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  1. I’ve had very mixed results with the valve amps I’ve had / used. I’ve never got on with any Ampeg rig I’ve used, and I’ve used a few. They’ve always seemed a bit too pillowy in the lows and glassy in the highs, which I don’t like. Same with Mess Boogie. I had a similar problem with the 375w Marshall 2001 head I had. In fact the Trace AH150 I had at the time blew it into the dust tone-wise. After loving a Trace Twin Valve combo I tried I eventually bought a Trace Twin Valve head, but evidently there was some mojo between the speaker and the amp in the combo as the head was hugely disappointing and didn’t sound as good as the Ashdown ABM I had at the time. I had a Fender Bassman 135 which was ok, nothing special, and 2 Marshall Superbass heads, one of which was also ok and the second of which sounded great. Using my basses and playing the way I do, I think I get on better with lower powered, dirtier valve amps. All the big ones seem to drift into the pillowy/glassy thing IME. Of course YMMV. I’d like to try something like a Little Bastard, Little Stubby or similar.
  2. Well it says it’s chambered so that should bring it down to less than a ton. 😉
  3. Some years ago we had to go on a course at work and for the opener we had to guess what our colleagues had wanted to be as children. Someone said they thought I’d have wanted to be an astronaut as outer space seemed like my natural habitat. 😂
  4. I chatted to Scott once at the Gallery. Seemed like a thoroughly nice chap.
  5. I’m 57 and I can’t sing like I could at 27. In fact I’m struggling with some songs I could nail 5 years ago. I dread to think what I’ll be like at his age.
  6. That’s fine if you play the same on every bass regardless. I don’t. I play to the instrument, always have. And I know I sound different on different basses too; it’s been commented on in every band I’ve ever been in over the 40 years I’ve been playing, and outside band situations too. So I don’t really have a “me” sound, as such. There seems to be a common misconception that because some people sound pretty much the same on everything they play, everyone does. It’s simply not the case. Of course the irony of the above is that for the last couple of years I’ve only owned my Rickenbackers, but that’s partly because nowadays I have physical issues playing almost anything else.
  7. What’s the weight of the Hipshot like? I assume that’s heavier too?
  8. Both!😂 Our luggage scales are crap for weighing basses. Where did you get that, if you don’t mind me asking?
  9. Cheers! If it resolves the neck dive, the bass and bridge are a very tempting thing indeed. I suspect it would sound great in our band too. What’s the overall weight like once the bridge is fitted?
  10. If that’s the case I may have to reconsider, although I’d be worried in case it didn’t resolve it enough for my particular issues. Gotta say, always wanted a black one but that PB is lush. What model is the bridge Andy?
  11. I always fancied one of these but the few I’ve played have all neck dived really badly. It might not bother someone without neck, back and shoulder issues but for me it was just unworkable.
  12. Further to the above, as kids my best friend (at the time) and I used to make plasticene models together. He went on to work for Cosgrove Hall and then Tim Burton on Mars Attacks and The Corpse Bride. My best friend on my Fine Art Foundation course went on to become a professional illustrator, working mostly on Dr Who magazine (he’s always been a huge Dr Who fan). Given that I was considered equally talented at the time, I do wonder where I would have been if I hadn’t been sidetracked by music in my teens. Still, the 30 years in an office job that I hate in order to pay the bills while I pursue my “hobby” makes it all worth while. 😳😳😂😂😂
  13. Remember this comment? “You're showing a lot of geekiness there” FROM A TRAINSPOTTER????????? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Hang your head in shame. 😉
  14. Every Dano Longhorn I’ve ever played has been twangy as hell to start with. Which I like.
  15. As a kid I wanted to be either a vet or the next Ray Harryhausen. Then I wanted to be a comic artist. Teens,, rock star.
  16. Wow. Yes, I too found that quite moving. That’ll be a must-see for me.
  17. Specifically most of them! 😉 Alembic, Wals, Seis, Warwicks, Ricks, you name it. The basses I miss most are probably my Alembic Triple Omega (sold simply because it was too heavy), my Wal Pro (ditto), my Rick 4004 (problems with contouring) and both my Rick 4000s (why????). Of my 5 Seis, I do miss the buckeye most, even though it probably wasn’t the best of them as it stood. As you know, I’d have changed the electrics, along with a couple of other things. One day I hope to replace it though, funds allowing (although if I’m honest that’s looking more and more unlikely the nearer retirement looms). How’s it doing?
  18. Just listened to Run With The Fox twice again. Same effect both times. Weird. Huge thanks to Visog for posting, as it had somehow passed me by. It’s absolutely wonderful. And has anyone’s tone ever been so representative of the player? Big, exuberant....just like Chris.
  19. Once I’ve decided something is going, I put it in its case and don’t even look at it until it’s gone. I’ve certainly wished I hadn’t sold something on occasion, but I’d never have sold anything if I played them before they went!
  20. This, pretty much. As a big Prog fan, a lot of the music I like has somewhat odd time signatures; I grew up with Jazz more than anything. I remember a guitarist friend once commenting how I didn’t seem to be as interested in rhythm as he was. Once I thought about it, it became clear to me that to him, rhythm equalled a straight, driving backbeat, which I was indeed less interested in as a general thing. He’s most definitely not a big Prog fan.
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