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  1. Peter, that's a real shame you have to get rid of what is a lovely bass but I'm exceedingly happy to hear that other things in your life are progressing positively. Congratulations and best wishes sir!
  2. My old Trace rig (very, very early) was the best sounding rig I've ever had with my old Ricks. What's more it sounded great with most (but not all) other stuff too. If it weighed 80lb less I'd have it back in an instant. The "Trace sound" (engage that mid-cut preshape!) was always the basis of "my" sound and to be honest I've struggled with most other rigs I've had (although the Ashdown works pretty well). I also never had problems hearing myself, certainly no more than with anything else. I'll also add that whenever I see a band and the bass player is backlining using Trace I can hear the bass clean as a bell and with real guts and power. This has been true from metal bands to indie bands to funk and jazz.
  3. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='708793' date='Jan 11 2010, 01:30 PM']They could at least have made an effort![/quote] For me it was seeing Thin Lizzy live (& dangerous) on a Whistle Test special that made me want to be in a band in any capacity. It was Lemmy, particularly on Space Ritual, that signed and sealed the deal bass-wise.
  4. [quote name='Protium' post='707785' date='Jan 10 2010, 03:53 PM']Where is the fuse from? The one underneath where the power plugs in is a slow blow (clear glass) as the amp occasionally draws power in higher peaks which would destroy a normal fuse. Maplin have them here, depending what size the fuse is (20 or 31mm) [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=452"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=452[/url], item GL64U [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=462"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=462[/url], item GL96E[/quote] 'Tis the one underneath the power plug; 20mm. Many thanks for the post and the info; I always wish I'd learnt a little more about electronics but sadly I'm a plug in and play (or in this case plug in and not play ) kind of guy. Much appreciated; I'll now order some (not before time he says)!
  5. Hi The fuse has just blown in my Ashdown ABM500 (after years of faultless service I hasten to add). I bought it used and the fuse in it is a 250v T3,15L. It appears from a casual perusal of the net that this is a slow blow; is this the correct fuse type? I have no spares and need to get some. Tried the Ashdown site and no luck clarifying. Would've thought a slow blow would've been the last thing to use but then my knowledge of electronics wouldn't fill a postage stamp.
  6. [quote name='urb' post='703557' date='Jan 6 2010, 10:07 PM']No that's it - I've lost the will to live[/quote] +1
  7. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='651075' date='Nov 10 2009, 09:57 PM']I wish you'd stop showing that Overwater Original, X I played the four string version in a local music shop when I was an 18 year old college student & loved everything about it but could never afford one at the time. I've never seen one for sale since, perhaps fortunately as well! Congrats for the umpteenth time on a stunning example of one of my favourite all time basses, X [/quote] Last time I spoke to Chris (which is a while back admittedly) he said they still do these to special order; of course this may not be the case now.
  8. It won't be Guinness but I'll happily raise a glass to one of the two reasons I play bass and the main reason I wanted to be in a band in the first place.
  9. They generally go for around £300UK (in fact that's what mine went for). You may get up nearer £400 if someone really wants one, although it could also be different on the continent or in the States where they may be even more rare. Very nice amp, although not what some people expect tonally (not really an overdriven sound at all).
