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Everything posted by 4000

  1. I preferred my Pro II to my Custom, but it was very heavy, which is why I ended up selling it.
  2. Billie Eilish. Love the album, even at my advanced age!
  3. I once put on a heavy pre-EB in The Gallery and both my legs went numb. Good balance or no, that ain’t working! I had nerve pain through my abdomen for days afterwards.
  4. Ditto. I have several prolapsed discs and although good balance helps, weight is key. Ironically neck heavy works better than body heavy for me, I assume due to the nature of the prolapses.
  5. I’d fill in the worst of the routes and cover with a 60s style pickguard and treble pickup surround. Could refin but it’d be a shame to cover that Birdseye.
  6. It’d be a nice project if you had the bits and it was less than half the price. 😉
  7. It is indeed wildly OTT given the state of it. I tried telling them but they wouldn’t have any of it. Complete and in decent nick the price would be about £4K, maybe a tad more. As it is, more like half what they want, if that. The flat Grovers are indeed more rare; I’ve got them on my favoured ‘72 and have never seen any for sale separately, although I haven’t been looking too hard.
  8. You see, to me that’s what every room should look like. My missus, however, doesn’t agree. 😂
  9. Yeah, I’ve always done this too. The problem with using long scale strings on a shorter scale is it often means the tapered part at the end, which normally goes round the tuner, isn’t where it should be, so you end up wrapping the full thickness of the string round the tuner, which makes it a bit clumsy. Of course this differs from manufacturer to manufacturer. I’ve actually found some Warwick black nylon wound medium scale 40-100 online but only available from Europe; can’t seem to find them here, and shipping was about £9, which is a pain. Dunlop also do some medium scale 40-100 flat wound, but they’re £45, which is a bit steep if they don’t work or I don’t like ‘em.
  10. Thanks Steve. Puzzled me too, for the same reason. I've just tried the lower couple of strings from a set of 40-100 Roto steels on it and they seem to intonate ok, although they were more of a struggle to sort out at the headstock end. The strings it came with taper before the tuner (possibly suggesting they're actually medium scale strings), whereas the Rotos don't really and it gets a bit tight there. May be workable though, although I'm not sure it helps any with regards to flats. May have to just bite the bullet.
  11. I also use the tones and volumes; I fiddle with both constantly. Also different strings and picks can make a huge difference. My main Ric has been my favourite bass since 1993 when I bought it. I’ve been through all sorts of things since, Wals, Alembics, Seis, old Warwicks, Jaydees etc etc, but they’ve all gone and these days I almost exclusively stick to my Rics as they do pretty much everything I want. There are things they don’t suit, but they tend to be things I don’t play anymore.
  12. They may just not be for you. FWIW a good vintage one will cost you an arm and a leg; I just had to insure mine. ”That” tone is very dependent upon using (or not using) certain amps and speakers. I avoid HF units/tweeters like the plague and find many modern cabs just have the wrong voicing. I use BF One10 cabs and Tech 21 VT500.
  13. Ah, shame. I nearly picked up one of the original full-fat Urge's for under £600 a few years back, tried it, ummd and ahh (wasn't sure about the E) and someone beat me to it.
  14. Proper nice colour Andy. And I don't normally do red.
  15. It was a pic of Gaye using her Azureglo 4001 that made me want one. Unfortunately when I went to buy my first 4001 (new), they'd stopped making them, so I got a Jetglo. Azureglo is still my favourite Ric colour, and I now have a super-rare '72 in Azureglo. I also had a '73 (a complete dog) and a '76, both in Azureglo, but neither came close to the current one.
  16. A couple of years back or so I bought a used Warwick Alien 4 string acoustic Rockbass from Promenade Music in Morecambe. I think it's an older one, made in Vietnam, with a neck like the early Thumbs (i.e. like a pencil), far slimmer than the later ones I've played/owned. Medium scale (32"), obviously. I bought some new Warwick Red Label bronze strings some time ago to replace the ones on there but the gauge is heavier than the ones it came with (45-105 compared to approx 40-100)and they don't intonate correctly. As there's no intonation adjustment as such I assume whoever had it originally had the necessary work done on the bridge to allow the current strings to intonate, as I'm pretty sure they're lighter than what it would have come with. I've currently put the old ones back on but they won't last forever. Unfortunately I have no idea what make they are and I've been struggling to find 40-100 gauge bronze in medium scale. Anyone have any suggestions, or had any experience cutting down long scales? Another thought was possibly fitting flats. Does anyone have any experience fitting approx 40-100 gauge flats to an Alien? With flats typically costing so much more I'd be reluctant to find out the hard way that they don't intonate correctly.
  17. Actually, Chris didn't play that hard most of the time. Geddy, well ok. 😂
  18. This, whatever the bass is. I love Rics (well, certain ones) but if they don't work for you, move on.
  19. That’s such a shame. I too suffer from chronic depression, chronic anxiety and ptsd, but a good gig - and I choose carefully - is one of the few times I can (hopefully) forget about this. I ignore everyone else as best I can and focus on the performance and the music.
  20. Well what I can say is I liked the Fodera the least, followed by the Stingray, Jazz And Corvette. Not that that means anything of course, as it’s quite possible to make any bass sound pants in the wrong context with the wrong eq, and it’s all down to personal taste anyway.
  21. 4000

    NBD Urge

    You sure it was headless basses and not just the Kingbass Andy? I love headless basses but the Kingbass always sat wrong on me.
  22. And that is exactly how a P should look. You should go into business!
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