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  1. I like music you can dance to. I also like Prog and Jazz. But I like The best of Prog and Jazz better, for the most part. BTW, if you want elves and goblins, Zep and Heep are your boys.
  2. It was watching Lizzy that convinced me I wanted to be in a band In the first place. Love them to bits.
  3. It’s one thing that amuses me about jazz players who buy boutique, rigid instruments with active electronics and then complain they struggle to capture the feel of an upright.
  4. I’m the opposite. I much prefer what Chris plays - although I do love Geddy - as I just find him far more musical, IMO. I was actually a big Rush fan long before I was a Yes fan and was a Geddy acolyte long before I discovered Chris, but when Yes clicked with me that was it. I think I’d already started to go off Rush a little by then, but for me personally Yes were just far more interesting and less one-dimensional (relatively speaking; I certainly wouldn’t say Rush are one-dimensional, obviously). Of course Chris was a huge influence on Geddy, as Geddy openly admits.
  5. I’ve never understood why either, and mentioned it in a thread some time ago. I have never, to my knowledge, had a bass with insufficient sustain for what I do, and I’ve owned a lot of basses at all price points.
  6. Absolutely this. Or The Yes Album. Or Yessongs.
  7. Yep. At the bottom of the window they had pedals, pickups etc. Pretty normal in those days.
  8. See Kraftwerk never did it for me. For me, it’s Tangerine Dream all the way.
  9. Awaken is, for me, the greatest piece of music I’ve ever heard.
  10. Yes (if you’ll excuse the pun), that’s what I said.
  11. I don’t necessarily think it is less accessible; it does depends entirely on your perspective and background . My background was jazz at home, hymns at school and the Beatles (then ABBA) everywhere else; apart from my initial brush with them (when I’ll admit I was only casually listening anyway), I found Yes kind of an amalgam of all those. Personally I found most r’n’b, reggae etc far less accessible because it bore absolutely no relation to anything I grew up listening to.
  12. Rush to me always sounded a bit like either a “rock” version of Yes or a “Prog” version of Led Zep. 😉 I was never quite sure which. 😂
  13. As before, I’d say that’s true of any type of music or any band/artist.
  14. Was that the album or the track? I’m not a huge fan of the track, but the album is one of my favourites.
  15. If that’s the case, keep trying. There’s a lot of Yes to go at. A friend who is now a huge Yes fan spent several years trying to get past the first 5 minutes of Close To The Edge. I just told him to stick with it. Eventually he got there and now he loves them.
  16. As above, it really doesn’t matter if you don’t like or don’t get them. Using your Werewolves thread as an example, I absolutely detest that record. Detest it. Can’t stand Warren Zevon generally. But so what? Should that have any bearing on whether someone else likes him? No. You shouldn’t be expected to like, or feel obliged to like anything. Respect it, maybe. But not actually like.
  17. No, no, no, no. When I first heard Jon (see above) I was surprised by the pitch and the accent, but he’s become one of my all time favourite vocalists. Geddy, not so much, although I do like Rush. 😉
  18. Hah, that’s funny as I kind of view it the opposite way round! Thing is, if you don’t like them does it matter?
  19. Isn’t everything, to some degree? I don’t think I ever expect to like, or expect to dislike, something Ive never heard before. Whatever it is, I try to at least approach it with an open mind. I will say the first time I heard them, in my early teens, I struggled with them. The album was Relayer. I was however a big Genesis fan so they weren’t too far removed. However when I revisited them a few years later the penny dropped, and then some. They’re now probably my favourite band, and a Relayer is one of my favourite albums.
  20. I’m kind of kicking myself too. If it hadn’t worked out it would have been easy enough to sell on. Just a small matter of the initial outlay, which could have caused some issues with she-who-must-be-obeyed. 😉
  21. I remember ordering a DiMarzio Model 1 (like the one he originally had in his white Ric) around maybe ‘82 to put in my first Ric, but unfortunately after I’d paid the deposit I couldn’t get the rest of the money together. It sat in the window of a local guitar shop for ages.
  22. The BTLOTL bass is also bound. It’s quite possible it’s a 4001 with a new board. It’s something I’ve toyed with many times over the years because I like maple boards (although it could also be a fake).
  23. I wouldn’t advise trying it with a set neck 4000 anyway as you’ll compromise the neck joint, and the through-neck 4000s are rare as hen’s teeth.
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