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Everything posted by 4000

  1. I too was initially influenced by others; Lemmy, JJB, Geddy, Geezer, Glenn & Rog, Mike Rutherford, Leigh “Leroy” Gorman. I only really discovered Chris after reading that he was a famous Ric user in a book I bought, a few years in. I went out and bought Classic Yes and it all made sense. Although he has been a huge influence, in reality my style was pretty much established before I ever discovered him. He just dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s. I came to Entwistle very late too, mid ‘80s probably. I’d been playing a few years by then.
  2. I remember JJB saying in an interview that he thought Chris Squire was A “fantastic” bass player. He’s not wrong (Chris is my favourite player). Also interesting that Chris himself, despite having been such an influence on so many who came after, has openly admitted that he himself was hugely influenced by Entwistle’s sound at the time.
  3. I seem to be in the minority, but Black & White is my favourite of all their albums. Never got to see them, sadly.
  4. This is also a solid suggestion, and a potentially cheap first try. Also, I don’t know what your amplification is, but maybe look at that too.
  5. To be honest I’ve played lots of basses from various manufacturers at all price levels which do a pretty good impression of the tone in that video. Ironically it’s a tone I don’t like, but I’ve never struggled to get it. I know some don’t believe in the different wood thing, but what about trying a maple fingerboard? In fact I’m sure you could, if necessary, sell your Sei and get Martin to build you something more in that ballpark, then you’d have the best of both worlds. Also, did you replace the Barts in the end? They wouldn’t be my choice for that tone, based on my experience with them. Have you discussed it with Martin? Maybe he’d be well placed to advise.
  6. Billy uses 7s I believe. Yngwie Malmsteen uses 8s. Hendrix apparently used 10-38. Think Page was originally 8-38. In terms of bass strings, I’ve gone from 40-95 to 40-100, with a recent pit stop at 35-95.
  7. They used to have a bunch in a local music shop back in the day. Twin pickup actives (?). Quite expensive, I seem to recall. In fact I seem to remember a local bassist used to use one. Good player too.
  8. It all depends on the bass in question - some strings will work with some basses and not others - your technique, setup, tuning, eq, all sorts of things. The only way to really know is to experiment. I used to play in a metal band (standard tuning) on a Westone Quantum medium scale with 35-85 strings. Sounded great, way better than my P bass with 45-105 in the same context. Also way better than my first Ric with the same 35-85. Obviously when changing gauges - and bear in mind the tension can differ for the same gauges from make to make - the setup is crucial.
  9. +1. Your tendons will thank you in later years. 😉 if you’re hitting that hard maybe you need more relief/higher action.
  10. My Pro II was better than my ‘96 Pro 1 by some margin. I sold it to a friend but would have it back in a heartbeat, except he won’t sell it. He gets a tremendous tone out of it.
  11. For some reason, I found my Dolphin Pro 2 much comfier than my Pro 1s. And it wasn’t just the weight.
  12. I’ve had 2 x 4s, and no. I wouldn’t say I found them uncomfortable, but the shape and the weight made them a bit borderline, although I loved the looks, neck and tone of my ‘91. I found the ergonomics just a bit weird. But hey, I find Rics the most comfortable bass out there, so YMMV. 😂
  13. Babymetal. Billie Eilish. Kylie - particularly for the most smiling faces I’ve ever seen in one place - in that order.
  14. This bass really, really does it for me; everything you could want in a Streamer. Sadly I currently have no funds, but best of luck with the sale.
  15. Well I learned to play on a Ric and the strap button is slightly further back than on a Fender; although I’ve owned Fenders I’ve never been a “Fender player” and never settled into a Fender ergonomics, so maybe that’s why it’s never bothered me.
  16. I found it really bland-sounding, with none of the grind of the original. Obviously others may have had different experiences. The reissue horseshoe sounded miles better. I did once play a ‘73 that had an SD in that was really, really thick, but again had no bite; I assume that was wired differently. Re the Grovers, I think the main issue is that all 4 look like they’re for the same side, hence why 2 are upside down. You can pick Titans up relatively cheaply, unlike the Wavy Grovers. In fact a set of Titans will set you back less than a single Wavy G. And the Wavy Gs can fall apart, although they are fixable.
  17. I’m 55 and there are several artists at Glastonbury I’m rather looking forward to. Most of the bands at that link seem to be rock bands. Which is fine, but I’d sooner see a broader spectrum at a festival, personally.
  18. I ordered an Ibanez from one of the German companies (forget which one, wasn’t Thomann) and they paid return shipping; they sent the appropriate label. To be honest, I wouldn’t worry too much if you need to return it; it’s part of the business these days. FWIW, I never liked the feel of the USA Subs.
  19. They look like GroverTitans. Geddy put them on most of his Rics to replace the wavy Grovers. I had a ‘73 4000 that was the most aggressive sounding bass out of the thousands of basses I’ve played. Shouldn’t have sold it. Great bass. One of my 4001CSs had an SD in the bridge position. I hated it (YMMV) and got rid asap, replacing it with the correct reissue horseshoe. If I were you I’d replace that with a Classic Amplification treble pickup, or a genuine Ric one.
  20. I had a headless Westone Quantum many years ago which I loved. Medium scale I believe. I must admit I’ve never had the problem with playing position that many have when playing headless instruments (I’ve had 2 headless Seis as well).
  21. That’s stunning Zig. Wish I had the money. Facings are Buckeye Burl, always my favourite exotic facing timber. Wings are Ash.
  22. Apart from my ‘73 4000, I’ve never played a ‘73 that I’ve liked.
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