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  1. But it doesn't matter if it was pure genius if you simply don't like it; his playing never really spoke to me. Speaking personally, I'm never going to knock Jaco as a player (although personally I think his greatest strength is his time/groove rather than the stuff he's more famous for), I just don't like the bulk of his music (exceptions being Okonkole Y Trompa and his stuff on Badia/Boogie Woogie Waltz Medley on 7:30). I can appreciate his playing, but I don't really like it most of the time. You don't have to like something because it's in some way historically significant. FWIW I was never keen on his tone either and if I don't like someone's tone then I'm always going to struggle; after all, sound is a hugely important part of what I enjoy about music. FWIW I love James Taylor and I also love Space Cowboy.
  2. The problem I found is getting all the contenders together in one room. I managed to do that at Drew’s Great British Bass Lounge, before it changed hands, and ended up buying 2 x Tech 21 VT500s. They’re great. I’m actually considering selling the spare (never used) to help fund another bass as most of the time I use a VT Pedal and no back line live, so my amp is mostly used at home. I’ve tried many of the Class D heads (including the Orange) and I like the VT500 best.
  3. That’s the same as my old head. Best amp I’ve ever used, unless my memory deceives me.
  4. Trace was always “my” tone, back in the day. Years after getting rid of my Trace gear due to back problems, I went through pretty much every amp in The Gallery trying to find something I liked. The last thing I plugged into was a Trace combo and there it was. Sadly my back was even worse by then so I couldn’t buy it. I keep thinking if I come across one of the original 11 band Trace AH150s (like my old one) in decent working order I’ll buy it, as much as I like my Tech 21 VT500. Unfortunately the matching early un-ported painted-wood-only 200w 4x10 - easily the best cab I’ve ever used - is out of the question. They recently had a slightly later centre-ported red stripe version at a local cash converters for £45, but the missus kept reminding me of my back issues and wouldn’t let me buy it.
  5. Without wishing to state the obvious, why not get an Orange?
  6. Very nice. I really, really like Ibanez SRs, but unfortunately - and proving I must have the weirdest body going, thanks to my numerous physical ailments - they don't like me; I find them really uncomfortable.
  7. I've had side LEDS in the past and my hopefully soon-to-be-ordered next Sei will also have them. They're fantastic in low light situations, have saved my bacon a few times. Quite happy with front LEDs too, although they can cause issues if your fretboard needs work. Just one of those things, some people like 'em, some don't, but they do have a practical application. It's not just Alembic who do them BTW.
  8. Again, one of my favourite albums. Bought this and Jaco's debut on the same day, decades ago. I still listen to this now, haven't listened to Jaco's in about 20 years.
  9. WYWH is my favourite album of all time, along with Moonmadness by Camel. I was always disappointed with the other albums (including Dark Side) which I heard later and which to me don't even come close.
  10. Ditto. I used to pretend to myself I liked Weather Report, but I don't. Likewise Joni Mitchell. And Steely Dan.
  11. Horses for courses I guess. I love the weird, hypnotic unsettlingness (copyrighted ) of it. In fact we recently played it to one of the band who had never heard Primus and he adored it too.
  12. Hi, managed to speak to them before but have only just managed to post here. Apparently they had problems with the shutters yesterday (I think that's what he said). I didn't get into it. All sorted for now, many thanks for the assist, it's very much appreciated.
  13. If I speak to them in the meantime I’ll do my best to post here (although I’ll be at work so not easy).
  14. Don’t worry if it’s a problem, but if you can that’d be fantastic, I’d really appreciate it.
  15. That would be incredible if you could, I’d really appreciate it, as long as it’s not too much trouble. I’m going to try ringing again tomorrow, obviously, but I’m just concerned that if I can’t get a response there’s a risk I might end up getting the train down Saturday (I don’t drive) to be met with a closed shop, which would be a nightmare, given I’d have to then take the instrument back home again. There’s also my concern that Saturday is the only window I’ve got and if I can’t get it back within the trial period I’ll be lumbered with a bass I don’t want.
