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  1. This is only an Alembic Series 1 (not the more expensive Series 2) and is missing plenty of expensive options. https://www.station-musicshop.de/epages/64398533.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/64398533/Products/9692
  2. Ritter: https://www.luxuo.com/the-lux-list/collectibles/bass-guitar.html FWIW, £11k for an Alembic is nowhere near their top end. Their 25th Anniversary was $25,000.00 decades ago. http://www.alembic.com/info/sterling.html
  3. Did we have matching sofas?😳
  4. I used one of those as my main bass for a few years, in preference to my 1980 Rick 4001 and my very early ‘70s P Bass. It was great, I loved it. Sold it for about £100 in - IIRC - the very early ‘90s. EDIT - I actually sold the P to help pay for it, now I remember. But I liked the Quantum way more.
  5. There’s no such thing. There are people who have had a dramatic impact musically, culturally etc, and people who you like. Sometimes they align, sometimes not. There are people who are technically deficient who have had an enormous impact stylistically, people who are technical wizards who have had no impact at all, and every point in between, and it can all be argued til the cows come home without getting anywhere at all. 😉
  6. Just looks much narrower than normal on the photo.
  7. The keys solo on Close to the Edge. Also, the one on the live version of Starship Trooper on Yessongs. Several on various Caravan tracks. And pretty much every flute solo ever.😉
  8. They did a new range just a few years ago, they sold them at the Great British Bass Lounge. No idea if they still do them.
  9. Well I never play covers, so there is that. 😉 But I’ve never, ever thought a bass has dropped out before I wanted it to, and I’ve had a lot of basses. Relatively few bolt-ons though, so I don’t know if that’s also a factor, he says, clutching at straws. 😁
  10. Except in the case of changing the saddles, once I changed them back the sound went back to what it had been before, so that unfortunately isn’t the case.
  11. Another suggestion for a VTBass pedal. I liked mine so much I bought two of the 500watt heads as well! The heads seem to be pretty much ignored but I’ve tried a bunch of other class Ds - pretty much all the popular ones - and for me it was no contest. The only things that came remotely close were GK.
  12. Is he related to Jimi Hendrix?😉😂
  13. Yep, I would agree. As someone else said though, in 40 years I’ve never had a single bass where I needed more sustain.....
  14. Always makes laugh when I see people lusting after Antigua Fenders. They got a bunch in our local guitar shop in around 1980 or so, and people used to congregate at the window commenting how hideous a finish it was. Hindsight and all that.😉
  15. The problem is, some will likely hear clear differences and some won’t. We all hear differently anyway, and as I’ve found over many years playing the same instruments with other musicians, and even more specifically in the recording studio, some are blessed with ears that others don’t have.
  16. Wow, that would have been amazing. I think I saw Yes five (?) times. First time was the Union tour at the NEC, then didn’t see them again until the Open Your Eyes tour (Manc Apollo), then The Ladder (ditto), then Symphonic (ditto), then Full Circle (?) at Liverpool Docks, which may have been the last time. I have a vague recollection of having seen them once more, but I have no ticket or programme so I’m not sure about that. Met the band twice, I think (I have 2 signed programmes so that must be the case). I also have a video that a friend of a friend shot of a chunk of the Open Your Eyes Manc Apollo gig. The best was either the Open Your Eyes gig or Symphonic.
  17. You know, rewatching the vid makes me sad, knowing I’ll never see him live again.
  18. Well as well as spending a lot of time in the bath, hence his nickname, he also drank like a Fish, so I imagine that contributed to it. Of course there could be many other factors.
  19. I could be wrong, but I would imagine the neck is based on that of Guy’s actual bass.
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