  10. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='692543' date='Dec 23 2009, 07:45 PM']I've gone over this many many times in my head...I believe RHCP were lucky; plain and simple. Right place, right time. While Blood Sugar Sex Magic is a good (not great) CD; fundamentally in Rick Rubin they had a strong, in vogue producer at the helm, production is strong as a consequence, but it does not belie the fact that the vocals are poor (AK simply can't hold a tune, but hey, he's a millionaire and I just work in an office, so what do I know?) and the guitar playing is very scratchy. Chad'n'Flea are however in good form throughout. Let's not forget that they released two pretty patchy albums prior to BSSM. Now ask yourself one question. Have they ever surpassed this album? If you're not a big fan, can you name more than one album they released since (without looking on wikipedia)? Sure they have this inane ability to sell through and put bums on chairs, but they're even more a cartoon of the band that they were in 1991. Arguably they were not the best of that particular genre by some stretch...musically I'd say Primus win there by some way; I'd argue that most of the other contenders (Living Colour, Fishbone, Stevie Salas Colorcode, Dan Reed Network, Jane's Addiction, King's X) worked better as a sum of their constituent parts than the RHCPs. P[/quote] I think your assessment of BSSM and the RHCPs is a very personal one. Without arguing in the historic context (where BSSM actually appears to stand up) arguing that cd "x" is poor, great, superb, trash etc is pointless. Different strokes for different folks. Where you argue that AK can't hold a note, others will point to his unique delivery. Where you argue that thew guitar playing is scratchy, others (me included) will argue that JF is one of the most emotional, fragile, compelling guitarists in rock. However, having seen both Living Colour and the RHCPs live, and being a big fan of both, I would have to say the main difference between the two was songs. Yes, it's possible that the world wasn't ready for Living Colour, but IMO (and others may disagree) they never had the songs that RHCPS had. Same goes for Primus and to some degree Fishbone. As others have already stated Under the Bridge particularly was a song that was embraced by the mainstream, and that ultimately is where commercial success lies.
  11. [quote name='moonoid' post='691439' date='Dec 22 2009, 12:51 PM']I eventually got round to getting the Hondo II Rickenbacker copy fixed up at a music shop in Stockport. It sounds really good the action on it very good indeed. It's a shame the machine heads/tuners are a bit cheap as the tuning is nowhere near as reliable as my Jazz bass. Still, I'm pleased with it and with a set of Elixirs on it and cleaned up it's looking good. Out of curiosity, what would a bass like this be worth these days? I believe it is the same model used by Peter Hook in the early Joy Division days.[/quote] I believe it is. He hated his. I played a few back in the day and didn't like any of them but if it works for you that's great!
  12. In a practical sense they're great; smaller, potentially lighter, easier to carry. Changing strings is a doddle. I think they look cool too. One thing I will say (and I'm not sure if this has any basis in fact; its something I want to talk to Martin Petersen about if I remember), is to me the feel (in a tension sense) seems slightly different. Not sure it's as noticeable on a Status though; carbon fibre and all that! Great concept though.
  13. Now THAT is what a P Bass should look like IMO. Gorgeous!
  14. I had a Twin Valve for a while and it was a nice head. It wasn't what I'd call aggressive though; my Ashdown ABM500 is much more aggressive (and I owned both at the same time so a/b'd frequently). I found it warm and slightly glassy at the same time, for want of a better description. It gave great body to my Rick CS, but wasn't as successful as the Ashdown with my 4000 or 4001. I'd say the Quattra is definitely worth getting though; a lot more power and if you don't like it you'll easily sell it; the people who love them REALLY love them.
  15. [quote name='Musicman20' post='690597' date='Dec 21 2009, 01:14 PM']I personally dont rate Ampeg massively anyway....maybe the older stuff. But, it definitely had miles more clarity and punch than the Compact, and it was 8 ohms with my friends SVT Pro 3.[/quote] Which again is the opposite of my experience, which just goes to show that people need to try gear themselves in context.
  16. [quote name='Musicman20' post='690568' date='Dec 21 2009, 12:39 PM']I'm definitely on the school of thought that the ceramics still add something that neos cannot. Maybe thats ridiculous, but even store owners who test gear all day state the same thing. We also must agree that some people here have totally different volume needs. Whats loud for one is quiet for another, (especially me, we play too loud, and to me I want to turn down, but I use ear protection so I dont have to worry). I tested the Compact with my full band at a gig, (yes a gig not my house) and the lows were there, but it got lost completely once the band starting playing. Rock bands need totally different setups to funk or jazz. We had to switch back to the Ampeg 4x10 for the next band.[/quote] The neo thing may be true, but I haven't got the luxury of the option unfortunately! I play in a rock band and it's plenty loud enough for me, but we're not a loud rock band (although our drummer would argue!). However I also used to use an Ampeg 4x10 in rehearsal and my Compact is much thicker and bigger sounding IME than that was, which just goes to show how people's experiences differ.
