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  1. Yeah, I’ve always found the same with Barts. I’m used to a very crisp, dynamic tone and they just aren’t. I’ve always much preferred EMGs to Barts. The KAs I’ve used on Seis sound great, and of course AA winds pickups for ACG and GB, amongst others. Thats interesting about the Delano’s. May have to try some one day.
  2. I think Bernie falls very squarely into the luxury end to be honest.😉
  3. Is that the Eagle near Blueprint Studios? We’ve played there.
  4. One of the things I’ve learnt over the years is how much more distorted many of my favourite bass sounds are than I thought. Recording our last couple of albums I used a degree of distortion that I thought might be excessive, given the band is essentially acoustic apart from me, and it’s still not really been enough. As soon as it’s in the mix the distortion just disappears.
  5. They’re both pretty cool.
  6. Tapping doesn’t interest me at all. But if it interests you, go for it.
  7. All I can say is whenever I’ve changed anything about a bridge material - even changing the saddles on one of my old Rics for ones made of a different material - I could definitely hear the difference. I didn’t necessarily expect to, I just did. I changed a BBOT on my early ‘70s Fender for a Schaller, sounded very different to me.
  8. 😁 Bit too heavy for me, unfortunately. Although I imagine nowhere near that Ranney!
  9. They’re great. But I would advise sticking with a fairly light gauge (like the Ric set) if getting a Ric. I put the Roto 8 string set on mine prior to selling and it didn’t like them, the tension was too much.
  10. Aaron took over from Kent in the UK and some people (maybe those of us who are a bit older) still refer to Aaron’s pickups as KAs. I know I do. 😉
  11. No, he said he would’ve replaced the Barts with Delano’s as he didn’t like the Barts. I don’t either.
  12. Yeah, especially when you’ve just spent a day listening to early Stu Zender. 😁 I have it on good authority that one of the problems with the earlier Warwicks was the truss rod was too near the back of the neck. Just out of interest, how do the EMGs sound compared to the MECs? Don’t think I’ve ever played a Streamer S1 - bar the early cherry/wenge ones - with EMGs in it.
  13. Well I’ve seen Martin Petersen do pretty much invisible repairs before, and this isn’t invisible. May indeed be worth checking with a luthier though, just for reassurance.
  14. Have never tried the Delano’s. What are they like? The best-sounding Seis I’ve tried have had Kent/Aaron Armstrong pickups in them.
  15. Half the thread was missing when I posted above; as soon as I posted it all appeared, so obviously my second comment is somewhat redundant. The Ranney makes me want another 8 string. I had an 8 string Ric for a few years and it was fab. I love the 8 string sound.
  16. The 8 string Ranney was custom built; it’s not a Ric. The Ric wasn’t, it’s a ‘64.
  17. Having met him twice and being 6ft myself (I’ve actually been measured at 5’11 and 3/4”) he was easily 6’ 3”, and he was a big guy all-round, not just tall (although obviously he got bigger as he got older, as most of us do). The Ric is a normal Ric. My hands are about normal for my size (certainly not undersized) and his hands were much bigger than mine.
  18. It’s a lovely bass. I would imagine that if it hadn’t been repaired it would move pretty easily, so be fairly obvious.
  19. Probably me being dim, but has it actually had a repair, or is it unknown at this point?
  20. For me, Brian would unquestionably be up there in my personal top 5. Utterly unique and always unfailingly musical.
  21. I remember seeing a band in a club once and one of them broke a string. He then spent the next 15-20 minutes changing it. We didn't stay. But like others here, I’ve never broken a string playing in 40 years. I have had a a couple of electronics-related things fail on me though, including a jack socket and an active circuit. You ain’t fixing those in 15-20 minutes, onstage. 😉
  22. Chris had huge hands. I shook hands with him once.
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