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Everything posted by 4000

  1. 4000


    Sorry to hear that. Not surprising though!
  2. I watched this last night but I didn’t see Rog playing live, apart from the Pompei footage, playing Echoes. When did it appear? IIRC there was a bit of the actual track Money, and a bit with Guy playing it. FWIW also watched the SOS gig, which I enjoyed. I thought Guy’s BC Betsy sounded pretty good.
  3. Looks like a Westone Thunder IIA to me.
  4. 4000

    SOLD Wal Mk I

    Surely they also sit differently. One of the things I struggled a bit with on my Wals (a Mk 1 and a Pro IIE) was how they sat further out than I was used to. Have the same thing with some Warwicks.
  5. 4000

    SOLD Wal Mk I

    Many of them are heavy, particularly the wenge-faced ones. Strangely the Custom I had was pretty reasonable, probably 9, 9 and a half pounds.
  6. 4000

    SOLD Wal Mk I

    Love the wenge ones. 🤟
  7. 4000


    Blimey that’s cheap, isn’t it? That has to be worth a punt at that price. If you didn’t go for it I’d be pretty tempted myself, although not being on Facebook would be problematic. How cool is that Raven logo?
  8. They’re actually far more versatile than many people give them credit for. You can do a lot with 2 vols, 2 tones and a selector; ask any decent Les Paul player. And of course the stereo just adds to it.
  9. A couple of years back I bought about 10. I’ve still got them all, and I’m a pick player 99.9% of the time. Once upon a time I had a plectrum that Joey DeMaio (Manowar) gave me and I used that for many years before sadly losing it.
  10. Speaking as a pick player with a slightly unusual technique, that technique is weird!
  11. 😂 I thought maybe you’d just been distracted by something. 😉
  12. Still someone else’s pattern though. As a songwriter, I don’t approve. If it really had been a complete coincidence, that would be different.
  13. And a lot of other people’s!😳
  14. I’m afraid MMDV. I love Stairway to bits, but taking all things into account (Shared bills together, Plant’s apparent love of Spirit, Jimmy’s history of ripping things off and attempting to pass them off as his own, as well as their defence which appeared to plead almost complete ignorance), I’m afraid I firmly believe they ripped it off. Yes, they then “developed” it, but if the mask and stripey jumper fits, as it usually does in Jimmy’s case.....😉
  15. That’s strange Bilbo, always got the impression you weren’t a fan of McLaughlin. FWIW, I much prefer his acoustic playing to his electric. I guess for me it would be the first time I watched The Meeting of the Spirits gig: Re the Four Martins, it was actually Martin Simpson who blew me away, far more so than Martin Taylor. MS remains my favourite acoustic player.
  16. I’ve never understood the “woolly Ashdown” thing, except maybe with their lower end gear. When I had my Epifani and ABM heads, a/b’d through the same cab the Ashdown was far more alive.
  17. I can only assume that it was the fact they weren’t allowed to listen to it that meant Jim & co got away with it. 😉Some of the defence was absolute tosh. “We’d never heard it, honest guv, don’t even know who Spirit were!”. 😂
  18. Even more worrying is his rather shocking reference to “Two-way Family Favourites”, which I’m sure is a sub-genre of its own. 😂
  19. Oh I know. But the opening to Stairway is IMO more of a ripoff of Taurus than BL is of Got To Give It Up, which was intended as a tribute/pastiche anyway. In fact there is as much about Kiss by Prince that reminds me of GTGIU as BL. I found it interesting that the jurors apparently weren’t allowed to listen to Taurus. 😉 And let’s face it, Jimmy has plenty of form.😂
  20. Surely the clue is in the song title.😉 Still, yep, I know loads of women who love it. What that says I really don’t know. Maybe that they just want something to dance to and don’t care about the lyrics?
  21. What I can’t grasp is given that Pharrel & co got done for this, how on Earth did Zeppelin get away with Stairway? 😂
  22. 4000


    I tried to play some at the last Bass Day I went to. Couldn’t get on the stand for some bloke who wouldn’t get off. Kept going back, same result. Gave up in the end. I’m another who hasn’t been blown away by the tones I’ve heard, but I tend to like very individual sounding instruments rather than things that can do a great version of ‘bass a, b or c’. I’d still like to try some though, although I think for that money I’d still be buying a Sei.
  23. I agree with Baloney Balderdash that it’s very much a distorted P Bass sound, although a particularly good one. Some other examples of distorted Ps: All a bit different obviously, but all with similar DNA.
  24. I trained in fine art/illustration (even spent 2 weeks with George Hardie as my tutor), and this is one of the reasons I decided not to become an illustrator. In the end, there are IMO so few people who illustrate already-created stuff well. It always falls massively short of the imagination for me.
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