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  1. I have a few. Similar to the Mark King letter above, I have an audio tape I was sent by Joey DeMaio of Manowar, answering a letter I sent him after seeing them in '84. Took a year to reach me, but again its very personal and I was rather staggered to receive it. I also have quite a few signed Motorhead and Hawkwind albums, probably the most treasured being my original fold out Space Ritual signed by Lemmy. I also have a copy of Sabs Vol 4 with photo inserts, one of which was signed by Ozzy. "Wow, a picture of me when I was pretty" he said! I have a couple of dvds signed (with dedication to me) by Mark King; he also signed my Alembic tee but that sadly faded out. I also have a copy of a Stanley Clarke dvd he signed for me, and a personal email from Leigh Gorman which knocked me out. The most recent favourite is a photo Tal Wilkenfeld signed after the Apollo gig( :wub: ). Outside of music, I have a copy of An Animated Life personally signed by Ray Harryhausen, and a copy of Andy Serkis's book also personally dedicated. I nearly got Mike Moorcock's autograph once but sadly didn't have anything for him to sign! He was incredibly nice, a very gracious man.
  2. [quote name='The Burpster' post='615568' date='Oct 3 2009, 10:56 AM']No, far from it. In fact it often makes me wonder on here when folks are on about changing their 'sound' or 'tone', how much of it could be done by careful and strategically changing strings.[/quote] I'v come to realise that this really is a much bigger factor than many people think. Change your brand of strings, change your sound. At least IME.
  3. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='616404' date='Oct 4 2009, 12:13 PM']Sometimes perhaps I feel that players deserve more recognition than others seem to get. This can be frustrating. However the musical tastes of the public are not our own. As a musician (I'm not sure I qualify) we tend to have discerning taste perhaps?[/quote] I'm not sure it's discerning taste. Sometimes I think we get far too carried away with things that have nothing to do with communication, which is what music is really all about. Oh, and surely we ARE part of the public? Can't say I'm keen on the I/we know better philosophy; there's a dark place at the end of that road.
  4. [quote name='D-L-B' post='616213' date='Oct 4 2009, 08:21 AM']It looks to me like you're transferring your aggression towards those who refuse to move to your opinion onto the things they choose. Flea never insisted to you that he was this virtuoso musician, he's just a bloke in a band. Clearly some growing up needs to be done here.[/quote] +1000.
  5. I have to add that these days I drink little and gig even less.
  6. Some great stories here. I sadly have to admit that historically I only play well when I've had a few (and I have the recordings to prove it); it seems I can't relax enough without having a couple or several down me. I once played a 2 setter where I couldn't remember anything about the second set at all, but that's about as bad as it gets. Although I did once offer another band out; yep, the entire band. They passed, luckily for me! I don't remember the event at all (I was [i]incredibly[/i] drunk at the time), but my mates all couldn't wait to tell me the next day.
  7. [quote name='Rayman' post='611196' date='Sep 28 2009, 08:08 PM']I heard it was Lemmy.[/quote] I wish it had been. As I just posted in the other thread, I [i]detest[/i] the album version; I did even before I found out it wasn't Stu. That bassline is the only thing that mars an otherwise fabulous record.
  8. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='610660' date='Sep 28 2009, 11:01 AM']It's not Zender on the album. The bass is credited as "Mr. X", something that I was gutted about when I found out because up until that point it was my favourite Zender bass line, but it's not Zender... Zender played on the studio version that was arranged as more of a higher tempo dance single with some crowd pleasing cheesy slap on it. It doesn't come close to the album version IMO.[/quote] I absolutely hate the album version. Before I found out it wasn't Stu, I thought he'd had an awful day at the office; I couldn't believe it was him. I was right not to believe as it wasn't. I hate the feel of it (no push whatsoever), and I absolutely detest the tone, it's one of my least favourite tones ever. I actually think it's not very funky at all. Gimme Stu's version anyday.
