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Everything posted by 4000

  1. [quote name='Back to Bassics' timestamp='1396183867' post='2410691'] Am I the only one here who thinks they are pig ugly? [/quote] Well I wouldn't say pig ugly, but I don't like the look either, and I think the 4001/3 is the best looking bass there is. Seems this may be the Ric for people who don't like Rics....
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1396968567' post='2419238'] The Affinity range does have this marked on the headstock. I`ve had a good few Squiers, Affinity, Standard, and Classic Vibe, but the best for me are the Made In Korea basses. These hark back to the 90s I believe - my current one is a 91 - and are really good, the necks are incredible. I`ve no idea what the body is made of, just that they play and sound good. My 91 has had the whole of the electrics changed by a previous owner, including pickups, but on a £100 - £150 bass this isn`t a big issue. To me it`s far easier to get a bass with a good playing neck and change the pots and wires than get a bass with good electrics and source another good neck. Go Squier! [/quote] I've got a Korean one too; it may be an '89, can't remember offhand. Whatever, it's great; cost me £135. Decent weight, lovely neck, big frets, very good tone; nails John Deacon with the tone back. Looks cool too, having been refin-d in Surf Green (prior to me getting it) to which I've added a minty s/plate. The frets need a dress - nothing much - but I'll get that done as and when. I recently tried it against a number of '60s and '70s Ps and an AV63 in London and and the only two that I arguably preferred were a lightweight '73 maple neck at £2200 and a '66 at £4000. It dusted the rest comfortably for my needs.
  3. I had the same problem; just received mine from Howard and it's great, just what I wanted.
  4. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1396030693' post='2409287'] That really is a design classic isn't it, referencing other basses (Wal, Musicmaster/Mustang), as well as early 70's HiFi and 50s Sci Fi. Great restoration (Bass Doc is, let's face it, The Man), and I bet a great player - the necks are outstanding on these, and anything that's a cross between a Ric and Precision gets my vote for sure. [/quote] I couldn't have put it better myself. Now excuse me while I recover my living room walls with pine and add some fur rugs (fake of course, I am vegetarian after all) to the lounge floor......ah, the seventies. Adidas Dragon, flared jeans, prog rock & Starsky and Hutch...does it get any better? Not in my world.
  5. [quote name='beegee' timestamp='1389367841' post='2333459'] Does the toaster pickup sound better? [/quote] For the sound I want, yes, much better. I never got the sound I wanted until I got my first toaster-equipped Ric.
  6. [quote name='alberobello' timestamp='1395611416' post='2404417'] Hi 4000, I tried, no reply unfortunately.. [/quote] Give them time, sometimes it can take a while. You could alway bump your message to make sure it's seen.
  7. [quote name='alberobello' timestamp='1395587163' post='2403979'] Hi guys, It is my second post so far, so please don't go hard on me if I do something silly. I have a 99' rickenbacker 4003 and until now I have been adjusting the truss rods by myself when it was needed thanks to some web sources like joey's bass notes. However this time I have a problem that I think I am not able to solve by myself. There is something like a small 'bump' between 5th and 7th frets under E string, that causes problems while I am playing on e and a strings. There is no problem with d and g strings tough. However I am not able to lower strings they seem so high now. The main problem is that I don't know any luthier here in Istanbul that I can trust enough to leave my guitar. I didn't want to ruin everything by doing something wrong, so the only thing I tried was changing the strings with lighter ones, I don't know if it was the right action to be taken, but I had rotosound strings with I guess the gauge of .110 on E, now I have d'addario cb80 that has a gauge of .095 in order to reduce the tension on the neck. So now, I'd really appreciate your comments about solving this problem. Thanks a lot! [/quote] Go to the Rick Resource Forum. They're your best bet.
  8. [quote name='darren' timestamp='1388008530' post='2317881'] Got a tort PG for my blue p a few weeks ago. I liked the white original but the tort looks great too [/quote] That looks great. What type of P is it, US, CIJ etc? I'm after a minty green ply plate for my Korean Squier P but none of the available options fit. Is the Bass Doc a good bet?
  9. I played one of these the other day, though not plugged in. Typical shop setup but lovely neck and very resonant. I thought it felt fab.
  10. Now that is interesting, especially at that price. I've only played one of Paul's basses but I loved it. What does it sound like?
  11. Way too many nice P basses on here at the moment. Lovely!
  12. 9.8lbs? Wow, the only one I ever played weighed nothing.....
  13. Nice. I just wish I still had my early 70s 8lb P, sold many years ago - bought for £160 in about 1982!
  14. Cheers Steve, I also owned a Road Worn Jazz but had to sell due to ergonomic issues; can only do P's. If I wasn't holding out for a sonic blue I'd have been tempted by this; best of luck with the sale. Have to ask, how good is the Glaub?
  15. I've actually been recently looking at these, although when the cash is ready I'd be after a sonic blue medium relic. What are they actually like? How do they compare to other similar basses, e.g. Road Worns, Nash etc?
  16. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1390771784' post='2349392'] This thread went from a really good one to one that absolutely sucks. [/quote] Apologies Marcus (BTW, I hope you realise that whenever I mentioned Marcus I didn't mean you...), unfortunately I tend to get carried away with these kind of discussions. Having grown up in a household where for many years I wasn't allowed to listen to any music other than jazz because anything else wasn't 'worthy' (my dad is a 'jazz purist' - don't mention electric Miles Davis to him, he'll use words that aren't fit for tender ears) anything that smacks of musical snobbery gets my dander up. Although much of it [i]was[/i] pretty funny... I'm reminded of the last time I took a self-enforced break from Basschat and having wasted far too much energy on such things both now and in the past, I'm going to reel myself in again (except possibly in the marketplace; my powers are weak when it comes to that!). Because, as I keep having to remind myself, I actually have a life somewhere out there. Best of luck with your Alembic-chasing and I sincerely hope you find one that works for you. If not, there's always something else...
  17. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1390763321' post='2349234'] Try reading my post again and by all means feel free to ask me anything that you may not have understood. [/quote] Right back at you.
  18. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1390762271' post='2349206'] Woah there! Hold on a minute. Just because I bought a graphite necked bass that doesn't mean I am championing them at the exclusion of wooden necks. Where are you getting all this from ? You are quite right that there are many different preferences and prejudices that we all have when it comes to choosing basses. [/quote] Which has been my point all along. Hence why there is no 'better' sound, no 'better' construction, etc etc. FWIW it also applies to everything else, including musicians.
  19. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1390761965' post='2349196'] Listen, my friend, I'm having a discussion with you about this, not an argument, despite your apparent determination to make things personal. But yes, I am unreasonable. However despite the failings of my personality , the fact remains that art requires craft, skill, endeavour, creativity and imagination. Those are a rare combination of qualities, and as such are by their very nature exclusive. People who possess those qualities and know how to use them to create beauty are an artistic elite. That is not of my making. [/quote] But 'good' art is not quantifiable. Who is 'better', Monet or Picasso? Whoever decides that one is better than the other is simply stating their opinion. One may have more cultural impact, but that doesn't mean they're 'better'.
  20. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1390759539' post='2349151'] sterile muzak [/quote] Ah, you've heard Marcus then?
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