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Everything posted by 4000

  1. Honestly couldn’t tell you, all I remember is the sound Geddy’s Ric! And the lovely Susan.....❤️😂 I will say that I really don’t remember the crowd sounding anything like that into it, but I really don’t remember much except Geddy & the Ric, and driving after them after the gig. It is possible they played Subdivisions before Signals came out, I suppose. I’ve heard other bands play stuff not yet released before now. https://www.rush.com/tour/exit-stage-left/ Its actually listed on here, so seems legit.
  2. I’ve always found Chris to be really pleasant. It may have been someone else.
  3. I love this. Eurovision, yes, cheesey, possibly, and I don’t care. Have to agree on I Feel Love though. Never bettered.
  4. Have just checked and it was indeed classed as the Exit Stage Left tour, although as you say all the merch, including the programme, were Moving Pictures. I can’t say I remember us thinking/ being aware it was ESL, but then it’s a long time ago. EDIT: listening back, I’m amazed how into it the audience sounds. I have no recollection whatsoever of the audience reaction. All I remember is a very loud Geddy and a very quiet Alex; nothing like the recording, at least where I was stood.
  5. That’s weird, as I started listening a bunch of memories from the gig (more being in the crowd than the band) came back to me that I’d forgotten. It was certainly an interesting night. Myself and a friend who was also a huge Rush fan went with a girl from our college and her boyfriend, who was driving. She was breathtaking, and I had a bit of a crush on her (and no hope in hell at the time!). After the gig we followed Rush’s car onto the motorway for what must have been a good half hour; eventually we gave up the chase but not before pulling up alongside and giving Geddy a wave. He looked back at us, somewhat perplexed. I’ve seen Rush twice and barely heard a note Alex played either time.
  6. Interesting analogies. I love Hawkwind; in fact they initially taught me how to play. But peak Hawkwind (Lemmy era) were a huge driving monster of a band, the complete opposite of all the Dead I’ve heard. I think you’re right about it being more the audience. Mike Moorcock described Hawkwind as being like cavemen that had got hold of electronic equipment (or something to that effect), which I thought was pretty apt. The Fairport analogy I can kind of see, but having far more interest in English folk music than country and blues they connect with me far more, or did at their peak, anyway, i.e. when Sandy Denny was with them. They had such a strong identity then. I think identity is pretty key to me. And that would be the real difference for me; one of the best voices I’ve ever heard, singing not only wonderful traditional material but stellar originals too.
  7. I did listen to quite a lot of live stuff as I’m aware that many Dead fans feel the same as you. I think for me, they maybe just fall between too many different stools; they’re not quite enough of anything to really grab me. I don’t find the songs very strong, I don’t find the playing particularly passionate or inspired. YMMV, obviously. I haven’t disliked what I’ve heard, I just haven’t particularly liked it either; it’s just ok. But I’ll keep trying at intervals, and if I never manage to get into them it’s no great loss in the scheme of things; plenty of people do really like them (like yourself) and there are dozens of other bands I really do love.
  8. Saw them on the Moving Pictures tour at Deeside Leisure Centre, all I could hear was Geddy (he used a Ric, FWIW) and he sounded fantastic. Saw them later on Roll The Bones with the Wal, obviously a different sound altogether.
  9. The Starry Night finish.....now you’re talking. That’s epic.
  10. I love many of the new MM finishes.....but not that one. Looks like it’s a good job! 😁
  11. Well, we all get different things out of music and I have no problem with that, that’s how it should be. And I did enjoy them more than the last several times, so we’re on a positive upward curve.
  12. Ah, I get it. You’re actually Ken Smith. Now it all makes sense. 😂
  13. Your tone was rude, IMO. Re-read your post. It’s coming to something when I think someone else is just being pedantic.😂
  14. I’ve known plenty of musicians who play without listening.😉 I’m not really sure what your point is. I’m sure the majority of the people who stated they don’t really listen to music anymore meant they don’t actively seek it out and then sit down and immerse themselves in it like they used to. And I’m sure you know that. Also interesting that you post something that comes across as pretty rude and then end it with “peace!”, like that makes it ok.
  15. But surely some people may enjoy playing music without necessarily needing to put a record on when they get home. In the same way someone might like having sex without needing to watch someone else doing it.😉
  16. The bass in that , IMO, has no power, no drive, compared to Geddy’s version. But each to their own.
  17. Good grief. That was all a bit of a bodge.
  18. Drive, string noise, rattling etc are pretty much essential to a stellar bass sound in my book. Hi-fi bass tone generally sounds pretty pants in a mix (I know as that’s what I spent most of the ‘80s trying to achieve), which is what is important, unless you play solo.
  19. Until lockdown, I didn’t listen to a great deal anymore because I was too involved in writing and creating it. Listening to it had become a bit of a busman’s holiday.
  20. Er......not really, not in my terms. 😂 I’m not sure where the prog, pop and classical fits in, unless in jest. Everything I’ve listened to just sounds like variations on a theme of The Grateful Dead. Which is fine, if you like The Grateful Dead. 😉 I had a two day Dead-a-thon the other week, trying desperately to get into them for the umpteenth time. I failed. Again.
  21. Me neither, and I have a very good attention span. I like far too many different types of music that no one band does.
  22. I seem to remember I read somewhere that they were punch ins, although I could be mistaken.
  23. Unfortunately Overwater have historically leaned towards the heavier side of things, although obviously they could build you something lighter if you asked.
  24. For some people that is the perfect sound. 😉
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