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  1. Paul is sadly overlooked when it comes to custom builders; his basses are works of art. He's still on my shortlist; sadly vintage basses keep getting in the way!
  2. More pics: [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/P1040952_zpsbmay8wf3.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/P1040949_zpsdh774weu.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/P1040947_zpseoowchwa.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/P1040946_zpsa8fjxgxx.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/P1040945_zpsr5g5ewda.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/P1040944_zps1hleah8f.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/P1040942_zps4xb33ynv.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/P1040955_zpsilbfrbjz.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/P1040954_zpsicudab5a.jpg.html"][/url]
  3. Up for sale is my Ibanez EDA900 in what I can only describe as a sort of candy orange finish. Bought this on a whim from the Bass Gallery a couple of weeks back; met Pino while I was there and what a jolly nice chap he was! My physical problems are well-documented here and I thought this was worth a bash as it's light (under 8lbs at a guess), very ergonomic with a curved (luthite) body a la Warwick (sits perfectly on the leg when seated too), plays great with a straight, slim neck and very low action - John kindly set it up whilst I was there - and between the humbucker and the piezo bridge units is pretty versatile. I've attached a link to the manual: [url="http://www.ibanez.com/world/manual/guitars/EDA.pdf"]http://www.ibanez.co...guitars/EDA.pdf[/url] It's in excellent condition; there are some minor scratches to the rear control plates, a tiny scuff to the tip of the headstock, a couple of minor chips in the finish to the rear body edge just above the rear strap button and a couple around two of the neck bolts; that's about it really. If you look closely you can see them in the photo; they're pretty small. Unfortunately the one thing I hadn't planned for is the the body is too small to be ideal for me (I have the same problem with Warwick Thumbs, much as I like them). So, in the hope of a quick in/out it's up for £200 or nearest sensible offer. It comes with a pretty flimsy gig bag so collection is preferred, but I do have lots of bubblewrap and a cardboard box so it could be shipped if necessary; however the buyer would have to arrange the pickup & postage themselves. I guess the looks and colour may be polarising but I think it looks great! Photos are the ones from the Gallery as they're very good and the bass is as it came from them; I'll happily take some myself if anyone needs them. [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/img_7425_zpszutw6h85.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/img_7424_zpshqbe5yqi.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/img_7422_zpsbukbhptt.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s290.photobucket.com/user/josten72/media/Ibanez%20EDA900/img_7423_zps6xical0c.jpg.html"][/url] Any questions, feel free to ask.
  4. 4000


    Happy birthday mate. :-) I'm 54 this year, and over the past few years several things have struck me; like Happy Jack says, my 2 nans were old - in dress and possibly mindset -when I was born, although they were probably only in their 60s at most (I'll have to find out actually). One of my grandads died before I was born and the other shortly after so I have no memory of them. My younger sister briefly had a period of dressing like my nan - don't ask me why - and gave a not dissimilar impression, despite only being in her 40s, so the style has something to do with it, visually at least. For me, the main issue is my timeline seems really out of synch. Being on Foundation Course seems about 3,4 years ago. I was 17. Uni seems longer ago, but then the former was one of the happiest periods of my life and the latter one of the least happy, so I suspect my brain is giving it distance. My first job - again a happy time, despite the work - seems like no more than a decade ago, as does being on the dole immediately after Uni, whereas things that happened ten years ago (mostly bad) seem like a lifetime. It's all topsy-turvy. Some things that really hit home recently; I was reminiscing with a friend about the first time we met Lemmy. I was 17 and Lemmy was 35, IIRC, on the Ace of Spades tour. That makes me roughly 18 years older now than he was then, which seems impossible. It's like finding out you're older than God. My stepdad took early retirement - at least until he had to work again - when I was 21, which I recently worked out made him about my age now, which meant my mum at that time was younger than I am now. And yet that seems like yesterday, or last year at most. And of course we lost John Noakes the other day, who it turned out was roughly the same age as my mum, which also seems impossible, given I still imagine him climbing Nelson's Column, something my mum would definitely be incapable of! As has been stated elsewhere, the worst part is it just goes faster and faster the older you get. If you think it's gone fast at 33 Andy, just wait til you're 53 and desperately trying to apply the brakes. ;-)
  5. When I had my Alembic built I opted for plastic covers simply because those brass ones are heavy and I wanted to cut as much weight as possible. Mine was a Triple Omega though, so bigger-bodied than a Rogue. What's the weight please and does it have its case?
