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Everything posted by 4000

  1. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1416168176' post='2607582'] I had a Twin Valve for a while and really liked it. It was easy to carry, easy to get a filthy tone, and easily as loud as the average 500w SS amp. Also, not only does it resemble a Dualit toaster, but the top gets so hot you can make toast on it :-D [/quote] Intrigued by this. I had a Twin Valve - 2 in fact - and couldn't get any real grit out of it. It was an nice amp, but not 'gritty'. MY ABM500 was far more so. Having said that I'd entertain another, as long as I didn't have to carry it round!
  2. So, given that I like more old school rock tone (think Squire, Jon Camp, Rutherford, Glover, Geezer, Glenn Hughes etc - although I do venture into early Zender-esque territory occasionally) using Ricks and Ps and don't tend to like modern amps much, which would be most suitable - allowing for the fact that no-one else is me of course - out of the GK, Orange and TH? I find Markbass a bit 'meh' for what I want, a bit compressed-sounding & lacking in dynamics, which will suit some of course. Haven't liked the Shuttles or TCs I've tried. I di like my old early Trace gear and ABMs, so I suppose Mibass could be an option. I'm really interested in the Orange TB but seem to have seen so many issues on BC and I can't have an unreliable amp as I can't afford a spare (although i do have my trusty BDDI).
  3. I use a BDDI. When I need an amp I use a 1x 10 Hartke Kickback, and we regularly play festivals. Ah, the joys of a cajon.
  4. I played the Marquee with two 4x10s, an SVP preamp and a 150W Laney power amp. I had it on 3. In a rock band. It was plenty loud enough.
  5. [quote name='inthedoghouse' timestamp='1417863405' post='2624637'] I've been toying with the idea of putting my old 100w JMP Marshall head through my TE bass cabs just to see what it sounds like. But I can't play it loud enough at home to get a good impression and I don't want to take up valuable rehearsal/band time experimenting. Has anybody here tried this combination? [/quote] Yes. Had a JMP and an original Trace 4x10 (200w, no tweeter, painted cab). Sounded [i]very[/i] growly, the growliest I've had.And much better than through the Marshall 4x12, which I hated.
  6. Oh, and the guy who plays in Zero 7....
  7. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1417908934' post='2625117'] I would agree. I think a lot of the classic Chris Squire tone comes from studio compressors racked right up. Their engineer Eddie Offord definitely knew how to get a good tone out of Squire's bass. Offord is absent for Chris's Fish Out of Water album, and his bass tone is muddier and less distinct as a result. Still high in the mix, but lacking the sizzle of Fragile. The most 'flooring' tone I can think of is Joe Preston with his one-man project Thrones. His rig is deceptively simple, being an old Ibanez Axstar bass into a Supafuzz, a Korg guitar multieffects unit, a Line 6 delay unit and a Sunn beta bass amp through some ratty cabinets. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th9s4seys1I"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th9s4seys1I[/url] Not the clearest bass tone, but I love the midrangey girth to it. Alongside the squeals of feedback, the incomprehensible vocals and the sporadic electronic drums I think it creates a really lively sound. [/quote] Actually Chris had his sound set up differently for FOOW as you'll find if you read interviews he's given; he wanted a different flavour. I can't remember the specifics but I think he had his treble tone rolled off - whatever, the sounds on that album were on purpose. For me: Chris Squire on any of the early albums John Entwistle Alembic Glenn Hughes Made In Europe Robert Glover Made In Japan Mike Rutherford Rick & Shergold Stanley Clarke Lemmy Early JJ Burnel Geezer Butler Heaven & Hell / Mob Rules Leigh 'Leroy' Gorman (Bow Wow Wow) Stu Zender 1st 3 Jamiroquai albums JPJ Jazz Bass Gary Thain Uriah Heep John Deacon Bernard Edwards
  8. Sorry, yes. I'll mark it as such. Have had a horrible past couple of weeks and forgot.
  9. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1417907387' post='2625099'] Here you go: [url="http://www.wdmusic.com/tele_knob_aluminum_chrome_plate_1_4_hole_set_2.html"]http://www.wdmusic.c...hole_set_2.html[/url] I bought some myself from here as I've also gone all-out lightening up my VM Precision V (9.8lbs down to 8.6lbs) by way of aluminium knobs, Hipshot aluminium A style bridge, Lic by Hipshot Ultralite tuners and finally routing out most of the wood under the pickguard. Balances perfectly and sounds better now actually, alot more resonant. You have my deepest sympathies regarding your back mate and I know it's no joke as I have a big prolapsed disc and two desicated discs at the base of my spine. I just can't bear any weight anymore but now I can play my bass again standing up for a short set. I hope you getting some decent physio/rehab treatment as strengthening my core has improved my condition a bit. All the best and good luck with the knobs! [/quote] Really appreciate this Si. I realise the tuners etc will make a bigger difference but I figured I start at the cheaper end first; the new knobs really are noticeably heavier. FWIW my bridge is a Korean BBOT and as such is fairly insubstantial anyway... I had been planning a Limelight build before a broken boiler interrupted it, but am now wondering if he can do relic-d lightweight parts......of course if I fall over an enormous wad of cash in the meantime I'll just but that '65 in the Gallery; it weighs nothing!