  17. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='690564' date='Dec 21 2009, 12:37 PM']... and get you to do the PR. - job's a good'un [/quote]
  18. [quote name='Bass_In_Yer_Face' post='690495' date='Dec 21 2009, 11:27 AM']John Taylor gets dismissed as he was a pretty boy but he could play his bloody instrument, don't worry about that.[/quote] Oh I know, I saw him live this year. Rio = stonking line.
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='690494' date='Dec 21 2009, 11:27 AM']I use tweeters where appropriate. Just because the cab has them, doesn't mean I have to use them. On a motown gig, they will be off and generally, my 4 string Cairnes will come out to play. It's about choosing the right gear and settings for the gig.[/quote] Which is entirely my point, [i]but based on the way I play[/i]. My results with the same gear may be (probably will be) different than yours. EDIT - Toasted (should've seen that coming ) Does it matter whether there has been or there hasn't? We'll each see it as we see fit based on our own expectations and prejudices, and if you can't make your own decisions based on your own criteria then maybe you need to be very careful buying gear in the first place (of course we've all been through years of that). I could argue the same about internet discussion of Sadowsky basses - "best bass ever" etc. They don't work for me. They appear to for you. That's all that matters.
  20. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='690493' date='Dec 21 2009, 11:26 AM']It's down to you finding the gear that works for you.... however, it should be pointed out that the gear that works for you should be found by you... not by some forum hype. If you test the stuff out, say BF - and I make no secret that I think that it is great that you can try before you buy - then great. What I don't like is when you are told you are wrong, or your bass is wrong, or your amp is wrong, (or the room is wrong!?) for not liking the cab by the maker. The science can be brought to the table, but if the prospective customer doesn't like it, you can't go telling them that they are wrong. That's just not on- if that is an axe to grind, then that's as far as it goes.[/quote] Glad to hear we're singing from the same hymnsheet with regards to making decisions. With regards to the other points, maybe Alex has made some hasty comments before now; don't we all? However he genuinely seems to want satisfied customers and that surely has to be a good thing. With regards to Forum hype, I think that's the nature of the beast these days. At least it has meant people are talking about the cabs, although as is also the nature of the beast that means there will always be something of a backlash. The truth, as always, usually lies somewhere in the middle. (BTW, for anyone that's wondering - and also as previously discussed with EBSFreak - my earlier comments don't mean I don't like GBs because I do and my Sei Melt still sounds best through EBS! ) EDIT - Mildmanofrock - Amen to that!
  21. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='690346' date='Dec 21 2009, 03:30 AM']Yup I know what you are saying Shaun but on the day what we did was put everything on as even a ground as possible and compared the cabs with the same bass and head with a neutral eq and that produced the results that we talked about already. In some ways what we actually tested was how the individual cabs dealt with (coloured) the tone from a controlled amp/bass choice. Maybe that was the point? What we didn't do (and I so wish we had) was take your Ashdown head eq'ed the way you like it through the Compact then do another comparison. That would have shown off better the Compact's individual capabilities rather than us being all scientific and exploring mutual characteristics. Putting the subjectiveness of sound aside though, my biggest disappointment was that it just wasn't finished to the same degree as the others [b]in the same pro price bracket[/b]. I believe that this is what puts BF at it's greatest disadvantage and may even be the enabler for the brand's criticism especially when you see what other young companies (like Purple Chili) are capable of producing in terms of build quality and finish. One thing's for sure your wee cab has opened up a big old can of worms and because of the ensuing debate I for one have leaned a lot. [/quote] Ultimately Rich it may simply have proved that people don't like the sound I use in my band (at least in isolation), but I guess that's kind of the point. The thing is to try gear thoroughly as an individual and see whether it does what you want it to do. It may be that you just wouldn't like the Compact however it was eq-d; I'm sure Dave wouldn't and Alex has stated