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Everything posted by 4000

  1. See, that’s a great response. It can be done! 😂
  2. Technically it would also need a longer headstock, but I think that’s splitting hairs.😉
  3. Surprised that your V63 has a slim neck, given the year. The consensus is that the slim necks (relatively speaking) stopped around ‘97-ish. All the V63s I’ve played (and the ‘99 I owned) after that date have had pretty big necks. My ‘91 and ‘96 CSs were both much slimmer. Still, we’re talking Rickenbacker I guess.😉😂
  4. FWIW, I have extensive experience of all 3 but was just interested to see other people’s opinions.
  5. You give three options and everyone chooses something different.😂 So, OUT OF THE THREE LISTED, which do you consider the most aggressive. 😉
  6. So, inspired by a conversation I had recently, for those of you with experience of all three, which of the following do you consider the most aggressive-sounding bass (all other things being equal, i.e. player, amp etc): Warwick Thumb Musicman Stingray Wal
  7. Something to bear in mind is that whatever makes one bass “better” than another (even amongst similar models) might not be to your taste. Or there might be other factors; I once played one of the water-cured redwood NS 5 strings; it was nice enough, but it weighed a ton, far heavier than my old Euro. That would have been a deal breaker for me straight away.
  8. There’s no question you should be able to do both. The shop, if bought new, should sort it out for you.
  9. I find that sonically they work really well for chordal playing too. They’re very full-sounding up the neck, and, IMO, very musical.
  10. Yes, you should. But occasionally there are issues. A small thing, I have no recent experience of Musicman rods, but I know the truss rods on my old Seis used to work in reverse.....
  11. 4000

    Sterling SB14?

    If you’re going to take it somewhere in London, particularly as a beginner, take it to the Bass Gallery. One thing I can’t help wondering though, is if it’s essentially a Musicman Sterling, and if you’ve got the controls wide open, well, a Musicman wide open is typically a pretty zingy bass and if you’ve no experience of this and are expecting something more mellow it may come as a surprise. I take it you’ve tried fiddling with the controls? Apologies if it’s a stupid question, but I have no real idea how much experience you have. That’s assuming you’re plugging it in...
  12. Was it new? If so, I’d email the place you got it from. Alternatively, email Musicman direct.
  13. I’ve always sung and played, since the day I first picked up the bass. I’ve sung lead or backing in most of the bands I’ve been in. Sometimes I find more complicated bass lines easier than the simple stuff, when singing. I just practice, keep doing both. I tend to get the bass so it’s somewhere near and then work on the vocals, although sometimes it’s the other way round. Relaxation is key.
  14. I'll admit to something here......I think the Wal knobs are absolutely gorgeous - titter ye not! - and one of my favourite things about the instruments, along with the pickups. I wish more luthiers would think more seriously about their knobs (stop it!).
  15. I was going to mention GUS but ran out of steam, for a change. 😂Build-wise, they really are amazing. Jaydee also make the bulk of their own hardware and their own pickups etc.
  16. That’s lovely, but not that difficult to do for any decent luthier; I’d expect stuff like that from any of the top builders and many of the smaller ones (Everson springs to mind). There are many builders working to that level of craftsmanship and even beyond, these days. I’ve sat and watched quite a few great builders making instruments and have spent many, many hours in Sei HQ watching what they do. The price of used Wals really sky-rocketed when they became unobtainable new. Then when they became available new again, IMO the bar was kind of set. Well, that and Tool. 😉 But hey, if you’ve got the money and only a Wal will do, then go for it. 😁 They are very nice basses, undoubtedly, and I’d still like another. One thing that I’ve found interesting, I’ve seen one or two people over the years who have kind of retired their Wals (too valuable etc) in favour of Stingrays, or who have played both side by side. I’ve never been able to get anything like a Wal Sound from a Ray, so I’d be interested to hear other people’s experiences. Maybe I’ve been doing something wrong.😉 😂
  17. Oh I’m sure someone makes the bridge etc for them, but I’m sure that’s the case for people like Overwater as well. The point was they’re not just bought in off the shelf. 😉
  18. Thing is though, the early Warwicks are also hand made so far as I’m aware, and you can pick up a used early Thumb for less than half the price (a third even) of a used Wal. In my considerable experience of both, the Warwick will typically be better built. The Wal sound is unique & great, and obviously I’d like another, but none of the many Customs or Pros I’ve played have really stood up build-wise compared to many of the more recent top luthiers. Neither of mine was close to my early Warwicks, or my Seis, and compared to my custom Alembic they looked like I’d built them. It wasn’t even remotely close. Now I’m sure they’re better built now, but tbh they would have to be, because on build quality alone the competition had left them behind. Probably the closest UK luthiers in terms of having almost all their own parts made more or less in house would be Overwater, Status and Jaydee (with a nod to ACG and GB re electronics), and all of those are far cheaper than a Wal. You can get a Starchild Jaydee, which contains a considerable amount of work, for less than half the starting price of a Wal. As pointed out earlier in the thread, the fact that they are so much more expensive now than they were, comparatively speaking, speaks volumes.
  19. Keep coming back to this. The woods are just gorgeous.
  20. Love these in this finish. Sadly they don’t love me. ☹️
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