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  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1408654454' post='2532333'] There's a bit of demand for this, so I thought I might as well kick it off. C'mon you Limelighters... get involved! [i]([b]Note:[/b] If the 'F' logos upset you, I respectfully ask that you start your own thread, or write a strongly-worded letter to the Daily Mail.)[/i] Here's my '63 relic: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6np-PCYITrw[/media] Full story here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/239185-nbd-limelight-63-jazz-medium-relic"]http://basschat.co.u...zz-medium-relic[/url] [/quote] Have to say that although I don't get on with Jazzes this is possibly my favourite Limelight so far...
  2. I seem to be getting closer and closer to ordering one of these (although I have seen something else that has created a slight stumbling block). A question for those with maple-necked Limelight P basses who have experience of genuine '70s (particularly early '70s) Ps; how convincing is the feel and ageing of the neck? All the rosewood board basses look fab (particularly with my preferred clay-type dots), but I can't quite tell how convincing the maples are from the pics. My Korean Squier has a rosewood neck and I have a bit of a thing for early 70s Ps with maple necks so would probably be going with one of those (probably in sonic blue), but I don't want to find that the neck is unconvincing and a bit [i]too[/i] "fake". I also don't like [i]all[/i] the finish worn off, although I'm sure that's something I could specify.
  3. [quote name='Alex Buzzard' timestamp='1414614795' post='2591461'] very thank you friend, if you have a 5 string bass we can talk [/quote] Sadly I no longer play 5s....
  4. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1414611562' post='2591388'] Ahhh, so we're really talking GAS here aren't we? [/quote] Oh yes, I admitted that straight off the bat!:-) It's whether to follow it through and if so in what direction.....
  5. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1414611172' post='2591378'] Talk to Mark at Limelight and spec it yourself. REALLY happy with mine and better than the '79 I had or the 2009 US or the MIM Blacktop or the.......you get the idea [/quote] Hmmm; very interesting......do you have any pics?
  6. [quote name='darren' timestamp='1414606919' post='2591300'] ^^^ This [/quote] Ironically in a perfect world it would be:-)
  7. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1414590418' post='2591028'] You might only need one or two spacer washers on the truss rod to allow you to get a little more adjustment on the neck, meaning you can keep the current neck. If you don't want to mess with it yourself then a luthier would probably tell you very quickly if it's possible to do it this way. Here's a link to a story where a guy needed to do this to a Strat neck with the added complication of a wooden plug in front of the actual trust rod adjustment nut [url="http://chrisporro.com/?p=936"]http://chrisporro.com/?p=936[/url] [/quote] Thanks for the link, that's interesting. I reckon that'd be a job for Martin Petersen rather than me... I do have to add that the neck is perfectly playable as is; it's pretty much straight (I always have my necks straight with low action). The lack of further adjustment would only be a potential problem if there were issues in the future or I wanted to change to heavier strings (unlikely). Still, I like to be prepared for these things. Ho hum, no nearer a decision!
  8. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1414588251' post='2590984'] I'm going to help loads now... Have you considered doing a build your own course? Or a yamaha? Or a G&L? [/quote] Yep, all of the above! The Yam forearm contour looks rather like it's heading in a Jazz Bass direction and they cause me horrific pain. The only Fender I can play is a P. I struggle with MMan too. As for G&Ls, I've played a few but never one that's spoken to me in any way. I'd love to do a build your own course but sadly at the moment there are practical reasons why that's not feasible.....
  9. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1414576176' post='2590776'] I struggle to agree that even wood makes a difference to an electric guitar. Pick ups and strings yes, but whenever people talk of the incredible sound of say maple over some other wood, I'm somewhat sceptical. It certainly helps with the look of a guitar but does it really help with the sound? [/quote] Without wishing to get too far off topic, different pieces of wood definitely make a difference IME. Whether a certain [i]type[/i] of wood does is a different issue. Although I will say that of all the Rics I've had, I can always tell one with a shedua neck strip by the tone. Even swapping the pickups and hardware never gets rid of that, and they sound distinctive unplugged too, to me at least. They don't all sound the same, but they have a certain characteristic that is recogniseable to me. Whether that characteristic would transfer across to another type of instrument I have no idea. Anyway, back to Precisions please.....
  10. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1414573099' post='2590721'] I am not convinced that graphite necks have a "sound". I have owned graphite-necked Statuses and now have a STatus neck on a traditional Jazz design. The Statuses sounded like Statuses (obviously !). The Jazz still sounds like a Jazz, just with a really rigid and resonant neck. There is no particular spike in any frequency range, or any other "graphite-ness" in the tone. It is unfortunate that people associate graphite necks with the type of sound that Status and Zon basses make. It has little to do with the neck on these basses and more to do with the general design. [/quote] Whilst I'm aware that it's a contentious issue, that's not what I've found. A carbon-fibre neck immediately sounds to me like a carbon fibre neck, with certain characteristics I don't like. I've found it lessens to some degree if played fingerstyle, but I play mainly with a pick (once through choice, now mainly through necessity). I've tried Fender type basses with replacement necks and have had the same issues. I love the feel of them, but not what they bring to the sound. I'm sure individual playing style (and ears!) will impact this to a greater or lesser extent but ultimately you have to go with what you experience, whether or not it's what other people experience.
