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  1. https://www.rickysounds.co.uk/product-category/bass-thumb-rests/ https://www.rickysounds.co.uk/product-category/tube-ampolgy-bezels/
  2. Actually, this depends to some degree on what’s wrong with you. The absolute worst case scenario for me is a body-heavy bias, which some headless basses can suffer with. And as has been said, a lighter bass with a very slight neck bias I find less troublesome on my spine than a perfectly balanced heavy one. Having said all that, as I said previously, I only rehearse or gig seated these days, although I still won’t go heavy because of the odd occasion when I might want/need to stand.
  3. I did the same trying 3 CS LPs. They were all great, but all sounded completely different. Unfortunately I never got to buy the one I preferred because some bills came up.
  4. I’ve always found this. I’m surprised it’s surprising, to be honest. But then I’ve always tried to play as many basses as possible, including many individual versions of the same bass where I can (at least up until the past few years, where I tend to just play things I know will work or models that I’ve never played before). So over 40 years I’ve played literally thousands of basses and have tried to mentally note the differences as best I can. If I take my current Rics (and 1 replica) as examples, my Feb ‘72 is really open, growly and resonant. My Aug ‘72 (which has a schedua strip), is much more upper-middy, snappier and less growly, and a bit brighter and thinner-sounding. The replica doesn’t haven’t the openness of the other two, but is a bit thicker and honkier-sounding. The Feb and the replica both have a real sing-song quality to the upper register, the Aug not so much (although still more so than many other Rics I’ve had).
  5. I hope so! You would have thought they’d talk though. 😉
  6. It is indeed but he said the tickets are for the same night for both. I guess we’ll see what happens. Assuming, like you say, it happens at all.
  7. Seconds Out is my favourite Genesis album. Re MB being more like a stage play, IMO that’s what the original band (PG era) were like. Our singer has just told me that the Genesis gig we were going to and the Hackett gig we were going to have just been rescheduled.......on the same night.🙄 You’d think they could have discussed it! 😂 Not missing out on Genesis though so will have to look at seeing Hackett elsewhere.
  8. Ive seen both (seen MB three or 4 times) and I also preferred The Musical Box.
  9. Awesome! Always loved Phil. Great musician, great songwriter, great singer. Always seemed like a decent bloke too. Was one of my earliest musical heroes.
  10. Well, that ages me. I had no idea what a voice note was. I only started texting in earnest about 3 years ago, and I don’t even use my smart phone as a smart phone. I phone on it, I text on it, I occasionally put notes or record snippets of song ideas, and that’s it. I’m not on Facebook, Instagram or anything other than Twitter, which I only went on for a specific reason (which I now forget). I don’t really know what TikTok (?) is. Given the choice, I’d still be living in the 1970s. 😂
  11. I hope we all make it to see them, whenever it finally is.....
  12. I’ve wondered this too. However well made they are these days, they seem to be priced well out of the market they’re catering for. Obviously we’re missing something!
  13. My missus hates me buying instruments. They’re money that could be spent on something far more useful and sensible(like anything), they take up space and clutter the place, and let’s face it, why do we need more than one? 🙄
  14. The reason they wouldn’t do a 4005 was mainly because John Hall didn’t like them; he referred to them as “tuna boats”. 😂 Now he’s retired (is he really?) who knows?
  15. That there is fighting’ talk. 😉
  16. When my friend was selling some of his comic collection on eBay, he described some of them as mint. The buyer contacted him upon receipt, stating “these comics have been read, so they’re not mint”. They were, so far as either of us could see, absolutely unblemished in every way. I can only assume the buyer had been over them with a microscope. Like you say, people. 🙄
  17. Anything over 9lbs is pretty much a no-no nowadays. In fact I recently did some practising at home standing up (I only gig seated these days) and after half an hour I was struggling. I don’t think any of my basses are over 9lbs, and are probably a bit less. Prolapsed discs eh? 🙄
  18. The blue I think. I like the purple, but not so much with the gold hardware. loving that snowy night, but not at that price!
  19. Heavy then - too heavy for me these days.
  20. Have never used a router or band saw in my life, so that’s going to be a learning curve. 😂
  21. 4000


    These are cool, I wanted one when they came out too.
  22. Everyone is different. Some are incredibly anal about keeping their instruments absolutely pristine (I can never grasp how they manage it to be honest, unless they don’t gig), some really just don’t care, and most are at a point somewhere between. I would generally give an instrument a clean prior to shipping, but I don’t really expect anyone else to do the same. It’s highly unlikely I’d put new strings on though, unless agreed with the buyer. (A) they cost and (B) they may like a completely different make and gauge (and setup) than me, which would make it a pointless exercise. Almost every time I’ve bought a used instrument, from a shop or privately, I’ve changed to different gauge/type of strings and had to set the instrument up to my taste. I certainly wouldn’t expect not to have to do this.
  23. In the dealings I’ve had with Robbie he seems like a good guy. Little known fact; he played on Be Bop Deluxe’s Axe Victim.
  24. Cetera is obviously Jeff Bezos, judging by that list! 😂 It’s enough having owned them all, but to still have most of them is something else.
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