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Everything posted by 4000

  1. Well, in 2 entirely different bands than I’m in now, songs that stood out immediately before we went on were “Go With The Flow” by QOTSA, which really got the adrenalin going in a good way, and Rainbow Child by Dan Reed Network, which always puts me in a very, very happy place. I think the one that worked best for the audience though was Little Fluffy Clouds by the Orb, which got absolutely everyone on the dance floor (was in an indie funk band at the time - early ‘90s - and they stayed there for the whole set). I think Karate by Babymetal would do it for me now. 😉
  2. So, am extremely happy with my Tech21 VT500 heads for general use, but keep looking at these for the odd all-valve dabble, particularly at home or possibly recording. Probably because they’d look nice in the corner. 😉 😁 So, will these do Marshall Superbass-esque tones? Not looking for clean, think more Rog Glover on Machinehead or maybe Glenn Hughes on Made In Europe (yes, I know GH used Hiwatts), veering into Chris Squire territory. I’ll admit the VTs pretty much nail it really, but hey, GAS. 😁
  3. I had a black one too; great bass. I’ve had 2 actual Pro 1s and it was comfortably better than the ‘96 (although not quite as nice as the ‘91). Great necks on these. I sold mine to a friend and it’s been his main bass ever since; he gets a tremendous tone out of it.
  4. Harrison wrote some wonderful songs. Never really rated his playing, but IMO the former is 100 times more important than the latter.
  5. Well, as evidenced in a couple of posts above, LZ are the kings of the “unofficial” cover. 😉😂
  6. Watching the documentary on Peter Green recently, cringed when Carlos said “we took Black Magic Woman to another level”. I honestly could’ve slapped him. Carlos, you are the toy town, pound shop version of PG.
  7. Just for completeness, some of the neck-through 4000 basses (which changed to set-neck around ‘72) did indeed come already routed for a neck pickup, but some (as per the one I had), didn’t have any neck route. I still really regret getting rid of that as it cost me peanuts, relatively speaking, and would have been perfect to make into a copy of Lemmy’s first Ric. Stripped and with a T Bird pickup in the neck it would have been virtually identical.
  8. I’d put Clapton in the mediocre technique bracket tbh. I think almost every guitarist I know, none of them pro, is technically way ahead of him.
  9. On Clouds, for instance, I thought she sounded fine. Listening to Blue again today (and somewhat ironically given my absolute and unwavering adoration of Kate Bush😉), she’s mostly far too high pitched, wandering and warbly for my taste. Obviously that changed over time, but I still don’t love her voice, high, low or anywhere in between. As talented as she obviously is, for me she’s also sometimes guilty of my absolute top writer’s sin; cramming too many words in. I absolutely detest that, probably why I have little time for many of the “great” singer-songwriters. The words often seem to come before the melody, which is a complete non-no for me. “The Last Time I Saw Richard” is a perfect example of that. Still, the above is just my taste and no reflection on my respect for her as an artist.
  10. Awaken by Yes, Supper’s Ready by Genesis.
  11. Can’t say I’m really a huge fan of much of Joni’s output; I rather struggle with her voice, amongst other things, but I’d say I much prefer the earlier stuff. I’m currently listening to Clouds, which is probably my favourite, although I haven’t listened to every album she’s made. I’m going to try and revisit Blue for the umpteenth time later, as I’ve just not been able to get on with it previously, not for want of trying. I probably like her “jazz” stuff least, unlike most here. I just find it a bit too detached, for me at least. EDIT: Nope, still not getting Blue. Much, much prefer Clouds.
  12. Very good obviously, but can other people not invent melodies on the spot? If so, I find that a bit baffling tbh.
  13. This. Most of my learning the past several years has been via creating and most of the time I’m learning stuff that starts out in my head. Haven’t played covers in years. Decades even.
  14. Why? I’m pretty arsey about how I sound. But then I’m also one of the two main songwriters. 😉
  15. “Sounding like bass guitars” is a bit broad though. It depends what you’re after. Squire or Entwistle? Hooky or JJB? Jaco or Pino? Jamerson? Family Man? Mark King? A few of them would be extremely cheesed off if they didn’t get “their” sound live.
  16. Yes, ‘polite’ is the word I’d use, and one of the reasons they’re not really my ideal choice. I can’t help wondering what you could do with a Sansamp or similar though.😉
  17. It’s the colour that drew me to these. Love surf green/mint green/baby blues.
  18. Have you spoken to Overwater about this? They’re very knowledgeable and should be able to advise.
  19. Whilst I wouldn’t say they necessarily provide my dream sound, I’d go with the Overwater pickups. I’ve had several Sei basses with Barts and tbh have found them thoroughly underwhelming (the Barts, not the Seis).
  20. Changed neck pickup I see.
  21. +1. After the Goldrush is easily my favourite.
  22. Hmm. Non-Original tuners and and what looks like an Allparts bridge, but with original aluminium bridge & tailpiece included (therefore likely very early ‘73). Action looks mega high but maybe fixable. Decent price, especially considering the original bridge. I had a ‘73 4000 and it was by far the most aggressive-sounding bass I’ve ever played. If JJB had played a Rick, that would have been it. I also had a ‘72 through-neck 4000 that was nowhere near as aggressive.
  23. Yes, the weight thing can be an issue (most of the ones I’ve played - lots! - have been very heavy), so if weight is an issue for you make sure you’ve specified that.
  24. The bass player in a mate’s band used a reissue Rivoli in the ‘90s. It sounded epic. In fact they played on the same bill as another friend’s band, the bassist of which was using my old Wal, it actually sounded a lot better than the Wal, IMO. In context, obviously. One of the things I loved about it was that if you went into something in a high register it still sounded huge, which is one of my issues with most basses. Having said that about my old Wal, it’s another Wal on my wish list, funds allowing, for very specific usage.
  25. It’s still one of my go-to’s when picking up a new acoustic. Absolutely love Demons & Wizards and Magician’s Birthday, and a few of the others for that matter. Was listening to Innocent Victim the other day and had forgotten how good it was. Here’s a belter of a song from Ken’s pen:
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