  10. Wow, that's stunning. Not surprised you're keeping it.
  11. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1417350596' post='2619362'] Where its a factor is staying in business. Orange, Aguilar. Mark bass TC and plenty of others flying out of shops to bass players. Marshall, nowhere to be seen, nobody really even bothers stocking them. Now they have the Chinese links, but like anything British (Rover cars) they just can not get in to the 21st century. Time has stopped and what should be a premium brand is now a range of out of date old school bass amps that really would be better scrapped, get some fresh blood and I have said this before, utilise tube drive pre-amp technology and wire it to a class D power amp and get back in the game. Re-design the cabs, dump celestion speakers and use eminence top range, make smaller stuff, 1x12, 2x12, 2x10, make it all fit together and line up. A real shame that they are no longer a option in the bass market, they need to have a coach trip out and go see and play the competitions amps and come back to the drawing board, but don't only see them, load them in and out of the types of cars musicians have, see how necessity now drives what we buy, gone are the days of band vans, it's what you can carry now in your car. [/quote] I loved the old Superbass heads. I also love Celestions. But then quite honestly I think most modern gear sounds like bollocks.
  12. I have in the region of 8 (yes, 8) prolapsed discs. You'd be surprised by the difference something like that can make; have you felt the weight of those knobs? With the original loom and knobs the bass was noticeably lighter, to me if not to someone more able-bodied. However the original loom was pretty pants. Now when I strap on the bass it's just gone over the manageable level to approx 9lbs. I had a similar issue with my chambered Les Paul, which was 8lbs but noticeably body heavy and which caused me issues. I changed the tailpiece to a Creamtone aluminium one and it's made all the difference in the world. Of course at some stage I'd probably change the tuners too, unless I just sell the bass on and get a lighter P (easily said, not easily done and I do like my Squier more than many supposedly "better" Ps I've tried). Before someone suggests it, I'll add that I spend most of my time playing sitting down these days, but occasionally I have to stand up and I need to factor that in.
  13. Did it sell or did you change your mind (which would be quite understandable!)?
  14. Hmm, that's very tempting as it's very near to me and a broken boiler has temporarily knobbled my custom Limelight fund. If only it was sonic blue.......*Must resist...*
  15. I've loved this bass ever since it first came up for sale; it's one of the last instruments I've really wanted but have never owned. Sadly it always comes up when I don't have enough money available. Does it still have the ramp? GLWTS!
  16. I've come over all Level 42.....go get it Jaymi!
  17. This is possibly my favourite in many ways of all the Seis (5 so far!) I owned. Great bass. Someone buy it!
  18. I had a black Jap one which I sold to a friend. Great bass; I actually preferred it to all but one (my '91 Dolphin Pro 1) of the Warwicks I've owned. It was miles better than the '96 Pro 1 I had, and probably one of my favourite basses that I've ever owned. I occasionally try and buy it back, but without success (he loves it and gets a tremendous tone out of it, better than I ever did).
  19. I put a KiOgon wiring loom in my Korean Squier P a while back and the CTS pots were too big for the control knobs, so I then temporarily fitted some Musicman knobs and have since replaced them with genuine Fender ones. The only thing is they all seem bloody heavy and I need as light as possible; I don't know if they're chromed brass or zinc or something. Does anybody do lightweight (aluminium?) knobs that will fit? I want to keep the look but lose the weight if possible.
  20. 4000

    Bassman Steve

    Steve just bought my DiMarzio off me; lightning-fast payment & great communications. Top bloke; thoroughly recommended. Many, many thanks Steve, all the best!!!!
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