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  1. The problem I have with the JC is all the ones I’ve played have neckdived like crazy, which with my neck and shoulder issues is unworkable.
  2. I’ve been a musician since 1980 and I’m slightly embarrassed to say I’ve never heard of him! I’ll have to check him out.
  3. I love the Stranglers, but Hugh was hardly Pavarotti was he? 😂
  4. Change Jon for Hugh, bob’s your uncle. 😉😂
  5. Good call. I can’t get an original line up Stranglers doing Close to the Edge out of my head though!
  6. I have a mate who’s a 4th Dan Taekwondo, trains MMA, and loves a scrap. Me, I’m a lover, not a fighter. 😂
  7. Re the non-fight, I reckon JJB would have had ‘em all on his own. 😉
  8. Saw Living Colour with Muzz at Manchester Academy back in the day, roughly when Time’s Up was released. They were absolutely fantastic.
  9. It’s the ridiculous juxtaposition of the two that makes it work for me. Gimme Chocolate is just monster.
  10. Well I’m in my 50s so on sight you’d probably think I qualify. 😂 the reality is I just love the juxtaposition of the pop tunes and intense metal.They’re just major, major fun and my favourite metal (?) band along with Manowar, which probably suggests I don’t take my metal too seriously. (I exclude the mighty Sabbath from the above because I don’t really class them as metal. They’re just, well, Sabbath.)
  11. Babymetal at the O2, Brixton. What would have been a fantastic gig spoiled by the complete knob in front of me taking pictures literally for the entirety of the gig. Can’t help thinking he went for all the wrong reasons.... Oh well, seeing them again next Feb.
  12. I’d be really interested to hear The Stranglers play a Yes track and vice versa. 😉
  13. It might matter if shipping or travelling. CITES and all that. Edit: beaten to it!
  14. Sonic blue & surf green. Fabulous.
  15. I’m the opposite. Love blue. The only red bass I really like is the Nate Mendel P.
  16. As much as I like Bakithi, I actually prefer ASLs sound on these.
  17. That’s one thing we seem to do ok with. Getting them to listen in the first place is the most difficult part, but once they have they seem to come back for more. In fact usually they’re more shocked that the material is all ours than anything.
  18. Yeah, to be honest it could almost be Yes!
  19. Sandy Denny, as usual. My current rota remains Sandy/Fotheringay, Lissie, Billie Eilish and Babymetal.
  20. If you’ll take my chronic anxiety instead I’ll likely enjoy the gigs more. Win win. 😉
  21. Close to the Edge or The Yes Album for starters.
  22. I treat gigging as a necessary evil, most of the time. It earns the band money to enable us to record, and gets our music out to people who may hopefully enjoy it. However as someone who suffers with chronic anxiety, I don’t often find it a very happy or relaxing thing to do, with the occasional exception. And sadly, we don’t earn enough for us to give up our soul-destroying day jobs. I generally much prefer playing festivals to pub gigs, FWIW.
  23. I’m a prog rock fan through and through, but there are loads of punk/new wave bands I love too; the Stranglers, the Damned, early Jam, Buzzcocks, Siouxsie, all sorts of stuff. Never understood why they (or any other genres for that matter) should be mutually exclusive. Have to say I never got The Clash though. Gimme The Damned any day. 😉
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