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  1. Not controversial at all IMO. All depends on the band and the material (for me, Prog bands can get away with longer sets because of their material), but I don’t really want so see 2 hrs plus under normal circumstances. I’ve seen Babymetal twice and they did an hour both times, seemed about right.
  2. Ignoring those spoiled by the audience, worst - probably the Rolling Stones, Maine Road 1990. They were dull, sloppy and completely uninterested. Also Wilko Johnson at a club in Blackpool. Was never my cup of tea (although seems a lovely bloke) and I’d just gone to see Norman W-R, who for some reason couldn’t play that night. I lasted 2 songs IIRC. I think it’s the only gig I’ve ever walked out of. Adam Ant was also terrible at Solfest (and I loved Adam & The Ants) but thankfully he wasn’t the only person playing. Best? Fleetwood Mac, also at Maine Road. Had always wanted to see them at an outdoor gig and it didn’t disappoint. There are too many honourable mentions to list, but they include Hawkwind at Preston ‘79, Manowar Manchester Apollo ‘84, Chilis at Glasgow Green, First Aid Kit Manchester and Liverpool, Lissie with the Travelling Band at Perranporth and Shepherd’s Bush Empire and Stanley Clarke with Hiromi at Ronnie Scott’s….
  3. The music should be all that matters. My favourite artists include Floyd, Genesis and Kate Bush, all from reasonably well-off backgrounds. I’m just glad they got to create music, however it came about. Surely there are much greater inequalities in the world to worry about than if your favourite/least favourite artist came from money? Surely it’s all relative anyway? Growing up in a working class town, I was sometimes classed as ‘a bit posh’ as a kid and was sneered at because we were effectively, by that point, lower middle class (the fact that my parents were originally working class and worked their way up didn’t come into it). We must have been well-off (we weren’t), we had a tv and went on holidays abroad! We haven’t yet crowdfunded the actual recording of a cd, but we have now twice crowdfunded the physical cd itself.
  4. I’m in my late ‘50s and first started my gig going seeing metal bands. The behaviour was generally perfectly polite. The first time I ever remember being pushed was at an outdoor Stones gig in 1990. The first time I ever saw a mosh-pit (if you could call it that) was at a Bow Wow Wow gig in 1982; basically Psychobillies going nuts. I was right at the front and that was going on behind me. I personally didn’t see it transfer to metal gigs until a long, long time after that.
  5. Can’t agree with any of that. I’m perfectly familiar with the Sisters and have no problem with them but I don’t think any of their versions of the above come remotely close to the originals, they all lack everything that makes the originals great. I mean, their version of Jolene just sounds incredibly tongue-in-cheek to me, but the Sisters do tend to make me chuckle a bit. Of course, YMMV.
  6. FWIW my mum and dad were also born in ‘33 and they, and pretty much everyone they knew, were jazzers. The music they were into in their teens wouldn’t have been rock’n’roll.
  7. Generally indifferent to Spectors but that really looks great.
  8. This. Absolutely. If I’m with someone I just worry all night that they’re ok, enjoying themselves etc.
  9. I love live music. I generally hate audiences. 😉 I hate people who talk loudly through the set. The worst was watching the Musical Box at the Manchester Apollo a few years back. There were a bunch of absolutely plastered older guys talking at ridiculous volume all the way though. At one point a woman stood up and asked them really politely to please be quiet as they were spoiling it for everyone and they told her to Eff off. Then at the end one of them went up to her and I saw her go running up to a security guard. As I passed I heard her saying he’d threatened to beat her up outside. Unbelievable. The phones thing is also a nightmare, the worst culprit being the Richard who stood in front of me with his phone in my face taking photos literally all night at the Babymetal gig at Brixton, the first time I’d seen them. I don’t think he was listening at all. Utterly ruined the gig for me; I spent most of the evening trying to resist the overwhelming urge to punch him in the head and smash his phone. The one positive is it made the next time I saw them so much better, I had a whale of a time. Actually, thinking about it it’s not just audiences I hate. It’s people generally. 😂
  10. Although this wasn’t the original either, this was the version I was familiar with, pre-Heart, as I enjoyed the series at the time. I even suggested recording a version of it to my then band, well before Heart, because I thought it could be a hit. Of course we never got round to it….🙄
  11. Nilsson - Without You Blondie - Hanging on the Telephone and Denis Bow Wow Wow - I Want Candy Since You’ve Been Gone - Rainbow Anything by Led Zeppelin. 😉
  12. Nope. She’d probably batter me, even at 5ft nothing.
  13. Disagree on both counts. You notice people like Squire, Entwistle, JJB, Jaco, Norman W-R, Jamerson, and they’re all doing it very right, IMO. Whilst there may be an element of humour in your statement, Adam Clayton is a perfectly good bass player so far as I’m concerned. He plays parts that work in the context of the music (whether or not you like that music is not relevant). Whenever I hear people slag him off I always wonder what they think he should be playing. Funky 16th note groove in With Or Without You? That would be bad bass playing.
  14. Interesting. Big fan of Matt’s playing & music, one of the few modern fusioneers I can still listen to.
  15. And the lesson for today is……avoid preamps. 😉😂 Glad to hear it’s finally working. Sounds like a complete nightmare.
  16. The problem is, they don’t and they won’t. It’s all changed. Almost every casual punter I talk to these days just does not get that that’s how it should be. They think music should be free, or as near as.
  17. Spent two days solid listening to this the other week and was just going to to post it. Absolutely awesome. How about: I personally love this, but then I love a bit of Europop: And of course this, my favourite metal track of all time:
  18. This is me with Ricks, except 40 years ago, and maybe a bit less money. 😂 But the important thing is always the last bit, “It’s been a hoot”. If you can say that about anything at the end, it was worth it.
  19. I think this is evidently just descriptions meaning different things to different people. I just find Barts dark and polite. A ‘dirty’ sound to me suggests aggressive, which to me doesn’t suggest dark and/or polite. I took his request as meaning how could he get a more aggressive sound, i.e. the opposite of polite. Of course YMMV.
  20. That’s an interesting choice. I’ve had Barts in several instruments and they were always far too polite for me (although the ones in my Pedulla MVP sounded good - still very polite though).
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