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Everything posted by 4000

  1. I have a feeling I may have played it when It was there.
  2. Oh, as I say, he’s my favourite player. The picking, odd time sigs and harmonies aren’t a problem (never had the bass pedals), but coming up with the parts is another thing entirely.
  3. This. I’m not sure anything I’ve heard by Chris (who most will know is my favourite player) is particularly difficult - other than remembering the songs! - but it’s the musicality. And THAT tone, of course.😉
  4. If the plan is to paint the natural one in blue metal flake, it’s a thumbs up from me. 😉
  5. I played a TB once. I’d say it was the heaviest bass I’ve ever played, which is really saying something!
  6. Got 3 of them already, hence why I didn’t include them.
  7. Flea and Entwistle both famously have/had very low action and very straight necks.
  8. Strings are, IMO, the most underrated aspect of how an instrument sounds. Action too. I use Roto steels and have very low action. I have as little relief as possible though.
  9. I would second the “get another body” advice. Then if you do decide to sell, the resale value is intact. Ultimately up to you, but what seems like a great idea now may not in a few years time.
  10. Wow, fantastic price. Bargain!
  11. Not necessarily what I’ve found in over 40 years. Of course if you play aggressively it helps, but some basses just are more aggressive. Bit baffled by the bit about the Stingray not sounding proper in any setting! Flea and Bernard Edwards spring immediately to mind! Ive had 2 Wals, FWIW.😉
  12. This is how I approach life, based on way too much experience!
  13. Which is exactly my point. A spare bass. I was referring to those who take all the tools but no spare bass, as Im sure you’re aware. 😉
  14. This is why I like an aggressive-sounding bass. Because I don’t play aggressively and so it helps.
  15. Get rid of the one on the left, it’s plum ugly.😂 (I love Warwick Aliens).😉
  16. How much is he going to hate playing the bass by the time he’s in his 20s?😉😂
  17. I really don’t get on with Statuses, in any way, shape or form. I’ve had 4 and haven’t liked any of them. Physically I can’t even play them anymore, I find them incredibly uncomfortable. By far the most aggressive-sounding bass I’ve owned/played was my old set neck ‘73 Ric 4000.
  18. Spectors really don’t work for me at all, which is one of the reasons I didn’t include them.😉
  19. I think Wals can be aggressive. Leigh Gorman has what I consider a fairly aggressive tone, and I could cop that, more or less, with my Pro IIE. My Custom could get pretty aggressive too. And Flea on Blood Sugar? That’s aggressive to me. Strangely in my experience the least aggressive is the Ray, even though I hear lots of people get plenty aggressive with them. So far I’ve not found one that gels with me; they always just seem really nasal when I play them. Still, I have the same effect on Jazz Basses. 😉😁
  20. My V63 had the same bridge as my CSs, but of course it’s only cosmetically similar to the bridge on pre-73 basses.
  21. It was indeed. Sorry, hadnt meant to include you. 😁
  22. I’m a bit baffled by those who think that because they have the tools to fix anything, it’s problem solved. If your bass fails mid set, are you going to whip out a soldering iron? Ive been gigging since 1980 and in that time I’ve only needed a spare 2 or 3 times, but it can happen. Once it was a wire that had come astray, mid song. Strangely enough I don’t tend to check the wiring (rather complex in that particular case) before every gig so hadnt noticed one was coming astray. Another time a jack socket in a vintage bass failed on me. And another time, a jack socket on a modern bass failed on me. And then there are batteries (one of the reasons I tend to avoid actives these days). Still, I don’t always take a backup because sometimes it’s not practical (I don’t drive, for a start).
  23. Er, I sometimes take one and have needed it a couple of times.
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