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  1. [quote name='steve-soar' post='578458' date='Aug 23 2009, 07:37 PM']Hi, apologies to Pete (don't want to derail any threads, so I started a new one) but I think if we can, we should post our HG of bass sounds. Here is mine when I was a small. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYqllpnyWrY&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYqllpnyWrY...feature=related[/url] Mine changed through the years until I found my own. [/quote] Awesome sound.
  2. Ignoring my own, there's Loz's Alembic and Fodera, Moo's Starchild JD, that Sonic Blue Jazz from the other day, Urb's Sei s/cut, 6stringbassist's Sei s/cut, D-basser's buckeye Sei....and probably several others. I do like Greeneking's ACG too, and some of the Rims are great.
  3. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='583816' date='Aug 28 2009, 05:31 PM']This is an old school jazz-funk tune. The sound is unusual and in-your-face. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdsnbkg2bmM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdsnbkg2bmM[/url][/quote] Ah, that's the sound I don't like in nutshell! Nothing against it though, each to their own.
  4. [quote name='acidbass' post='582957' date='Aug 27 2009, 09:58 PM']The great Henry Hirsch! I met him once and we talked in depth about his bass playing, style and tone. In particular, I recall him talking about [i]It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over[/i] - he used a generic American Jazz Bass straight into the desk, with the gain maxed out as much as possible just to the point before distortion, hence the super fat sound. Amazing that something so simple can sound so good - although that always has been my attraction to the Fender Jazz Bass I guess! Danny[/quote] That is indeed a fantastic sound; I have unfortunately never managed to get anything remotely like that out of a Jazz. One day...
  5. I really like the look of them too; I'll have to check out Youtube because I haven't heard any yet.
  6. There are some outstanding contemporary designs, and there are of course outstanding classic designs. The key here is "outstanding design". Obviously personal aesthetic plays a large part in this, but classics are classics because they've stood the test of time. The Chrysler Building, the Parthenon, a Japanese katana, a '60s Ford Mustang, an E-Type Jaguar; all classics. I don't feel that we should be stuck entirely in the past, but I also don't feel that we should leave it behind simply for the sake of it either. I think the original Fenders are great pieces of design. Same with Rickenbacker and Gretsch. I also love more modern instruments like Seis, Alembics and the Fodera Matt Garrison amongst others. For me at least it's not down to the era, it's down to the aesthetic, although it's perfectly true that the majority of the population tend to lean towards the familiar when it comes to design. This may be considered a flaw, but it's just as flawed (no more, no less) to think that something is aesthetically better simply because it's more modern.
  7. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='583048' date='Aug 27 2009, 11:07 PM']The arm is nearly fixed...still a bit broken...but [i]almost [/i]back to normal...... Got a gig with a floyd band in a couple of weeks and will probably only use the single GS112, but then it could be a loud one...Yep both of them it is......Just hope my arm holds up..[/quote] Just PM'd you Dave; best of luck with the gig and particularly the arm!
  8. Reminds me of the offspring of an MTD and a Ritter. Not really my cup of tea, but if it floats your boat, great.
  9. [quote name='retroman' post='582898' date='Aug 27 2009, 08:48 PM']Can't think of the name of the player.......But, Sam Gopal's "Escalator" album. Wonderful piece of 60's psychedelia, no drums, totally driven along by the bass!! Just some weird guy in the back ground on bongos Awesome bass tone, whoever he was [/quote] Didn't Lemmy play guitar on that?
  10. Interesting stuff Alex. That could be why the Ashdown sounded better with the Seis than I initially thought it would, and actually worked better for me than the Epifani (through the Compact that is), although it's by no means right. As I've said previously I did find the Epifani was just so honky through the Compact, almost regardless of what I did with it (of course that's with me playing through it; that may not be the effect anyone else would get). I'll see what EBS_freak comes up with at weekend, and then may just have to try a few things out. No rush seeing as I'm not gigging (and wouldn't be using the Seis in my current band anyway), although it's a shame I missed that 350 that was for sale; having said that I believe it's valve stage-less. Could be wrong though. EDIT: Ignoring the head for the moment, I wonder if 2 Midgets would cover the territory of both sounds better than 1 Compact? Hmmm....Alex?
  11. [quote name='alexclaber' post='582668' date='Aug 27 2009, 05:13 PM']I think the first place I'd start at would be using a different pick material, like those rubber picks you can get. That should get the attack much more similar to fingerstyle. I can't see EQ ever being a truly satisfactory solution unless you can find a way to replicate the note envelope. Alex[/quote] Bear in mind my Sei Melt through a TD650 and EBS 1x15 with the horn rolled off sounded bang on. Through a Trace it was pretty close too. Haven't tried the Flamboyant 5 through EBS, although it sounded fabulous through a UL902 and Epi 4x10, and very nice through all-Markbass (and indeed Markbass LMII/Epifani UL112). Unfortunately I get a very different sound with the Compact so have to eq around it. I've tried gazillions of picks; I chop and change them all the time anyway depending on the specific sound I'm after at the time, and I alter my picking accordingly too. I'm not actually after their sound, that's just the nearest approximation I can give. I can't think of anyone who plays in anything like that noodly, notey style who uses a pick, other than me (although I'm not as good as them obviously!!!!). Dominique Di Piazza uses a thumbpick but gets a thinner sound than I'm after/have had. Obviously I'm aware that I would find it difficult to replicate their sounds exactly, and I wouldn't want to. I don't see the point in sounding exactly like someone else.