  16. I've managed to find this page, which states they're open all day Wednesday, 9:30-5:30: https://www.jhs.co.uk/johnny-roadhouse-music-9189-9189-9189-9189/ I started phoning at 9:30 prompt and was phoning at regular intervals all day. Surely they can't have been that busy, can they?
  17. Hi, Does anyone in the Manchester area know if Johnny Roadhouse is closed Wednesdays or if they're closed for other reasons? I've been calling all day (and have also emailed) with no response whatsoever, sometimes sitting on the phone for 10 minutes or more with it just ringing out. Have also tried 2 different numbers. I'm supposed to be returning an instrument Saturday (was on 14 day trial) and as I'm travelling I need to make sure they're open. Never had a problem contacting them before.
  18. 4.3kg? Blue LEDs? It’s probably a good job I don’t really play 5’s anymore. Gorgeous!
  19. Great, unique player; although not a huge fan, especially of his more recent 'underwater' sound, I certainly appreciate his artistry. Went to see him a few years back at Manchester Apollo, mainly to see Tal. Waited around after the gig with maybe a couple of dozen other people and eventually the band came out and Jeff agreed to sign stuff. The rest of the band got on the bus and Jeff stood off the bus at the door, chatting to fans and signing stuff. I had a pic of Tal I wanted signing so shouted to her and she kindly got up, came to the door of the bus and signed it. I then proceeded to try and have a conversation with her over the head of Jeff and the various fans he was chatting with. At one point I said something to Tal and he obviously thought I was talking to him; he turned and said something to the effect of "sorry, what was that?" and I said "sorry Jeff, I was talking to Tal". I think it was the next day I realised I'd actually dissed Jeff Beck.
  20. Strangely I'm not much interested in combining music and comedy. For me it's a bit like jam and cheese. Unless it's John Otway, who nearly gave me a seizure at the Acoustic Festival last year. If we're talking musicians rather than songwriters (although he is one), currently I'd say Martin Simpson. Always incredible tone and as tasteful as it gets. Hoping to see him live soon. If we're talking songwriters, then the list would be way too long by half.
  21. Ditto. I went to see The Musical Box at Manchester Apollo a few years back; the missus had bought me a ticket (£30 a head IIRC) for my birthday. Anyone who knows that audience knows that they sit and listen. A group of guys several rows back, probably in their late fifties - and absolutely hammered - talked at ridiculous volume all the way through every song, despite various members of the audience asking them to be quiet. They were reported and one removed, but the rest just carried on regardless. At one point an obviously exasperated woman stood up and very politely asked them to consider that everyone else wanted to watch the band and could they please be quiet, and was told to go away in no uncertain terms. What made this even worse was at the end of the gig one of them went up to her and threatened to beat her up outside; she had to ask security to escort her out. Appalling. Why they weren't all slung out I have no idea. Thankfully the same idiots weren't at the Lowry last time I saw TMB.
  22. I had one of those. Fantastic bass. My only problems were (a) I don't really play 5s and (b) my 2 main basses are slightly less than 34" scale, so I was always marginally out (not helped by the inlays either); I simply didn't play it enough to get used to it so sold it on, but I'd have one again if I had the space. To be honest I liked it better than the Warwick Alien Deluxe I replaced it with. For my 40th I got a custom built Alembic Triple Omega, which I sadly had to move on a few years later due to chronic back, neck and shoulder issues. I'm now in my 50s but didn't get anything for my 50th. After an eternity of saving, I was actually going to order another custom Sei a few weeks ago, but a broken boiler (final assessment, after weeks of fault-finding, being that it needs replacing entirely) looks like it has put paid to that.
  23. 4000


    What's the weight of this particular specimen? These seem to be all over the place in terms of poundage.
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