  6. No surprise that that didn't last long.
  7. Uh oh, really didn't need to see that! What's the weight please?
  8. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1493316875' post='3287473'] Cheers mate - hope you're well. Been a while! [/quote] You too mate. Hope all is good with you.
  9. Of course you could actually have a back problem; lots of us do. Prolapsed disc, trapped nerve etc? So you may want to look into that. But yes, a lighter bass certainly sounds like a good idea. As for weight, over the past 35+ years I've had basses weighing from 7lb to 13lb plus, and I've played basses well past either end of that spectrum. So they definitely don't all weigh the same. ;-)
  10. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1493292152' post='3287179'] I love the not difficult statements. Since when has difficulty had much to do with creativity and musicianship? Most semi decent guitarists now would say what Hendrix played was "Not difficult". Its not the point, Hendrix played it over 40 years ago when it was a revelation. The same with Chris. Its the note choice, placement and timing, and that tone that make it very special. [/quote] +2. My all-time favourite. Thankfully I actually got to tell him too and he seemed quite touched. Never quite took in his death, partly because it came on the heels of so many others and partly because I was in the middle of a breakdown at the time. Still can't really believe he's gone. Close to the Edge for me. The soaring, hypnotic line in that just kills me every time. But then pretty much every track is a masterclass in tone and note choice.
  11. Very tempting Andy, although I'm desperately trying to save for another Sei. GLWTS. Andy is a top bloke BTW, just in case anyone didn't already know.
  12. I believe the TI rounds are pretty low tension too, although not so much as the flats. Or if you're pretty set on a particular gauge of string, you could always get someone like Newtone to make you a custom low tension set (they also do a standard lower tension round core string, as I believe do Status). Low action is all relative, but I like my action very low indeed, and as straight a neck as possible. But then I both pluck and fret very lightly, unless I'm purposely digging in. I've met very few people who prefer lower action than me, although my two main (vintage) basses are slightly higher than I would normally choose for various reasons. I use pretty much the same gauges as the OP. As others have said, it's really all down to the mechanics of the instrument - i.e. level frets etc - and the way you play, how hard you pluck and / or fret. Having said that Flea historically had extremely low action - at one point I believe his tech said it was something like 1mm at the 12th E, although it's gone up a bit since - and he hammers his bass (listen to the solo'd bass tracks from Blood Sugar on Youtube, it's virtually all fret buzz - sounds great to me!). One other important thing is to choose a luthier for your setup who isn't averse to you using very low action. Some - Chris May springs to mind, as we've had a couple of conversations about it - really aren't keen on it. Others, like Martin Petersen, who does all the work I can't do myself, are quite happy to go with it if it suits you. I remember a mate sending his old Status to Rob Green for some work; I think it went twice. Both times it came back with an action you could drive a bus under, so we had to redo the setup completely. Apparently Rob said that when he set up one of John Entwistle's basses John took one look at it and said "oh, it'll go much lower than that!" John used to joke that he liked his action "on the other side of the frets". FWIW Mark King's first 2 Alembics were 34" scale and then he got 2 x 32" scale ones. His Kingbasses are 32".
  13. I sold my Wal Custom, which I never really got on with, to a mate for £599 in approx '95 or '96. Living with that in view of what they go for now is difficult enough, but I used the money to buy a Marshall Dynamic Bass 200 head and matching 1x15. Ouch. The upside is it's been his main bass ever since and he still has it. The other downside is it that when I bought it (from Music Ground IIRC), in a moment of madness I px'd my Pedulla MVP, which remains one of the nicest basses I've ever owned, against it for a paltry £475.