  9. [quote name='v8bass' post='607567' date='Sep 24 2009, 12:01 PM']Just a couple of my Pro11 passive as im in Bailey mode ( maybe not eh ? ) Those Midi Wals are very very lovely chaps mmmm Mine is rather humble alongside however in a street fight grrr huge variety of tones available and looks to smile over currently strung with Picato 35 -95 and the best fretted F ive ever heard [attachment=33409:PICT0124.JPG] [attachment=33410:PICT0125.JPG] Gary v8 Wal thumper[/quote] A passive Pro2. That's the Wal I've always wanted.
  10. [quote name='alexclaber' post='599482' date='Sep 15 2009, 06:30 PM']My RIM Custom 5 and a few Barefaced cabs should be up there with Robbie of RIM Custom Basses, maker of exceedingly fine instruments! Alex[/quote] Alex, remind me to say hi and to hopefully try your bass (and any others Robbie brings) if you're ok with it. I'm rather GASing for a Rim but haven't actually played any yet. Oh, and FWIW, the Compact is an absolute godsend weight-wise! Oh and Graeme, let's hope we both give the flu a miss this year. I don't know about you but I've ended up with something flu-like the last 2 times I've been. Sadly, I won't be able to wear my Alembic t-shirt with pride anymore seeing as I now haven't got one. You'll have to bring pics so I can drool over yours.
  11. [quote name='WalMan' post='604036' date='Sep 20 2009, 10:17 PM']So I was wandering around Brighton today while MrsW was at the Psychic Fair in Hove Town Hall (or Psycho Fair as ma in law calls it ). Wandered into GAK to talk to the chaps & see what was new. Bass Dept closed but saw the chap I normally chat with (whose name I REALLY should know by now ) and he opened up with a cry of "I must show you what we've just got in" and here it is - with apologies for the poor quality of the snap on my phone [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] Had a little noodle and it is gorgeous. The top looks beautiful. Sounds good. The neck is great, though after my L2500 feels tiny. Weighs a ton, probably something to do with the 5 PP3's it has inside it to run 2 x 18v preamps and the lights on the top of the neck. Luckily for my hide I managed to keep the plastic in check as it's up for £3,999 and MrsW would still be berating me now if I hadn't. On a separate note they are expecting some Spectors in soon[/quote] I'm beginning to think I underpriced my Triple O when I sold it. It had several options on it, none of them cheap; it was much higher spec than that appears to be (unless it has LEDs which would bump the price a fair bit). JTUK, have you played a recent one? I haven't found them to be surpassed by anything (and I've played most things), and would certainly not consider them an "old relic". I personally think a modern top of the range Alembic is the highest quality bass on the planet.
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='601937' date='Sep 18 2009, 07:53 AM']Wow... are the rest of the bands robots or something?[/quote] Cylons. Seriously, it's my music. They're perfectly capable of writing (the guitarist in particular is very talented) but the band was formed to play my songs, so that's what they do. They're in other bands too where they write so get an outlet there. I've been in "let's write everything together" bands too (on some occasions with the same people), and generally enjoyed those. However plenty of guys & and gals out there do the same as me; it's hardly unusual. I let the guitarist write his own solos though (sometimes with a bit of direction ). at the end of the day, bass, guitar, keys, melody, harmony, lyrics, it's all the same, it's all composition, and that's what I do. Same goes with musical styles; I'll try my hand at anything, pop, punk, funk etc etc. Why limit yourself?
  13. [quote name='Mowac' post='602354' date='Sep 18 2009, 05:00 PM']The Series II and III weigh about the same and the weight is around 9-10 lbs. As far as comparisons from the Series III to the Alembic, you may want to ask the Doc(Nick) about that. I would think for sure that the Alembic would be consideribly heavier and cost much more than the Jaydee.[/quote] My Series 2 weighed loads more than 10 lbs, more like 12 or 13, so be careful! In fact both my JDs were heavier than my 2 Alembics.