  12. One other sound I love that I have to mention is Glenn Hughes on Made in Europe. Rock sound par excellence.
  13. Oooh, tough one! If you imagined a half-way house between Hadrien Feraud and Matt Garrison (minus the skills of course ), neither quite as fluid as H or as dry as M you'd be about as close as I can describe. Tight and fluid (oo-er missus). Thing is I play mostly with a pick, and so have to go about getting those sort of sounds rather differently than many. I usually have to eq quite heavily.
  14. Alex, I haven't, but it's something I have considered in the shape of the EBS Microbass. No idea how it would work though, it's not something I've done before. Having said that a spare head is always handy, although it could be argued that with the amount of gigging I'm doing - currently none - it's slightly pointless. EBS-freak, My Rics are kind of in early-ish Roger Glover (think Made in Japan) or early Mike Rutherford (Genesis Live) territory. Not quite as distorted as that but that sort of ballpark. The plan when I bought my Epifani UL502 head was to eventually get an Epifani cab to go with it to get the best of both worlds. When I received the offer of going to Florida I sold the Epi to make it happen; unfortunately for various reasons it's now a no-go, so I kind of lost out there. As we've already discussed, I was mightily impressed by my Sei 4 through EBS. I'll be interested to see what you find if you get to try the EBS/Compact combination out.
  15. [quote name='JTUK' post='582112' date='Aug 27 2009, 07:39 AM']Can't see why you'd look further than EBS-EBS.. A 1x15 should do the trick plus it has a horn should you need it..AIUI Should be THE tone-monster[/quote] My Rics don't sound how I want through the EBS gear I've tried. I go for 2 utterly different sounds from my Rics and my Seis. Also, my Compact is lighter than the EBS 1x15s, which makes a big difference to me as I have chronic back problems. As for horns, I've never needed one so far in 29 years of playing....
  16. That's basically the neck pickup that is on most of the 4001s that you're probably familiar with from '73 onwards (not the toaster which you showed a link to, so called because it looks like a toaster, surprisingly enough). Has a button pole piece for each string. Haven't actually got a pic of one. EDIT: It's like the neck pickup in the black bass in the post above!
  17. [quote name='Shockwave' post='582000' date='Aug 26 2009, 11:06 PM']I had one of those Peavey 1x15/2x8 cabs before. Really brilliant cab. With Bi-amp/crossover circuitry in the back. Heavy but it was worth it![/quote] I think those are the 2x8 (or was it 10?) 1x18 version. One of my least favourite cab ever. Loads of bottom, reasonable top, nothing else whatsoever. Still, I generally have a hate/hate relationship with Peavey gear. Black Widow = hideous sound in my book. EDIT: Just seen your gear list- no offence meant!!!
  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='581814' date='Aug 26 2009, 07:55 PM']All info is going into the mix mate, many thanks. Anyone have any thoughts on my putting one of these in.....? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260464567748&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:GB:1123"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:X:RTQ:GB:1123[/url] Chris[/quote] The toasters, as I mentioned earlier, are my neck pickup of choice. I think there's also a guy on Rick Resource who swears by having toasters in both positions. The toasters are more transparent and clear, but not as thick and growly. FWIW I'd look around; I got my '73 toaster for just over £50 on ebay. When I get my now surplus neck high-gain with my restored bass I'd be happy to let you have that for £50 if you wanted it.
  19. I had one briefly and to be honest liked it as much as a Stingray. It wasn't nearly as well made but it played as nicely; it was passive and had a perfect Bernard Edwards tone right off the bat. Wish I'd kept it to be honest. Only cost me £80.
  20. Anybody tried this? I ideally need two rigs to get the best out of all my basses, but for reasons of cost/space would prefer to run 2 different heads through my Compact. My Seis sound ok through the Ashdown and through this cab, Markbass maybe a little better, Epifani surprisingly worse. I've only ever tried EBS heads through EBS cabs but my Sei 4 has never sounded better than through EBS (I turned the horns off, as I tend to).
  21. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='581734' date='Aug 26 2009, 06:56 PM']The cabs are probably doing the rounds in a number of covers bands throughout Europs, the heads are in the loft, and the trainers are on Jeff Berlin.[/quote]
  22. There's so much cool, cheap gear for sale on here at the moment I'm beginning to wish I had something to sell so I could buy some of it. Although in this case my back will probably thank me that I can't afford it, even at this bargain price. Have a bump.
  23. If I had the cash it would've, but I haven't. Anyway, have a bump on me.
  24. [quote name='BIG.J' post='581032' date='Aug 26 2009, 09:52 AM']Came across this during a Google image search! [/quote] Not mine. I used to rehearse through one of those cabs. Horrible, horrible, horrible. The thought of more than one is beyond terrifying.
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