  14. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1491642489' post='3274468'] By 'eck lad... [/quote] " 'E were a great bassist were our dad".........
  15. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1491668580' post='3274683'] Always dodgy territory, trying to describe a sound. Closest I can get is a Precision with SD 1/4-pounders and the tone wide open. It's a bass with some real presence. The nut is 1 5/8", string spacing is 19mm, all very familiar territory. [/quote] Thanks. I appreciate the difficulty describing a sound, but that gives me a ballpark, much appreciated.
  16. Was the JG not itself a take on the Fodera Matt Garrison? Regardless, epic bass there. I played one of these at the Gallery a few years back and it was one of the best playing basses I've ever had the pleasure of putting fingers to. Sounded wonderful as well. The only thing that has me in 2 minds (even though I don't really play 5s anymore under normal circumstances) is the utter greenness. I don't suppose you have any photos taken in natural light? Edit: just noticed the string spacing; bigger than ideal for me (I'm a 17mm and under man). What would it go down to?
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1491633775' post='3274395'] [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Basses%20CURRENT/Shergold%20Marathon%20CURRENT/Shergold%203_zpstgu9j7hc.jpg.html"][/url] I bought this off eBay a couple of years ago ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/264338-shergold-marathon-sweet/page__hl__shergold"]http://basschat.co.u...e__hl__shergold[/url]) and it's a truly delightful bass, but I just don't seem to be playing it ... too much competition! [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Basses%20CURRENT/Shergold%20Marathon%20CURRENT/Shergold%202_zpsqjzgkui1.jpg.html"][/url] It's all original apart from the refin, which is exceptionally nice. White. Very white. No, seriously, I mean really really white. [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Basses%20CURRENT/Shergold%20Marathon%20CURRENT/Shergold%204_zpsnqssh8mx.jpg.html"][/url] I can't say that it plays like butter, since it never leaves grease on my fingers. [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Basses%20CURRENT/Shergold%20Marathon%20CURRENT/Entire%20bass%201_zpswdb0ib7n.jpg.html"][/url] I can't even tell you exactly how old it is ... late 70s/early 80s is about as good as it gets. I'm selling this in a decent gigbag, preferably with collection from either Harrow (London W1) or the West End (London WC1). P&P would be extra. I'm offering this here on Basschat for a week or so at what I paid for it (although I'll be down a gigbag). Then it will go back to eBay. [/quote] That's bizarre. I was watching a Shergold - so far as I remember exactly the same as this, even down to the white refin - on ebay being sold by Dad's Guitars, a few months ago at best. It went while I was trying to make my mind up. Having always been interested in Shergolds, but not having played one for the last 35 years, what's it sound like and what's the neck profile/string spacing like?
  18. That reminds me, must find my flat cap. It's the only suitable stagewear these days.
  19. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1491482499' post='3273392'] Well, then I wouldn't have modded it, I'd have restored it. As I said in my post, it was a cap mod. Other people do know stuff, you know [/quote] Indeed! they take caps out for starters.
  20. I'm afraid carbon fibre may not solve your problem. I've had one carbon fibre reinforced custom - a 6 - and it had hands down the most unstable neck of any bass I've ever owned (and I've owned about 40 or 50 now), certainly for the few years I had it. Indeed Wal stopped using carbon fibre reinforcement because they felt it caused as many issues as it solved. Unfortunately a neck either tends to move or it doesn't, in my experience. I've always found highly figured maple to be problematic, but YMMV.
  21. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1491414185' post='3272890'] Erm, on a 4001 it is taking it out. I can't bypass what's not there! [/quote] That depends whether it had already been taken out when you got it. I've had a couple that have had the caps already removed, and you can always put one back in (which I have, temporarily), although technically that would be a reverse cap mod. Just wanted to be certain. FWIW, with the exception of my Fireglo 72, which as I said doesn't really sound noticeably different either way, I've always much preferred cap out.
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