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Everything posted by 4000

  1. Love KT. She seems a particularly good egg too, and is hilarious to boot. My current -and likely future fave - the late, legendary Sandy Denny;
  2. IIRC he was making it as a general point, not applying it to himself.
  3. I think it entirely depends on the individual. I remember Adrian Legg once saying something like “it takes a strong personality to survive the academic”. Forgive me, that’s not the exact quote (I’d have to dig through several years of guitar mags to try and find it, which I can’t do at the moment), but it was something like that. Speaking personally, I know that as much as studying art academically helped my art in some ways, it unquestionably hemmed me in in others.
  4. I loved the old Trace gear. After I’d finally sold my Trace gear due to having a bad back, I remember trying almost every rig in The Gallery - Epifani, SWR, Eden, Aguilar, EBS, Ampeg, Markbass Etc and hating everything, then finally plugging into a Trace combo, pushing the (mid cut) pre-shape in and bingo. Sadly I couldn’t buy it for the same reason I’d sold my old stuff; it was just all far too heavy for me. Tonally, for me, it blew everything else into the dust.
  5. I’d like to try one, 4 or 5, as they seem to address some of the things Im not so keen on with the older basses. I’ve never yet managed to get an MM to work for me, but you never know.
  6. Just out of interest, what happens if he doesn’t want to give him a refund?
  7. But if they don’t do all those things in the same bass, then he couldn’t have bought one from Fender could he.😉😂
  8. Oh, I applaud them both for doing something different. Im not sure they’d be happy about being referred to as NAFF designs though.😂
  9. Have you tried emailing them? You might have more luck.
  10. I said it, and personally I feel Carl’s designs generally flow far better, although appreciate they’re still very much an acquired taste. Most - not all - of Jens designs don’t flow at all, IMO, and I have a background in art/design (not that that has any real bearing on personal taste). To me, they really do look like they’ve been drawn by a child.
  11. Have to say that reminds me of a jelly baby. 😉
  12. Well, if we’re giving opinions, I think 99% of his basses are hideous and look, as I’ve said elsewhere, like a child’s drawing of a Carl Thompson. But if they float your boat, go for it. It’d be very boring if we all liked the same things. Not entirely sure I see the point of starting a thread just to say how awful something is, but hey, we’ve replied, so what do I know?
  13. Both are nice, but the aqua sparkle is lush.
  14. Check out Martin Simpson; he uses silk wraps. It’s about 23:20 he mentions it.
  15. As I’ve got most of cds anyway there’d have to be a very good reason for me to duplicate them.
  16. Sorry to hear that. Oh well, that’ll save me a few quid!
  17. Allowing for the waiting time - assuming they’re building at the moment due to COVID - I’d go new. There was a batch in the ‘80s with dodgy necks (bad wood batch) , which you wouldn’t know until you happened to get one. I had one and the neck just wouldn’t settle.
  18. If you can do it on one instrument surely you can do it on another? Ok, the role is theoretically different, but it’s just notes after all, they’re no different. One of the guys in our band (the other main songwriter) can’t jam at all. He writes great songs, writes great parts for various instruments that he plays, sings, but start jamming - even something really simple - and he just freezes and has no idea what to do. It baffles me. Thankfully it’s irrelevant to the band!
  19. That boxed set looks lovely.
  20. This is what I do, although I still won’t buy a heavy bass, just in case I have to stand for some reason.
  21. Oh God, it’s still here. “Must......resist......”
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