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Everything posted by 4000

  1. There was a time when heavy basses didn’t bother me; then several intervertebral discs went in quick succession. Life-changing. And certainly bass-changing!
  2. 3600 pounds is roughly the weight of the one I played. 😉
  3. Any chance of an endorsement? 😉😂
  4. I replaced my BDDI with a VT Bass DI a few years back and was so impressed upon trying it that I bought a VT500 too. The next day I bought another VT500 as a spare. I love mine. Haven’t tried the 1969 so can’t comment on that. Also can’t comment on the volume of the VT500 as these days I play in an acoustic band and use either 1 or 2 Barefaced One10s; I don’t need “full band” volume. When I tried the VT though I also tried loads of other class D heads - GK, Markbass, etc, etc - and I felt it was comparable volume-wise.
  5. Half-inch position scatter wound toaster and screw-top high-gain......😉
  6. If it’s something that’s new to you then it’s new to you. There’s a first time for everything. FWIW the first time I experienced it it caught me out too. The advice on relief still stands though. 😉
  7. I see so many people fiddling about with string height without first getting the relief right. “Relief is everything” should be pinned. Also, as others have said, buzz in the upper register is a fairly common product of too much relief. The first thing I’d have done was tried adjusting the neck.
  8. Not particularly common, although Fodera and Wood & Tronics do use it. Matt Garrison’s and Janek Gwizdala’s basses had/have Ash necks. With regards to the OPs question, swamp ash is typically lighter and yes, the tone is generally perceived as different. Some makers tend to favour one, some the other, or use one or the other for a specific type of tone.
  9. The original Urge? One of my favourite looking Fenders!
  10. I played one once. It was probably the heaviest bass I’ve ever played, so much so that I didn’t dare actually put it on (knackered back). It felt about half as heavy again as my Wal Pro, which I sold due to the weight!
  11. https://www.cortguitars.com/product/list.php?ca_id=103030 Just checked the price on the roasted maple-necked one; bargain for under £400.
  12. Of course a knowledge of theory is helpful. But - depending on the type of musician you are, how you learn and create - it’s not essential. I don’t think anyone is arguing against learning theory. But if the process of learning theory is putting someone off playing, surely it’s better they keep playing?
  13. Actually, I do quite like the Bongo headstock.
  14. He had one of the best voices in rock singing in his lower register. Totally defeats me why he would abandon that to sing in the upper register, which doesn’t suit his voice at all, unless he simply can’t do it anymore.
  15. Any problems I ever had with my old Ashdown gear, it just went straight to Ashdown. Great customer service.
  16. I too play both, not an either/or. For me, this is one of the potential difficulties in education in any art form. Experiencing something that destroys your love of it, rather than enhancing it as planned. It happened to me with painting; the “tutors” I had completely destroyed my enjoyment of it, so I stopped painting altogether. Unfortunately at the time, although I was considered extremely talented, I wasn’t sufficiently strong-willed to tell them to stuff themselves and take my own route, which is what I should have done. FWIW, I believe Tori Amos eventually gave up /was let go from her music academy because of her interest in popular music forms aligned with a dislike for reading music. It didn’t stop her being an extremely creative and talented musician. In fact most of the successful musicians in popular music probably don’t have much background in theory and reading. Obviously if you plan to play jazz or classical, that’s different, but it doesn’t sound like you do. As others have said, if you’re happy playing blues & rock and didn’t enjoy this particular course, then play the blues/rock and forget the course.
  17. The lack of 16.5mm spacing is the main thing that’s putting me off these.
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