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  1. Yeah, will do at some point when I get chance.
  2. I will say that IMO, the best of Alembic are the absolute pinnacle. Of course YMMV; they’re not for everybody and I know Alembic’s aesthetic - and tone - divides opinion.
  3. It was hollow. All Series basses are hollow and you can request it for a custom. It was still around 10 lbs though, similar to my Wal Pro and the Dolphin. Shame because standing I found the shape extremely comfortable. Seated, not so much. 😉
  4. Well, I’ve owned 2 and played dozens, at the very least. Some have been stellar, some ok, some not great, but they’ve almost all been heavy! Here’s my custom Triple O, and with my second Warwick Dolphin Pro 1.
  5. No, I haven’t. I think quite a few are pre digital photo so I’d have to sort that out, and some may not have been photographed at all (didn’t last long enough!), but I’ll look into it. Thing is, for me, growing up there were only 2 basses; Rickenbacker and Alembic. I loved the sound and aesthetic of both, and tended to prefer the people who played them. Wasn’t really interested in anything else, although I did lust after Mark King’s Starchild Jaydee after first seeing that. Still do! I remember swooning over John McVie’s Alembics, but it was John Paul Jones’s 8 string Triple Omega Bec-Var (built by Bruce Becvar, formerly of Alembic) that absolutely slew me. I also told myself I could never justify the cost of an Alembic, but shortly before my 40th my dad took some of the family to the States. I went in Ed Roman’s and they had a stunning buckeye Burl Triple Omega Series II 5 string in (about £18k IIRC) and I decided that I’d finally get a custom built Triple Omega - cost just under £4K at the time - for my 40th, which I did. Eventually had to sell it because of my back problems but it was a wonderful piece of woodworking art. Anyway, back to Wals, and apologies for the derail. I want another! I’d love to try one of Paul Herman’s ones.
  6. 4000


    As high as you prefer. 😉 There is no “answer”. My action is no higher than 2mm 12th fret E, lower for the G, but some prefer much higher action. Sounds to me like your neck might need adjusting if it’s been sat awhile, unless you’ve put a different make and/or gauge strings on it.
  7. By the time I got my Custom I’d already had a Pedulla, which I felt was noticeably better made, and by the time I got my Pro I’d had numerous modern boutiques. My custom Alembic made my Pro look like I’d made it.😉 The Pro sounded great though.
  8. It could still be perfectly valid Bilbo, across all makes, models and years. Wasn’t trying to disrespect your opinion by the way, just in case!
  9. I believe the standard now is better than it was. There were things I liked about both of mine, but the build quality wasn’t one of those things. The fingerboard on my Custom turned out not to have been levelled correctly from new, and the general build quality was fairly rustic at best on both of them.
  10. There are loads of different Warwicks with lots of different feels, neck sizes, body shapes & tones, to be fair. An ‘88 Thumb, for instance, is very little like one from 10 years later, and is nothing like Streamer or a Corvette, for instance, which will all also vary greatly depending on the period. My 2 Dolphin Pro 1s, a ‘96 and a ‘91, were chalk and cheese.
  11. ...although it has to be said you can pick up an early Thumb for less than a third, maybe even less than a quarter the cost of a used Wal. (Not that it’s a Wal substitute, just saying).
  12. The early Thumbs are some of my favourite basses, although for some reason I’ve never owned one. That’s something I’d like to put right one day.
  13. I sold the Custom I had for £550 around ‘96....🤦‍♂️
  14. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything with absolutely no redeeming features before.
  15. My mate (the one who now owns my old ‘76 Ric) had one of those, in that colour. It was quite nice IIRC.
  16. Perhaps surprisingly to some on here, I was quite a big disco fan back in the day. Used to love busting a move on the dance floor, til self-consciousness set in mid-teens. 😉
  17. Well, they’re cheaper than Fodera and Alembic, FWIW. 😉
  18. I think the best of the Bee Gees disco era compare favourably with Chic, and I love Chic.
  19. He had at least 2. I know the person who has his 1960s RM1999 (4001S), which was refinished white. He used a white black trim 4001 in the disco era IIRC.
  20. My back has been that way since ‘96, unfortunately. Incidentally, every TB I’ve heard I’ve thought sounded really good, in context.
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