  14. I have to say I've played quite a few Spectors and the only one that has really spoken to me so far (although I'm happy to be converted) was the Euro I bought, so maybe I'm just looking for something different!
  15. I write everything in the current band; chords, melody, harmonies, bass, most of the guitar, lyrics. I occasionally let the guitarist come up with complementary lines to keep him occupied, but I'm just as happy to come up with them myself. I've been in bands where I've co-written; with the right group of people that's fun, but generally speaking I write pretty much everything. I have a couple of side projects on the go in different styles where I've also written everything, and will be playing everything too (thanks to BFD2!!!). I've occasionally played on other people's stuff (always my own lines) and it can be fun, but writing is where it's at for me; far more so than playing the bass. I don't really understand how some musicians don't/can't write; to me that's the whole point and most of the fun.
  16. I'll be keeping an eye on this one; best of luck!
  17. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='601723' date='Sep 17 2009, 09:00 PM']I think they're pretty good, my sister really likes them though, she's going to see them.[/quote] I'm hoping too as well, although haven't got ticket yet.
  18. [quote name='Johngh' post='601789' date='Sep 17 2009, 10:24 PM']Great guy is Glenn, always a complete gentleman whenever I have seen him.[/quote] Thats great to hear. Glenn (on Made In Europe) was a big influence on me.
  19. When I bought my Euro 5LX I a/b'd it against a number of other Spectors, including a couple of US ones. I vastly preferred the Euro I bought to any of the others. Why? Played the same, looked nicer, sounded miles better. Like anything else, it's what [i]you[/i] like that matters, not where it's made or how much it costs. I'd try before you buy. Every individual instrument is different, and the only way you can decide which you prefer is by playing a few.
  20. I love Zero 7, and I love loads of their bass lines.
  21. Not quite my hero, but probably many people's. I met Tal Wilkenfeld & Jeff Beck after the Manchester gig this year. Jeff was in the doorway of the bus, and Tal was sat on the bus. I brandished a photo and a pen over Jeff's shoulder, and Tal got up and signed it very graciously. I tried to hold a brief conversation (bit of a gibbering wreck at this point, as not only is she a fabulous player, but she's even lovelier in real life than I expected and as sweet as could be), again over Jeff's shoulder - he was attempting to sign loads of stuff that other people were thrusting at him - and he thought I was talking to him. He turned round saying "what?", and I just said "sorry Jeff, I was talking to Tal", in a kind of "don't bother me now!" way. Afterwards I was mortified. I thought "I just dissed Jeff Beck!"
  22. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='599795' date='Sep 16 2009, 12:23 AM']Ah! You mean this one!! Here's me with Morgan Roussell at his flat in Paris with our two famous JDs: I suppose its the bass equivalent of name dropping - however, I would not advocate `bass dropping'[/quote] As I've said previously that was the first JD I ever saw (and what a one to see; I'm a sucker for fancy inlays for a start) and was being played in a way I couldn't imagine at that point (I'd never heard [i]anybody[/i] slap before, let alone Mark King!). I thought (and still think) it's one of the most beautiful instruments I've ever seen.
  23. That's really nice, although I'll admit I'm not a fan of the "brushed aluminium" hardware. The neck wood looks gorgeous. Get some black hardware on it and I'll have it!
  24. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='598883' date='Sep 15 2009, 12:09 AM']Sorry m8! I absolutely love green basses (in fact I'm having my Roadie fretless done in a deep bottle green tint) but the way it worked with the mahogany core wood was kind of `yuck'. I think the red will set it off better! Which is your favourite JD then?[/quote] The first one I ever saw....the Starchild.
  25. [quote name='BigRedX' post='598217' date='Sep 14 2009, 02:25 PM']Weight isn't the important thing, it's balance. A well balanced bass can be a lot heavier and still feel comfortable.[/quote] Speaking as someone with by now well-chronicled chronic back problems, it's definitely both!
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