  11. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1414532946' post='2590440'] The only negative thing you have to say about your bass is it's neck, so I would simply replace that. If the budget allows, go for a Status graphite neck ! Looks awesome with a seafoam green body too. THe MIghty mite necks are decent for the money, it all depends what your budget is. A Status neck is in a different league though. [/quote] Interesting to hear people's thoughts re the MM necks as in the US they seem to be less highly regarded. Puts my mind at rest a little. Re Status necks, I've never liked the sound of carbon fibre necks, and I've played a lot (and owned a few).
  12. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1414525791' post='2590309'] If you can handle not having a 'traditional' looking P the Road Worn Mike Dirnt signature bass is one of the nicest Precisions I've ever played, and is retailing around the £8-900 mark on Thomann. [/quote] Yep, that's another consideration!
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1414523947' post='2590267'] If you like the Korean Squier take it to a luthier to get the truss rod sorted. Those MIKs have great necks and once the electrics are sorted are basses that punch well above their price-tags. I had one, foolishly sold it, so tracked another one down. Great players imo. That said, the Nate fits the bill re your neck-spec, and I`m yet to read anything bad about them, could be worth a try - and there`s one on Gumtree at present. [/quote] I must admit I've thought about getting the rod sorted, but was just worried it would be a lot of money relative to the value of the bass. I might consider taking it to the Gallery next time I'm down. I do love the bass; whilst it is what it is it does the job and does it with character. Thanks for the heads up re the NM BTW....
  14. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1414523051' post='2590254'] I have a Nate Mendel and Limelight Precision and I love them both. Both offer great quality, playability and spec for the money but if I had to spend the same again Id get another limelight, simply because you get to spec it yourself! [/quote] Yes, that is the tempting part :-)
  15. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1414513729' post='2590087'] Have you considered a [i]play [/i]with [i]a Lakland Bob Glaub[/i]........? [/quote] I have as I've only heard good things about them, but am not overly keen on the headstock or non-ambered neck......
  16. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1414501539' post='2589855'] How about just changing the neck? MightyMite are pretty good, Warmouth or a 2nd hand? Example = http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lic-by-Fender-70s-Maple-Precision-Bass-Neck-MM2907-/331356036454?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4d265bdd66 Cheerz, John [/quote] That's also been an ongoing consideration John. I'm naturally indecisive.:-)
  17. A year or so ago I bought a Korean P off ebay (refinished in Surf - or possibly Seafoam - Green) for festivals and "dodgy" gigs so that I didn't have to use my vintage Rics. It sounded poor with the strings it came with but I restrung it with my preferred Rotos, 40-95, and was really surprised; it sounded great. In fact I use it an awful lot now and used it for all but 2 festival gigs this year. I replaced the loom with a KiOgon, tried a 70s DiMarzio but found it too ballsy (I can see the puzzled looks from here!) so put the original pickup back in, and got a BassDoc minty plate. I really like the neck and sound and it looks tremendous; the only downside is the truss rod is maxed. I've tried it against various other Ps from various eras and places of manufacture and so far the only ones I liked better were a '65 (lovely) and a '73 m/n (ditto), both in excess of 2 grand. Still, GAS is GAS and I've started thinking that I'd like a "better" P. Due to a current absence of funds anything true vintage is out; I initially started thinking of a Classic Vibe 60s (heard good reports of those) but was concerned it wouldn't be much different, or a Nate Mendel (probably used), but then also started to think about Limelight, although that's at the top end funds-wise. The thing is I don't know if I'll prefer any of them to my bass, and I really don't need 2 P Basses. The last thing I want to do is spend money I don't need to, and I really do like mine, although the truss rod could do with sorting for the future. So, CV, Nate Mendel, Limelight, or stick with the Korean? The only one I can really get to play is the CV. FWIW I prefer a vintage, tinted gloss neck (or worn version of same), my preferred profile seems to be early 70s-ish - not too wide - and I seem to prefer medium/jumbo frets, although that isnt hard and fast. Oh, and it has to be light. Beyond that, it's all good(ish). Although not keen on the normal Mex or US ones, for some reason, they just don't do it for me.
  18. 4000

    Avalon U5

    I used one in the studio a while back and quite honestly really, really didn't like it. It gave me nothing I wanted at all. Based on that experience, I'd never use one again through choice.
  19. [quote name='iamtheelvy' timestamp='1412431649' post='2568907'] Loving the '77! The rest have a good P-tone, but that one seems less... restrained? In the best possible way of course! :-) [/quote] Yep. A much more lively, open-sounding instrument to my ears. '77 first, then the Jap. Think i prefer the Jap with the tone off. The others sound a bit "meh" to me. A really interesting vid and comparison; I'm currently in the middle of P comparisons at the moment as for my (probable) next bass I want another P (currently just have a Korean Squier). I used to have a really great very early 70s (?) lightweight maple-necked P and I fancy something like that again. The problem is cost.... Also interested in a Limelight or a Nate Mendel too. Although having said that, has anyone compared a Squier 60s CV with either of those?
  20. My favourite of the graphite necks I've played was the (Modulus) one on a Peavey B Quad 4. I've owned a few Status basses and one of those had a warped neck.
  21. I love this bass but sadly don't currently have the funds....
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