stand him as a bassist. His playing style and his signature bass are just way WAY too much. A dual output bass is just about as abnoxious and pretentious as you can get. Okay I'm ranting a little now, but my point is that to me, bass is Sid Vicious, Paul Simonon, Lemmy. I'm digressing completely from the topic now. In a nutshell, give me a sh*tty made in Mexico Fender to any of your high end Warwicks or Dingwalls any day. Keep it simple guys.
  11. Woah O___O Art. I'm astonished! I'd love to see what you could do with my piece of crap mexican Jazz bass .
  12. I haven't seen much on Peavey basses to be honest. The most I've seen are the starter-kit basses that they do at my local Dawsons. Maybe that's what people think when they think of Peavey, might be why they're not rated very highly or even talked about. I used to have a pal that had a Peavey too, looked and sounded cool as. Made me consider getting one for a while until I plonked for my MiM Fender Jazz. I saw a review of an 80s T-40 on youtube and it looked and sounded pretty damn nice, and apparently the guy on the video said it was dirt cheap too. I honestly wouldn't say no to one. When I think of Peavey I think of amps, but they have a few cool signature models too which might bring the interest in their instruments. I mean a Devin Townsend signature, woah. I don't like flying Vs at all, but woah.
  13. Magic smoke?? But that sounds awesome . I get what you're saying. I'll get a seperate amp for the LH500 at a seperate date. Wouldn't be for a while though. But I'm sure everyone has a 'dream rig' that they think about and would love to have if money were no object . Thanks for the help. The TC stuff looks cool, but the 4x10 is really titchy looking.. Looks like it'd be a foot off the ground, which is handy for my car, but live it will look like I'm playing through a practice amp! Not only that but I have some effects pedals and I've heard mixed reports that TC amps don't have an effects loop, which is pretty much a fundamental flaw..
  14. I think I might plumb for a Hartke HA5500 and a Hydrive 410. Love Hartke and I'm intrigued about the aluminium and paper 'hybrid cone'. Sounds like it'd be perfect for me as I play in a metal band and use a pick. Sounds like It'd make me break through the wall of distorted guitars. At a later date I might get a Hartke LH500 and a splitter and designate it for bass and use the HA5500 for mid and treble. As a quick question, is it possible to play two heads through one amp? Like, take the dry signal from my bass, split it into two channels and into two seperate amps, and then take both signals back into a third channel and take that to the amp? If it was possible it'd be cool as I'd be able to play two 500 watt amps into a 1000 watt cab. I understand Billy Sheehan does something similar but I understand he has a dual output bass, and that's just too damn pretentious for me! If it wasn't possible I'd have to get a seperate Hydrive 115 cab for the LH500
  15. Okay thanks for the proper good advice. Yeah it does have a lead at the back. Had no idea that's what it was for! Really not an expert at these things but I'm slowly learning . Now I like the look of those tc electonic amps! Argh, dilemma.. Might treat my gf to a meal with the change too. Top notch idea. I'm sure she'd prefer that over me getting a new amp
  16. Thanks for the advice. What are the tc electronic amps best suited for? I play metal y'see. I saw the Terror amps too, but damn, 500 watts would thrash my Hartke combo amp! I think it's only 300 watts.
  17. So, I'm looking for a new amp. I have a Hartke VX3500 combo, but I've been eyeing-up a head and cabinet as I don't really fancy the idea of gigging with a combo amp; apparently head and cab is the way forward for live performances, from what I've read. Not only that but I want something that's a little more transportable. That combo is honestly as heavy as sin, and I have a Mini, having such a huge combo is such a pain! I need to upgrade to a head and cab! My girlfriend liked the look of Orange amps after seeing some in a Guitarist I was reading last week (despite knowing nothing about application) and she wondered if they did them in bass versions and if I would ever consider getting one. After a bit of research, I've seriously been eyeing up an AD200B mk3. They just look like a proper, great sounding, no nonsense bass amp. They are a bit pricey though. I wouldn't be able to afford a cabinet as well straight away. Would I be able to use the Orange head an use the Hartke as a cabinet for the time-being until I can get the corresponding Orange cab? I also heard that using different amps and cabs can colour your tone in a good way, so I might get a nice little thing going using two different manufacturers. Any help would be great. Cheers, Kiev.
  18. That Boxer Precision PB-555.. I think I'm in love. I've never even heard of one before. That pickup setup. The closest I've seen was on some ESP signature model (I forget the artist's name as he was Japanese). But I really really want now! That pickup combination on a Jazz body..stuff would FLY from my man sausage!!
  19. But I want to know if a Mark Hoppus pickguard will fit on a mex Jass bass..
  20. How many times have you seen this topic? Thanks, Kiev.
  21. I am planning on doing a little modding on my current mexican Jazz bass. I play metal and hardcore in my band and I need a workhorse to be going on with until I can afford something really tasty. Also, with these tough economic times, I'm a little bit skint so I'm not looking for a refinish job pr anything too major. My mod ideas were as follows: Swap the neck pickup for a Precision pickup (possibly a sexy EMG PX) and gutting the bridge pickup. I was possibly going to just leave the 'open wound' from the bridge pickup too as, like I said before, money is just too tight to sort that out at the minute. I was then looking into a Mark Hoppus pickguard. I love the fact that it just has a volume control, but I understand why it's not everyone's cup of tea, bit I'm personally a fan. Okay so my question is if a Mark Hoppus pickguard would have NO CHANCE of fitting on a mex Jazz Bass? I mean if I have to drill some new screw holes then so be it, but will it fit at all?
  22. It's a Fender Mark Hoppus signature, which is essentially a Jazz Bass with a Precision bridge and through-body stringing, as well of course the split-P pickup. Nothing's wrong with the current bridge I've just heard a few examples of people who have changed the bridge on their bass with some positive results.
  23. Are there any well known bridge makers that do then? For example Baddass II or anything like that?
  24. I was thinking of upgrading a bass with a Schaller bridge, but this particular bass strings through the body. So this question is to anyone that has one on one of their basses. Will it be possible to string through the body whilst having a Schaller bridge or will I have to top load the strings? Cheers, Kiev.
  25. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1335990924' post='1639302'] oh yes [IMG]http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r100/garethadavies/Fender%2060th%20Anniversary%20Precision%20Bass/DSC00986.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] Beautiful.
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