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Everything posted by 4000

  1. Tbh, in the video review posted above, I think the 4 sounds better than a lot of the actual MM reviews sound. Which isn’t to say the bass itself sounds better, but it shows it’s capable of sounding perfectly fine.
  2. Have just seen these on YouTube. £118? Really? Wow. They look fab and seem to sound great too. What’s the weight like?
  3. He sounded different with every change of bass IMO.
  4. Trevor Rabin has famously championed Westone too.
  5. Live, there have been a few, including: Buddy Rich, twice - ‘nuff said. Hawkwind live ‘79, Preston - first ever rock gig. Blew my head off. Amazing. Manowar live ‘84 Manchester - first time I saw them. Went for a laugh expecting them to be terrible; they were unbelievable. Saw them a few more times but that was the best; spoke to Joey DeMaio at the next gig I went to on the tour and he agreed Manchester had been a great gig. Bow Wow Wow live Manchester Uni on the When the Going Gets Tough tour. Loved the band but expected them to be crap live. They were awesome. Seeing Lissie playing in a bar in Cornwall, bumping into her at the airport the next day and then travelling back on the same plane. Even now, does not compute. There are many others, but they stand out.
  6. Our rehearsal studio has plastic dividing sheets between each person. Don’t know whether they’ll be open after lockdown though. TBH, I worry more about going round Asda!
  7. The problem with this is that everyone will likely have different ideas about what constitutes a “good sound” and it all sounds different depending on the context anyway. 😉
  8. I keep looking at these, for no rational reason other than ‘because’. 😉
  9. I think mine were 100s (it’s a few years ago now), but I’m pretty sure I’ve used both at various times. I’ve spent a lot of time in a lot of studios! One other weird thing I’ve found over the last decade or so when recording vocals wearing Beyers - and 2 fellow band members found the same, across 3 pro studios - was I can’t pitch properly with them. We all thought our ears had gone (we are all in our 50s😉), however at our current studio (Blueprint in Manc) we switched to Sennheiser HD600s and it was like getting new ears, easy as pie.
  10. My old Westone Quantum was a dream in the studio. So easy to get a great sound whatever I did with it, really even and consistent. In fact in the studio it comfortably outperformed any and all of the boutique basses I’ve owned. Wish I hadn’t got rid of it.
  11. PH’s was a Hondo and he said it was rubbish. I’ve played a few. He was right.😂
  12. I had some DTs for recording. I absolutely hated them, couldn’t wait to get rid of them. In fact every set of Beyers I’ve ever used anywhere, I’ve hated. Only ever used them for recording and/or mixing though.
  13. Phew. I told my missus they were unlikely to do another when she complained about me buying my 2nd One10 last time out. 😁
  14. You really don’t want to hear my basses then.😂
  15. It is indeed a complete ball-ache. We’ve hardly earned anything from it either, but it has to be done, unfortunately.
  16. I’ve found the same with Rays. I really like how they sound, but not really when I play them. Still, I’m the same with Jazzes. I might give a Ray one last go at some point, but I’m not optimistic.
  17. Do they do gig bags for the VT500?
  18. 4000

    SOLD Wal Mk I

    I sold my Custom for £550 around 1996 and bought a Marshall 200watt Dynamic Bass head and single 15 cab with the money. What a muppet. 😂
  19. I didn’t realise that. Also in The Eiger Sanction. And David’s stepmum was Shirley Jones, of Carousel fame. Never knew that either.
  20. Interesting. I expected the Ray to sound more aggressive, but it’s much more polite, as I measure these things. Love the Ray slap sound though, always have.
  21. I think it was just the 112. You could try emailing them to check. I never really considered the matching cab due to the weight and the fact that I don’t like tweeters. I’m using a VT500 with 1 or 2 Barefaced One10s; I’m in an acoustic band so for me it’s sufficient.
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