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Everything posted by 4000

  1. That’s an interesting take, and there is probably more than a bit of truth in it. I was the opposite to you I guess; in the same way as I supported City as a kid when they were blue collar and hated United because they were a “bunch of flash poseurs”, I loved bands like Purple and Sabbath and didn’t really ‘get’ Bowie, Roxy etc. NWOBHM definitely was metal with a more punk, ‘street’ mindset. I remember first seeing UFO on TOTPs doing Doctor Doctor and thinking it was great, but apart from that & Lights Out, nothing really grabbed me too much and I never got into them. I got the chance to see DC with Bon on the last tour they did and turned it down (I think I was skint), saying I’d catch them next time. Of course there wasn’t one. ☹️
  2. The Three Amigos were the only Motorhead lineup for me. I saw them 3 or 4 times from 1980 up to and including Iron Fist. Think I saw them twice at Leeds. Fantastic every time, loved them so much back then. Can’t believe none of them are with us any more, seems impossible.
  3. I missed quite a few of those for reasons I can’t remember; I think some of my mates went to most of the ones I missed. I saw Angelwitch, Vardis (?), possibly Witchfynde (not sure), Girlschool a couple of times. Pretty sure there were others. Watched the sound check for Blizzard, met the band, also watched the gig which was an extremely enjoyable shambles. Remember thinking Randy Rhoads (unknown to me at the time) was amazing. I supported Limelight in my first band, may have been at the Gaiety Bar? We’d just got a new singer, who was hopeless. He lasted the one gig. I don’t think we lasted much longer in that incarnation; Tbh we weren’t very good, but we’d only been playing a couple of years or so.
  4. I saw them several times from around 1980 onwards. They were a fantastic live band.
  5. I got that from my mum and dad when I first got into Sabbath and started to wear a Sabbath cross. 😂 In a rare moment of clarity I showed them the words to After Forever and that shut them up.
  6. The younger sis was Julie. Tracey was the bassist. I remember them keeping a very strict eye on Julie at the JR’s gig in case someone tried to chat her up (IIRC they said she was 14 at the time, but you wouldn’t have known).
  7. Clive was by far the best drummer they’ve had. For me they were never the same without him.
  8. I’ve seldom found it does. Yeah, there’s the occasional zinc duffer that folds in half😂, but generally speaking, once set, that’s it. My 2 main basses have the earlier aluminium bridge which is better than what replaced it, IMO. My issues with the earlier bridges is lack of wiggle room intonation-wise. And if you change string gauge a lot, that’s a pain too. V2: http://boutique.rickenbacker.com/4003v2-TailpieceDamper-Assembly_p_786.html I believe they’ve now gone to a single truss rod as well.
  9. Actually, I was only thinking the other day that the problem with pretty much all the boutiques I’ve ever owned is they’ve been far too polite and small-sounding for me.
  10. They have permanently changed the bridge on the 4003 to the new V2, FWIW.
  11. Someone who has played one says it’s definitely short scale. It certainly does have 24 frets though.
  12. Everyone I know says it like that, and not just in their head.😉
  13. Was a big fan of RG, back in the day. Remember first seeing them at JRs in Blackpool. They blew me away. Tracey Lamb even took a swig of my lager! Chatted to them after the gig; great girls. My mate (see previous posts) corresponded with Jody T for a bit after that.
  14. Speaking partly as a huge fan of Michael Moorcock (which is where the name came from), I thought they had one of the best band names ever.
  15. Sorry, no idea. I think my friend was only in them for a year or two, had long left by then. They have a page on Wikipedia; I just checked.
  16. Don’t think my mate was on the recording. I’ll check with him when I get chance. I saw them play the Marquee; Buster Bloodvessel was in the audience.
  17. Saw Sammy live two nights running(Lancaster and Manc) in about ‘81, ‘82? He was so good the first time I immediately bought a ticket for the next night. His bass player was Bill Church - introduced as The Electric Church when he did his solo. One of my nicknames at the time was Bill, so with much hilarity on their part, my band at the time (who were and still remain my best friends, many years later), named me The Electric Bill. 😂 In fact, the drummer in that band also auditioned for Diamondhead, IIRC. And The Sweet at some point. He ended up in a punk band called The Blood.
  18. That’s the first time I’ve seen a recording featuring Dragster. They played at the Motorheadbangers party (Iron Fist release?) at the Ritz in Manchester - anyone remember the date? Loudest band I ever saw, and that includes Motorhead (several times). Bass player played a TBird - ‘60s IIRC - fingerstyle I think through I think an Orange head. He sounded immense. A lot of the other bands used to play at the Norbreck Nightspot back in the day.
  19. Apparently I beat out Kevin Riddles to get the bass chair in one of my early bands. So I was told, anyway.
  20. John Sykes comes from my neck of the woods and my old band used to rehearse and record at his step dad’s studio, where I’ve met him a couple of times. So Tygers aren’t obscure to me.. NWOBHM happened about the time I started playing and a couple of my early (not very good) bands were roped in with it, in the utterly, utterly obscure category. 😂
  21. You’re really good at reading what someone has posted and running with it aren’t you? 🙄 Firstly, I was talking about all the basses I’ve ever played, which is clearly stated in my post. I also play everything acoustically before plugging it in, So that cuts out amps, speakers etc. Yes, strings and action plays a part, but everything plays a part, which is kind of the point. And hey, it’s not my fault if you’ve got cloth ears.
  22. I like mahogany in guitars, or rather I should say, my favourite guitars tend to have bodies mostly built of mahogany. 😉 Interesting about the Pedulla & Spector as I’ve tended to find the opposite, but that could be down to electronics; most of the Spectors I’ve played have had EMGs (and various pre’s) and all the Pedullas have had Barts, which I normally dislike fairly intensely but which seem to really work in Pedullas. The action on everything I have tends to be very low. If it won’t go very low - or at least passably low (1.5mm 12th fret G tops, 2mm 12th fret E tops) it doesn’t stay.
  23. “Deranged puppy stranglers”.😂😂😂 Oh, I’m stealing that!
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