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  1. Lemmy had one of the '60s T/Bird pickups in the neck position of his most iconic Ric (from my era anyway), the Hawkwind / early Motorhead bass used on Ace of Spades.
  2. Now that's service! Now I'll just have to check the various cars it may be going in......! Any problems on the back seat or is it estate car only?
  3. My test is always does the case fit across the back seat of an average car. Had a nightmare with my Alembic which wouldn't. Much as I fancy one of these, if it doesn't either then it might be a no go.
  4. I keep looking at this on the Gallery site (it says it’s strung as a piccolo). Beautiful, beautiful bass.
  5. Gorgeous. At some point I intend to get a Limelight P and I think LPB is the way to go, although I do love Faded Sonic Blue. Recently saw a birth month/year P Bass in LPB with a tort guard at Vintage and Rare and it looked stunning. Does that have finish checking?
  6. Def look at changing the preamp, that’s usually the weakest link. You could also get the pickups rewound by someone like Aaron Armstrong. Way cheaper than getting new pickups.
  7. Ok, def didn't need to hear this. I need to find one to try.....in white. Anybody know if Dawson's in Manchester have any in?
  8. Name me a musical drummer. Actually, most of the Jazzers I've ever known (and I've known a lot) rate him very highly, but they're all his age group. I second the Neil Peart thing (a lot crap at jazz I'd say), but he's still pretty good in Rush, which is handy for him.
  9. Def sounds like one to me too, but that's what he says. If I get to see him again - very likely at some point - I'll ask again. The Burgundyglo '72 he has now isn't his old bass, he said he was using that for the first time at the Acoustic Festival. His original bass was a 21 fretter, which do sound very different as I've had one and that's why I got rid of it and I know of other people who have/have had them who say the same. His current is a '72 with skunk stripe, which also sound different than the pre-skunks. I got to check it out, which was extremely cool. He has very high action, way, way higher than mine. Anyway, apologies, back to TBirds. If the Epi can get close to Martin's sound for £500 or thereabouts then that'll do me (in white, obviously), although I do worry about the huge headstock and potential neck dive as, like I say, I haven't played one in many years.....I was supposed to be being notified by a couple of places as to when they were in stock but have heard crickets.
  10. From what I've gathered - it's many, many years since I played an original - they are a lot brighter than later versions, which many prefer. Martin Turner (Wishbone Ash) is my go to TBird sound (bloody nice bloke too, played on the same bill as him at the Acoustic Festival of Britain last year, although he used a '72 Ric for that - FWIW, he also confirmed he played a Ric on Argus, despite the photos). As another '72 Ric user, clanky sounds right up my street. ;-)
  11. Dave, sincerely hope you get well soon. Met you at the Gallery last year (or year before?) and we chatted about Hammer films and playing with a pick. Look forward to seeing you back in the saddle.
  12. Fair enough. It could be that this one isn’t as good (for you) as your old one, your tastes have changed, the bar has now risen with your other basses, or it could simply be the rig. Been there, done all of those. ;-) If it’s the rig the danger is that what suits this bass may not suit the others as well. Just try a few different rigs if further adjustments to the current one don’t work out. One other thing, if at all possible (which isn’t always the case), if you find an instrument that you really like, keep it. You may never find another the same, regardless of whether it’s the same model and should be identical. I’ve had a lot of supposed ‘duplicates’ and they never have been. ;-)
  13. This, absolutely. I’ve never played 2 of any make/model of bass that are identical. I go back to my original question; what was it that you liked about it that made you buy it? If you didn’t play it first and just thought it’d fit the bill based on what it is, I’d say that’s a risky way of buying a musical instrument. It can work, but it’s a crapshoot. If you generally get on with Jazzes, then I suspect you may just not get on with that particular one. But try a few different rigs first, you never know. FWIW the Jazz with EMGs that I played was a ‘70s; I think I prefer the maple necks.
  14. No matter how versatile a rig is, I've never found any rig suits 100% of basses. FWIW, I've also never really got on with Markbass. It's not necessarily that they're too clean; I love Trace Elliot with many basses and they're pretty clean. I just always found MB a bit lifeless for what I want and how I play. But given that you seem to like the MB with your other basses, it could just be the bass doesn't match the rig. When I used to run my SEis and my Rickenbackers, the SEis sounded great through rigs that didn't suit the Rics (e.g. EBS) and vice versa. So, my first piece of advice - pretty obvious really - would be to try the Jazz through some different rigs and see if that makes a difference. Also trying a preamp pedal (e.g. Tech21) as has already been mentioned may be an easier option. What did you play the Jazz through that made you buy it? Or did you not try it before buying it? One other thing, I've had a few Jazzes and have played dozens, and I've never got a good sound out of any of them, regardless of rig, strings, whatever. Which isn't to say they can't sound great because of course they can; someone in the Gallery once took my old Tokai off me, played about 3 notes and sounded amazing, when mere seconds before I was playing it and sounding the very definition of 'meh'. I just can never get them to sound good; they don't suit me. Actually, there was one once that was pretty good, but that had EMGs in it. I've never got a good sound out of a stock Jazz. Maybe it just doesn't suit you?
  15. Liking the blue back against the burst front. Very nice.
  16. I seem to be in a huge minority, but I don’t like Joni Mitchell, hence why she’s not on my list. ;-) FWIW, I don’t believe in good and bad music, only music you like and music you don’t. I’ve never grasped why someone should feel in the right for liking band (a) over band (b). Does the same apply with flavours of crisps? Because it makes as much sense.
  17. I always find criticisms of musicians as “flash” or “busy” a bit strange, as if the only sign of a great musician is restraint, regardless of whether that’s what is required at a particular point in time. I always got the impression Buddy was doing his damnedest to swing his band into outer space, which is a fairly admirable trait for a jazz drummer in my book.
  18. Absolutely my all-time favourite drummer by leagues; arguably my favourite musician. Totally driving and swung like a mutha. Worshipped his drumming as a kid (was brought up on jazz). Saw him live twice and he was light years ahead of anyone else.
  19. Haven’t had a Vigier but have had 2 of both the others (including a custom Alembic) and my Alembics were in a different league entirely. I have my dream basses already, but I would like a Nov ‘63 Ric 4001 (birth month) or a Jetglo ‘72 to go with my others. I guess the custom Sei I’ve been planning forever (my third) counts too.
  20. If it was the same as mine, they're rare as hen's teeth from that period, and very collectible. Unlucky!
  21. Ah blast, that's me out then. I've played a few older ones that were very light indeed (under 9lbs), but I can't play anything over 9lbs due to chronic back and neck problems. Thanks anyway.
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