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  1. I think everything I’ve ever heard about VM supports that. I’ve met Jon Anderson a couple of times though -although have certainly never worked with him! - and he seemed ok to me.
  2. We’ve already had Sandy and Karen, so here’s another of my faves:
  3. TBH, I never could stand his voice, so it made no difference to me!😂
  4. Was too busy trying to stand in mine. 😉
  5. Beat me too it. If I’m honest, she looked even taller.
  6. I met the sisters briefly after a FAK gig in Manchester in 2017. Johanna was impossibly beautiful. And impossibly tall. I’d thought Klara was fairly small because of how she looked on stage next to Johanna, incorrectly assuming Johanna would be fairly average height, so it was something of a shock when she came out and was only a few inches shorter than me. Johanna was taller than me and I’m 6ft. I absolutely adore First Aid Kit, without doubt one of my favourite ever bands.
  7. Tal on my right or left and what was that about other bassists.....?😉
  8. Even with the older basses, when I saw The Staves last the bassist played a P and a short scale (Mustang or similar); I thought the short scale sounded better in the mix and was more audible. Obviously there could have been a lot of other factors at work but it was interesting regardless.
  9. Well, it all depends on what the lines you’re playing are like. And it should, theoretically, be easier to play lines on a short scale (tension issues aside) for anyone; however this doesn’t mean you can’t play the same things on a longer scale. It’s not black and white, it’s shades of grey.
  10. At that time it’s a Bart in a pickup surround.
  11. Will never forget seeing the Hawkfest at Brixton one year when Lemmy played. Obviously Alan is a really nice player and very Lemmy-esque, but when Lemmy actually plugged in next to him the difference in sound was ridiculous. Lemmy sounded like a jumbo jet taking off.
  12. Here you go: pickup selector, two big cooker-style knobs (well outside my area of expertise I’m afraid), a chicken head knob and a jack socket.
  13. 😂 No probs. If I was doing any sort of Fender-based project, I’d be asking a lot of questions of some of the good folk on here...
  14. To be honest, unless you really pay attention or a have particular interest, it’s just stuff you pick up over time. I’ve been playing/collecting Rics for 40 years now and there’s still stuff that’s new to me. The best thing to do whenever you start any sort of project is do as much research as possible before you commit, that way there are fewer surprises along the way.
  15. If you want the same bridge/tailpiece in the same place he had, you may, depending on the placement of the routes underneath the bridge, run into problems. I haven’t seen under the new bridge so I don’t know what the routing is like, but with the older bridge if you try and move it you risk uncovering the routing underneath. Things like this, the shape etc are more reasons why I would’ve sourced a period correct bass, although I understand you reasoning for not doing so.
  16. http://boutique.rickenbacker.com/4003v2-TailpieceDamper-Assembly_p_786.html
  17. See my post above. The bridge isn’t the same. Your bass has the very, very long-awaited updated bridge, which, tailpiece shape aside, is very different to the previous one.
  18. No different, so far as I’m aware. I wouldn’t use Lemmy’s as a benchmark either way. EDIT - IIRC your bass has the new Ric bridge on, which is very recent and does indeed sit slightly differently, so I’m led to believe. I haven’t seen one in the flesh yet. FWIW the shape of your bass is different too, the horns are slimmer, amongst other small detail changes. Your bass isn’t ‘just’ a 4003. 4003 basses have changed a lot over the years, and yours is the most recent update, just as the details of the 4001 basses changed over the years.
  19. Google is your friend.....😉 Mind you, he had other ones on too......and looks like he’s got a Ric HB pickup in at this time.
  20. Like everything else, he had a habit of changing the knobs on his basses..
  21. First band I ever saw too, Dec ‘79, as per the live album from that period. Having only seen jazz orchestras previously, they blew my head clean off. Space Ritual taught me how to play, in the beginning.
  22. Depends on your tastes, but I’d suggest Space Ritual first, although it’s pretty intense so may not be the best ‘in’ for everyone. Failing that, you could try Doremi Fasol Latido or Warrior on the Edge of Time.
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