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  1. I grew up with jazz; especially Ellington, Basie et al. My dad played in or fronted big bands all his playing life. James Last was considered the antichrist in my house. 😂 Nothing has changed for me since. 😉
  2. I think to be fair, having played so, so many Warwicks over the years, since those first ones in the Bass Centre in the ‘80s, they really have been all over the place in terms of whether Ive liked them or not. The early ones (‘80s - ‘91/‘92-ish) I’ve almost universally loved, occasional serious weight aside. Those since I’ve liked and hated and everything in between. I don’t think I’ve loved anything after that period though, so far as I can remember. But of course someone else might find the complete opposite.
  3. Again, there is singing of sorts, and more so than in Sylvia, but I don’t see why they can’t scrape in. I love Focus, they’re unbelievable.
  4. Sylvia by Focus. One of my favourite tracks and probably my favourite riff ever. I suppose technically there is singing of sorts...
  5. If we’re going Camel, has to be Lunar Sea or Ice.
  6. Am I correct in assuming the weight includes the covers (therefore that it would be lighter without them)?
  7. The Mayones basses I’ve played (a couple of different models) have been heavy and very glossy finish-wise. Warwicks generally tend towards heavy too, depending on model of course, but generally are oil-finished, so typically feel quite different. Sounds are simply a matter of preference, as, ultimately is playability. I’m sure you could get either setup really nicely.
  8. To be honest I like that way less.
  9. Well yes, but I think that applies to loads of great basslines. I’m sure 99.9% of people here are aware that it’s essentially pretty standard stuff.
  10. I like the song, FWIW. But then I like lots of what is generally labelled pop music.
  11. I suspect that’s kind of the point.
  12. I’ve bought from the US a few times (not from Talkbass though) , but not for a few years now. Normally worked out about 25% extra, maybe a bit more. The one disaster was the first, which was lost in transit and never turned up. Took me a full year to get the insurance money and by the time I did the exchange rate had changed so much I lost £200.
  13. But I thought everyone knew that With Or Without You should have a bubbling 16th ghost-noted bassline with some fierce slap in the chorus. 😉😂
  14. The only Fodera I like the actual design of is the Matt Garrison. For me, it’s the only great-looking singlecut. EDIT: Forgot the original W&T Zoid, that looked great. The newer version is a mess IMO. It looks like kid tried to copy the original and failed.
  15. I have it on pretty good authority from someone who has put LPs in instruments he’s built - and who knows his onions - that they’re actually quite polite-sounding pickups.
  16. This. One of the greatest bass tones ever, IMO, and I love Roger’s playing on that album. Massive early influence on me.
  17. I’ve played several very expensive Foderas and the best of them I thought was not bad. The rest I didn’t like at all. I’ve much preferred the Seis and Alembics I’ve owned/played. In fact there was one at Bass Day a few years back and Paul Everson’s stand was opposite. I played one of Paul’s basses that absolutely blew the Fodera out of the water IMO.
  18. I like CTs. I think they look way better than a lot of boutique basses (Ritter look like a 5 year old’s drawing of a CT IMO. Played a CT once, many years ago, in the Bass Centre in Wapping. It was really nice.
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