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  1. Does this mean that somebody actually took notice of my recent link to the Cort website ? Or is this just a happy coincidence, as usual? 😁 EDIT: They both look great.
  2. Leaving it up to others is dangerous, IMO. I too would happily repair until absolutely perfect. I’m pretty anal about getting things absolutely how I want them to be. However, as an example, on my band’s last cd there was one track I definitely felt I could have played better; I felt I rushed it ever-so-slightly, and there was another which has a fairly complex figure in the choruses, the first line of which I didn’t feel I nailed 100% cleanly. Everyone else, engineer included, said both ‘issues’ were absolutely fine, so I reluctantly let them go. I’ve regretted it ever since, as I know both issues are there, even if neither bothers anyone else (which they don’t appear to). It’s the same reason I hate decorating and would sooner get someone else to do it, because if I know I’ve done something even minutely wrong, It bugs the crap out of me.
  3. I think we’ve been over this sort of thing before. 😉 I prefer MB - so far at least - because to me they sound far more like Genesis did at the time, which is extremely important to me. Obviously YMMV. Thankfully, we have a choice. TBH, I’ve also never quite forgiven Steve for the extended noodling solo at the end of Supper’s Ready when I last saw him. If I’d had a sniper’s rifle, it would have been used. 😂
  4. Anyone seen the film Yesterday? The bit where he does a search for Oasis upon realising there’s no trace of the Beatles and Oasis don’t turn up either really made me laugh.
  5. That price is bananas. I bought this for £1100 a few years back. Muppet that I am I sent it back as I wasn’t sure about the ergonomics. Of course now I desperately want another and they’re like hen’s teeth:
  6. I’ve always felt like this about most new (non-reliced) Fenders. I don’t know why either. Roadworns etc just look and feel so much better to me. And it only seems to apply to Fenders too, I don’t necessarily feel that way about other makes. Very odd.
  7. This is something I do wonder about a lot of players and bands, whether they regularly record themselves. Because I’ve come across a lot of people who think they’re a lot tighter than they are.😂 I’ve been regularly recording for 40 years now. And no matter how much better you think you might be getting, the red light never lies. It’s like those horrific lights they have in changing rooms; there’s no hiding. 😉 I’m starting to wonder if I’m just getting more critical, or if I am actually getting worse.😂
  8. Caught a little bit of the Eagles but wasn’t really in the mood, so watched the Rush, which I’d recorded. Found it quite moving tbh. I discovered Rush at a relatively optimistic time in my life, after a very, very bad one, and certain tracks always remind me of that sense of optimism. And although I grew away from them in later years, knowing that Neil is no longer with us and the band no longer exists is very sad.☹️
  9. As Macca also played guitar and piano I would have thought it unlikely he principally used bass for writing, personally. Tbh, I’ve never really understood why people refer to songs as being written on a particular instrument (although in some instances that is obviously the case). When I’m writing a song it’s mostly done in my head, vocals, parts and all, and then translated onto the appropriate instruments. I second the Iron Maiden thing though.
  10. I guess another factor in how they feel is what you put them on. I can’t imagine they’re going to budge a P Bass neck at all, whereas the necks on my basses are far slimmer, so the tension would likely feel greater. Not that it would make any difference compared to other strings on the same neck of course.
  11. Following a nerve-wracking experience trying to keep an eye on an extremely-expensive-to-replace bass in a packed London venue on a multi-band night, I did two things; made sure my basses are fully insured (easier now I’m down to three) and also had myself a far, far cheaper ‘replica’ (it doesn’t actually sound that much like, but that’s another story) of my favourite bass made for those few gigs where I really would sweat, e.g. festivals where we have to stay over (remember them?). 99% of the time I’m happy to use any of my basses live though; that’s what I bought them for, although I’ll admit my absolute favourite stays home a bit more than the others.
  12. The figures provided are just the factory tension measurements, pounds pull per set. https://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/blog/string-tension-101/ Nobody else think the G is too stiff, relatively speaking?
  13. I would tend to agree, but I guess it also depends what you’re used to. I haven’t used anything heavier than 40s for probably 25 or 30 years. if you’re used to playing heavier/stiffer strings than that, then obviously the TIs will feel very low tension. I imagine that to someone coming from 45 gauge Roto flats they really would feel like elastic bands. As I said earlier though, playing the 3 different sets I mentioned does IMO reflect the relative tension figures.
  14. As I tend to swap strings quite a bit - and the limited intonation adjustment on the old bridges can be annoying - I’ve thought about the various replacements. The problem with the Hipshot is I’ve read so many reports of rattling saddles and/or not being able to get the saddles low enough (which would be a nightmare for me as I like extremely low action). Anyone care to comment on these?
  15. Character. That’s the word. They don’t sound like anything else I’ve used, and I been through a lot of strings.
  16. I kind of expected elastic bands, tbh. 😂 I like the feel of the strings, unexpected given I love the gnarly feel of Rotos. They’re like glass, almost like they’re lubricated. Very smooth to play and nicer feeling than all the other flats I’ve played.
  17. I keep browsing the For Sale but by the time I get there they’re always sold. These were £41.00 from Amazon, which was the cheapest I found them.
  18. Well, for anyone who might be interested (based on the previous response, probably no-one😂), I bit the bullet and bought some TI Jazz flats, just to try on one of my 4001s. First impressions is that they are much growlier (or should that be raspier?) than expected. They have a real bark down low. They’re also pretty trebly compared to what I expected, although my understanding is that’ll die off somewhat. They’re also - at least given I can’t try them in a band situation - very clear-sounding. The note seems more “present” than many rounds do. They’re not at all woolly unless you start turning the tone controls down. I’ll try a bit of recording this weekend, see how they fare. In terms of tension, they’re stiffer-feeling than I expected, or rather the D & G are. Only marginally softer feeling than my usual Roto 40-100 Swing Bass (I haven’t had to touch the neck) and noticeably stiffer than the 35-95 nickel Rotos, which surprised me, although matches the tension figures in my first post. Do I like them? Early days. I like the growl, particularly on the E & A and they do feel nicely balanced, with the exception of the G (a 43) which to me feels far stiffer than the other strings, and which I’m not keen on. I prefer a more flexible-feeling G. I doubt they’ll replace my usual strings, but I’ve got them if I decide I need them. If that G was lighter though, it may be a different story. It’s certainly a different sound, and not the flatwound sound I’ve experienced previously.
  19. You replied to my post with “I doubt it” and then proceeded to say it was likely down to the setup. Which it isn’t, as I addressed in my post.
  20. Most of the people I’ve spoken to about this have never bought anything from the States before (or anywhere outside Europe) and yes, they generally have had no idea about import duty.
  21. Of course they can. But that really is nothing to do with it. I’ve done it across multiple instruments. If you don’t think different instruments can sound different, then you’ve either got a closed mind or closed ears. 🙄
  22. Nothing to do with setup. I set up all my basses as near identically as I can and have tried swapping bridges and electronics. The basic characteristics remain.
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