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  1. Have been looking at “In Search of Hades” for the past two days. Trying to decide whether I can justify it at the moment.
  2. Never ceases to amaze me how much people’s tastes differ. 99% of the headstocks posted here would be in my worst ever. 😂
  3. I much prefer Carey tbh, although I’m not a fan of the style generally. The only WH song I ever liked was Saving All My Love. Couldn’t stand anything else and really wasn’t much of a fan of her voice, never mind her singing style, although I agree the production didn’t do her many favours.
  4. I chatted to him down the Gallery the other year and he was saying how he’d always loved Ibanez basses. IIRC he collected older ones.
  5. One of our old cats sprayed all over our old Mac. Unfortunately it got inside it and over time just corroded everything. When it comes to cat pee vs technology, there’s only one winner. 😉
  6. They’re on the shopping list. 😉 Rather ironically the most fun I’ve had listening to music recently has been discovering new (or previously unheard old) stuff whilst working from home. Played via YouTube on an iPad into a £50 Bluetooth speaker, so hardly hi-fi, but the joy of discovering the music has far outweighed any shortcomings in quality, which is probably a lesson in itself.
  7. I’ve sold several basses that I expected never to sell. There is only one that I really never would sell, but that’s because everything about it is perfect. I tend to think that if you’re needing to mod then there’s a danger that you may never get it right and you’ll end up selling in the end.
  8. Part of me wishes this would hurry up and sell so I can stop lusting after it. But another part kind of hopes it waits for me.....it would unfortunately have to wait a good while though!☹️
  9. I miss the interaction, the almost ritualistic process of playing a vinyl album, poring over the artwork etc, but the vinyl itself? Not really. And even the experience has, I suspect, a lot of nostalgia attached to it. I don’t think putting vinyl on now could ever capture the feeling of saving up for, buying and playing say Wish You Were Here, in my teens. In those days each album was a major life event. I think it would be difficult for me to experience that again at my age and in the modern world, with so much of everything. And if I’m honest, having just bought both Kate Bush remastered boxed sets on cd, they’re beautiful things in their own right, just in a smaller package. But yes, there is no way playing vinyl on a turntable would survive our cats!
  10. Aaron should be able to build something that fits.
  11. I stopped buying vinyl years ago, mainly for reasons of practicality, partly because my Thorens deck died and I couldn’t afford another. It’s been cds since; I got rid of most of my vinyl and only kept stuff that meant a lot to me, like my autographed stuff. A couple of years back I was given a reasonably decent deck by a relative. I haven’t hooked it up yet though, because, well, cats.😂
  12. Not for me it isn’t. Not a big fan of the ‘bridge pickup only’ sound.
  13. That’s likely because, theoretically at least, demos of bass rigs are about sounding good in isolation (although FWIW, most demos on YouTube sound bloody awful to me; if someone demo-d a rig and got something like Roger’s isolated sound I’d think that was a fab sound).
  14. This, sadly. Most of the people I come into contact with wouldn’t know a quality sound system if it ran them over. Pretty much everyone I know thinks that if it’s got vast bass then it’s a great system, regardless of what the rest of it sounds like.
  15. Why don’t you send the pickup to someone like Aaron Armstrong and get him to rewind it to a different spec.........or simply replace the bass with something you like better.
  16. I love the old Superbass heads. I don’t like many modern rigs tbh.
  17. He went through several other things on the way. He says here he always felt the Rick/Marshall combo was too distorted. https://www.rogerglover.com/bass-players-question-time/equipment/
  18. Yeah, the car thing is probably the final nail in the coffin for cds. Have to sayIm still buying them but I don’t know who else is. I dread the thought of transferring all my cds to digital.
  19. A bit baffling why Ritchie didn’t rate him tbh. I really like Glenn Hughes, but I wouldn’t say he’s a better player than Rog. Different, yes. Although of course there are the vocals too.
  20. I think the most I’ve had at one time was five. 😉😂
  21. As I had my rig plugged in, just tried copping the Glover sound with my 2 ‘72 4001 basses. It was interesting to me that I had to roll my neck pickups off by about a third compared to my normal sound. FWIW the neck pickups on the old basses tend to be noticeably louder than the bridge pickups, the opposite of the modern basses.
  22. Sounds awesome either way to me. This is interesting given it’s from the same album, same bass & rig but recorded in a different place, disregarding eq etc:
  23. I always found Elites like that TBH. I used them for several years, going back a long, long while (‘90s I think), simply because at the time they were the only strings I could get hold of consistently. I never liked them.
  24. Probably inspired by Jonas Hellborg’s twin neck Wal, which also had a single pickup per bass.
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