as much, because it doesn't cover his tone. At the end of the day it's a single tweeterless 15 and there are limitations with that setup, although those limitations aren't really a problem for me. Whether they are for anyone else is an individual choice. With regards to finishing, you're absolutely right, but my understanding is that they've improved since mine (those Purple Chili cabs do look really good but they've also had to evolve from the rather less cool looking Zoots). Maybe Alex should get Dave to build the cabs! The main thing for me though is I can play easily loud enough in my band with a tone I'm reasonably happy with and carry the thing easily in one hand; it's actually much lighter than my GS112 was and that's really important to me. As people are no doubt aware I have two prolapsed discs and anything beyond the upper 40lbs is a no-no; I couldn't be happier with the weight. Of course if it falls apart in the next year then fair enough, but it seems reasonably robust so far. FWIW and echoing some of the points made above, playing my "new" '73 Rick through the Ashdown through the Compact in my front room I get a horrible sound, so much so that I just don't use that combination anymore when playing at home. In a band, that same sound is for me (maybe not for anyone else, although our guitarist is even more blown away with it than I am) fantastic. Of course YMMV.
  22. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='686507' date='Dec 16 2009, 04:49 PM']I'm experienced enough to hear when a cab is going to cut it at a gig or not. No tops in non gig environment = no top at the gig. No note definition in a non gig environment = no note definition at the gig. Running a TD650 at 11 o'clock and the cab is not keeping up with a 2x10 = problems at a gig. Sometimes, you don't need to gig an item to know how its going to perform. Common sense prevails... but then again, I do spend my life gigging and been through a lot of gear to know how things perform.[/quote] Case in point. I generally hate tweeters (yes, even live), so what I need from a live tone will probably differ completely from yours. And we are BOTH RIGHT.
  23. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='686478' date='Dec 16 2009, 04:27 PM']Indeed. 1x 2x10 Neo vs Compact vs Vintage. I've been there. Heard all I needed to hear and BF didn't compare favourably. They failed on looks, build, volume, quality of sound. OK, they were light... but so are the neos with which they were being compared. Alex was there. I was there... and so was somebody who was going to buy one of Alex's cab. No surprises that he didn't buy a BF in the end... and walked away with two of the other cabs they were tested against (and that was for portability and the modular rig as opposed to needing two to compare to the BF) My opinions are built on experience... unlike others around here.[/quote] No, your opinions are just that; opinions. You have an obvious preference for a particular make of gear. Nothing wrong with that, but you appear to be expecting everyone else to have the same preferences as you. As I've said to you previously, when I tried out my Sei 4 it was through EBS and it sounded fabulous. I tried it through Ampeg and it wasn't so good. I tried my Rick CS through both and it sounded 100 times better through the Ampeg. Its all down to personal preference and what you're trying to achieve. If I'd preferred to play my Ricks (my main gigging basses) through EBS I would've bought EBS. My Compact works for my Ricks. It's not perfect, but it's very good. It may not work for other stuff. The fact that Alex gives such a long trial period and actually sends them round the country surely allows people to get past the hype themselves. If they don't like them they go back. Simple as. What's the problem? You may prefer GBs to Rickenbackers, but I don't! It seems that beyond the issue of personal taste one or two people have an axe to grind against Alex (indeed I'm aware of a member - who will remain nameless - who has pretty much admitted this). I'm not sure why this is. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion of his cabs. What people seem to be missing is that, as with every other piece of gear, opinion will vary from person to person. I hated my Aguilars. Would I tell someone else not to buy them or that they don't live up to the hype? No, Id say try some for yourself and see whether or not you like them. Both Dave Perry and my mate Stu really like theirs (Dave bought his off me!). That's fine by me, and I'm not going to try and shoot them down in flames for liking them or attempt to tell them they're actually wrong. Because they're not, and neither am I.
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